Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

The games were never as clever as they wanted us to believe. Sure they are beautifully crafted, no one can question that, but the series takes itself far too seriously. :roll:
You sure? The beginning alone felt like it would never end.
.Pixote. said:
The series takes itself far too seriously. :roll:

Eeeeh, only sometimes. Substance, Subsistence and further could get really goofy and weird, plus some of Peace Walker's media was pretty silly.
Mgs3 is only cutscene heavy on the beginning and the very end but i think it has much less cutscenes than mgs2 or mgs4(which went way too far with that )

Looks good, i hope its more in the style of mgs3, which i thought was where the series peaked, gameplay and character wise. But frankly i can understand why everyone might not like the mgs3 (or the series for that matter). It has this quirky sense of humor and the story constantly changes from serious to silly and back, its also kind of too convoluted so its starts to show holes at times.

What i especially liked about the series tho (until mgs4 which slipped a bit on that department IMO) is that most of the characters are intresting and their motives make sense in the context of the story. Also i happen to like some of the silly humor it has, it makes the game look like it takes itself much less serious which helps when stuff gets bit too unbelievable. I thought this was also one of the things that mgs4 suffered, it only had some references to past silly stuff and tried to fit the humor into the plot so it kinda falled flat in my opinion. Oh and yeah i do like the gameplay too :mrgreen:
Tagaziel said:
I used to be indifferent about the MGS series, but after playing MGS4... Damn, I'm actually looking forward to this. I also need to save up to get me a PSP and Peace Walker.

I'll assume since you have played MGS4 that you have a PS3, if that's the case you could always just get the HD collection and play PW there. It's a lot better than the PSP version just because you don't have to resort to using Ad-hoc party for co-op.

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
For me it's the opposite. I used to love MGS but after MGS4 I'm not interested anymore. :|

Kind of the same. I'm just not as interested anymore.

I later played some of the older Metal Gear games and discovered I enjoyed games like Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake and Metal Gear Ghost Babel much more.
They have entertaining stories but don't fill half the game with these, allowing you to actually play the game.

I daresay that those are probably the best, although I always had a soft spot for MGS2 because of the post-modern mindfuck it gave me and MGS1 for nostalgia. MG2 and GB are terribly overlooked.

So I guess we get more of Big Boss' fall from grace' in this game.
Should have expected that one, Portable Ops and Peace Walker wasn't just enough.

The people with a boner for Big Boss will rejoice.

Yeah, I was hoping it would've been a lot more in PW, but that wasn't the case. At least he was a better protagonist in PW than he was in MGS3. That game has seriously the most autistic and terrible protagonist in the series.

As cool as David Hayter is, I'm really hoping they have Richard Doyle voice him now; especially considering how old he's starting to look.

TorontRayne said:
I think we discussed this before, but I still disagree. MGS4 did have incredibly long cutscenes, but to me the gameplay was worth it, and I didn't really have any huge issues with the story - I liked it better than MGS 2.

Honestly, I found the gameplay in MGS4 to be the worst. So many weapons that I never ended up using and it was pretty much going from point A to point B. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the Octocamo -- made the game way too easy. The first two acts were good in terms of gameplay and even the story, but after that it all starts to fall down. Even the highest rank/emblem was easy to get in comparison to other games.

I also bear no love for the driving sequences.

My advice: Give it another shot, just to be sure. The writing wasn't any worse to me - It actually felt similar to the others in that respect. I urge you to try to at least finish it Dutch. Then judge for yourself.

Admittedly, I don't think the Kojima is necessarily a good writer, but he has a lot of great ideas. MGS4 was just worse because it focused too much on tying everything that sometimes it forgets about it's own plot. Too many unnecessary long cutscenes (like Ocelot explaining the Philosophers), pretty bad forced moments, terrible retcons, etc.
I like how this one is more open-ended, so I'm hoping there's less cut scenes or shorter ones. But the videos they have out are makiing me very excited for GZs.

Also the announcement that there's going to be an MGS5 is puzzling. I'm guessing it'll be Big Boss again.
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Was the extended trailer posted? This game is going to be completely open ended. Calling in for air support with the flares is badass, not to mention that you can customize the song they play when they come in. Driving vehicles is a natural progression imo. I'm going to go ahead and predict that this may be one of the best Metal Gear titles in the series. He said this is how he wanted MGS 1 to be, so I think he might have the ability to pull off something special. Less cinemas would be good of course.