MIB88 Fallout 2 MegaMod

Would be very neat if the newest version of Bear Dude his
patch could be integrated in this mod. *hint* 8)

now I have the files - download was perfect (thanks to all responsible for this).

I installed a new Fallout2.
What next?
Simply copying the files of the mod in the FO2 directory and overwrite? Or do I have to do something else to get the mod working?
Install fresh, and then copy the mod files from the extracted directory to your Fallout 2 directory, replacing the contents od "data" and the exe. Should do the trick.
Yeah I know.

killap said:
AssassinEdge187 said:
Cool thanks. Looking forward to changes/upgrades/addition of Bear Dudes new patch.

Like I said, you won't see my newest changes in this mod. This uses an older version of my patch and you will be missing out on a good 100+ fixes.

I think I kind of phrased that incorrectly. I meant thanks for the patch and look forward to things he will add in the future. Namely your patch ;). I downloaded your patch and thought "sweet I will try this out." Then his patch came out. Now I think I will just wait until your patch is included, killap. But thank you guys both for all of the work you put in on this great game.
Re: Yeah I know.

AssassinEdge187 said:
killap said:
AssassinEdge187 said:
Cool thanks. Looking forward to changes/upgrades/addition of Bear Dudes new patch.

Like I said, you won't see my newest changes in this mod. This uses an older version of my patch and you will be missing out on a good 100+ fixes.

I think I kind of phrased that incorrectly. I meant thanks for the patch and look forward to things he will add in the future. Namely your patch ;). I downloaded your patch and thought "sweet I will try this out." Then his patch came out. Now I think I will just wait until your patch is included, killap. But thank you guys both for all of the work you put in on this great game.

I had also started on some other additions, including the Kaga encounters which were originally in the Jonahmod, the addition of the Den Residential area, an Enhanced Davin from the Survivor mod, Friendly Klint, and the extra maps/missions involving the Brotherhood of Steel (sorry, I can't remember who was working on that at the moment). Unfortunately, I won't be able to incorporate Killap's new work or even complete the aforementioned additions for a while. Real work will keep me quite busy. But I will be able to monitor the boards here from time to time, so if there are any questions please post them or use my other e-mail address.
Silencer said:
Install fresh, and then copy the mod files from the extracted directory to your Fallout 2 directory, replacing the contents od "data" and the exe. Should do the trick.

Or just add a ~ to the beginning of the Data Folder, Fallout2.exe, Patch0000.dat filename. The game wont see them there so it will run and the game can be made back to unmoded by just renaming a few files.
First off thanks for getting all the files in there on the download. Second, OUTSTANDING, the mods you added made for some great gameplay. I did have a couple of things that did not work for me though the lootable armor patch didn't seem to work none of the bastages i loooted had armor on them like the original patch had and I never got the vertibird to work for me but that might have been my stats i'm gonna get the book here soon and see if that was it. Otherwise everything worked really well up to the end also very nice add in on the credits hats off to that. I did have a couple of lock ups but it was only when i was trying to do things that shouldn't be done such as attacking the door in Klamath and some other silly stuff but not really a big deal. Overall though very good compilation of the various mods out there and it really made me think to play the game something i haven't really done playing it since i first started playing when FO2 came out. Bravo!
Thanks much!!!
Challenger said:
I did have a couple of things that did not work for me though the lootable armor patch didn't seem to work none of the bastages i loooted had armor on them like the original patch had and I never got the vertibird to work for me but that might have been my stats i'm gonna get the book here soon and see if that was it.

Well, just a couple of things to note. Regarding the armor, I didn't add the relevant code to all the scripts. Neither did the original mod. I was planning to add it to more scripts later on. As for the vertibird, that wasn't a matter of stats. You had to talk to a couple of people and receive training from someone. Anyway, glad you enjoy it.
Is there any way to get rid of those bugs with vertbird and vault city??
It is only reason why i still have not installed this mod.
Fixed my bug

The mod's working great. The only thing I would change, if it were possible, was to allow the encounter boost mod that slows down travel speed between cities. I don't think it works with this mod because it replaces the worldmap file that's part of it.

Other than that, great job. It's definetely an interesting new perspective on Fallout 2, at least thusfar.
Let's keep the technical aspects of the mod in the Modding forum from now on.
Hey all,

This is my first time playing megamod and so far I am blown away. This is an awesome mod and thank you to all who have pitched in and put this together.

A few questions if I may:

I did the brotherhood quests and got the vertibird plans for them. later on in the game I went to the abbey and got killed. Is there anyway around this because I would still like to use the computers and get the locations of carson city and others, plus the points from hacking the town's computers. thanks!