Microsoft is ripping people off with the Kinect

UncannyGarlic said:
I'd wager that we might see something similar with Kinect down the road (assuming they don't just release a new, better model with their next system).

Frankly if Kinect is as bad as I keep hearing I doubt there will ever be a Kinect 2.0.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Frankly if Kinect is as bad as I keep hearing I doubt there will ever be a Kinect 2.0.
It all depends on whether the gimmick is attractive enough to elicit enough sales. I'm not sure that it is, especially at $150 on the 360, but we'll see.
See, there's definitely potential for motion gaming, especially if it can bridge the gap between controllers and VR (if that ever happens) but there's always going to be the 2 camps, the people who give new things a chance and the people who cry "lol gimmick will never catch on" because going from what they know to something new is to difficult for them.
I don't think that anyone really believes that games will be played with Kinect in the future. It's not going to replace the controller and it's not aimed to.

It's not supposed to be an evolution in game controls but rather an addition. Some genres will probably be great with Kinect and only with Kinect. Dance Central is a perfect example of something like that. There are tons of similar games on the Wii but Kinect seems like the best equipment for such a game. I'm sure there will be others as well. It will only succeed if it brings along its own genres and sticks to them, in which case, I really don't mind it.

So far, DC seems to be the perfect title for the tech but it'd be interesting to see some good boxing/fighting games, clue games (the Room type), adventure games (Longest Journey, Grim Fandango type), etc.

I'd absolutely love it if they made a Kinect version of a horror game that is similar to the Silent Hill 4: The Room's apartment sequences, although I will probably never buy a Kinect or any other motion controller.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
See, there's definitely potential for motion gaming, especially if it can bridge the gap between controllers and VR (if that ever happens) but there's always going to be the 2 camps, the people who give new things a chance and the people who cry "lol gimmick will never catch on" because going from what they know to something new is to difficult for them.

There's also the camp that ponders things and seriously think that something can't work.

Kinect is worse than the Move/Wiimote. Let's forget about performance issues but lack of buttons and sticks severely limits what you can do with it. While the Nintendo/Sony controller works for complex genres I severely doubt that the Kinect will have applications outside the casual market.
fedaykin said:
From gameplay vids on Youtube I got the impression that it's horribly imprecise, doesn't register your movements properly, meaning that no serious, precision-requiring game will ever be made for it. There's no killer app for it, which means it's doomed from the start. 150 bucks to play shit like dancing games and kinectimals? Hmmmmm.

and you know what's even worse? it doesn't caliberate people that have darker skins..OMG KINECTZ ARE TEH RACICTZ111ZOMFG111!!!!!11eleventy11!!!
Can only agree (not with the OP, of course, but with various other posters) that the Kinect's pricing scheme is not the real issue. The performance issues are the real issues.

And in any case, until they make true "virtual reality" hardware that can directly interface with the brain and/or accurately track all body/eye movements, provide tactile feedback, and seamlessly display the virtual world to the user, most of these motion devices will be gimmicky and only of use in limited situations, and even then generally still need supplementation by a traditional controller with buttons. A lot of the games for these sorts of input devices (even the Wii) generally simply force a motion-based input system where a traditional button-centric one would work just as well if not better.

That said, I did thoroughly enjoy playing RE4 on the Wii. That control scheme did still have a couple issues though.
It's not out in Australia till Thursday, the day of my last exam. And hey, I think it looks fun and hopefully there will be some great games. Also:
