Rev. Layle
A Smooth-Skin

me too, i usually wait 2-3 years before I ever buy a game. this was an impulse, "let's see what this is really about" type purchase.
More on the adventure:
The plot is progressing nicely. The idea behind is cool, but it is still: go do this for me; go get this for me; go get this for me and take it to this person for an exchange, then bring it back; or go defeat somone.
The game's major dialogue points are set in stone, you just watch and listen. Basically this game has lots of things to do, but game will only interact when it thinks you should interact.
There are many tasks in the game that will appear. You can do them in any order, but you have to do a certain set of tasks to open up the next part of the story and get to the next set of tasks. Bascially, a very thin veil of "open-endedness". The story is linear and probably has NO replay value after I am done. It is not a very short adventure, ultimately, so they did pack some gameplay time into the game, but after that, I will probably log no more hours into it whatsoever.
I will say that Lanthan is prick, in a "look... i don't care what you want, i just want the fuck off this planet and will do anything to get there" - some of the banter between Lanthan and Cheris is funny (if you can GET PAST HER "OH MY FUCKING GOD PLEASE SHUT UP" VOICE).
More on the adventure:
The plot is progressing nicely. The idea behind is cool, but it is still: go do this for me; go get this for me; go get this for me and take it to this person for an exchange, then bring it back; or go defeat somone.
The game's major dialogue points are set in stone, you just watch and listen. Basically this game has lots of things to do, but game will only interact when it thinks you should interact.
There are many tasks in the game that will appear. You can do them in any order, but you have to do a certain set of tasks to open up the next part of the story and get to the next set of tasks. Bascially, a very thin veil of "open-endedness". The story is linear and probably has NO replay value after I am done. It is not a very short adventure, ultimately, so they did pack some gameplay time into the game, but after that, I will probably log no more hours into it whatsoever.
I will say that Lanthan is prick, in a "look... i don't care what you want, i just want the fuck off this planet and will do anything to get there" - some of the banter between Lanthan and Cheris is funny (if you can GET PAST HER "OH MY FUCKING GOD PLEASE SHUT UP" VOICE).