Millenia's arts thread

It's due the deadlines etc.
I've talked to tons of professional environment artists (textures etc.) they all say "skin the learning to handpaint textures, in the industry you don't have time to do it".
While modders can spend hours, days maybe even months on a single skin.

ps 512s are the bomb, higher sucks (15" monitor anyone?).
The texture's a bit Jpeggy around the tape edges.

Jpeggy, you know. Butterfly-wing pixellosis.

A shame, as the rest looks good.

Also modeled by me ;P
i love it.

small critic:
the knifepart under the blade should be in brown-tones.
for me is brown the postapokalyptic color number 1. :)

I would like to see some handgun ála Fallout-Style, made by you.
Imo the shotgun has some problems with the lighning.
The metalic part gives a round top shape (real shape) and the wood gives a look of square top.

Nice skills. I would like to see it applied on fallout weapons, for example and post apocalyptic AK47? :P
That is really fantastic.

Millenia, could you maybe post a picture of the skinmap? I find it amazing how high resolution these textures look! I've tried doing weapons before, but they look no where near as good as these..

Do you have any pointers for doing skinmaps? cheers :D
Markus# said:
Wooz said:
Your point? Don't spam, or Uncle Woozie gets mad.
Maybe his point was(as was mine with the meat knives) that the knife blade looks really blund at the top end. The angles seem somehow wrong, and the lightning as well.
- stop calling handguns and knives 'powerful'.

- Mossberg looks a little on the fine side, especially the shotgun shell (too long & not thick enough). same goes for the shell next to the shorty (casing is too long).

also, you might want to consider modeling a Winchester 1897 Trenchgun (12gauge) with bayonet. would be a hoot.
Yeah I won't have those comments in the final renders, I already have a template for those but I haven't been arsed to re-render and upload yet
Sweet. Just sweet. You surely know your way around those coordinates. But don't you do anything besides weapons?
monsharen said:
Sweet. Just sweet. You surely know your way around those coordinates. But don't you do anything besides weapons?

Some player modelling as well, but I tend to mod first-person shooters and weapons do play a big part there so :p