Minimal hud mod?


Mildly Dipped
Is it a possible to make a mod that removes the hud from Fallout 2 ?

With the hud gone, there would a more room to see and all the commands could be accessed via hotkeys.
Can't the graphics for the interface be removed (or replaced with transparent ones) like the kids are removed in the UK version of the game? Of course, I have no idea if those graphics can actually be modified like the ones "in game"... not to mention that probably the engine doesn't renders anything under them.
FeelTheRads said:
not to mention that probably the engine doesn't renders anything under them.

"Probably" would be something of an understatement.
This is what happens if iface.frm is made transparent:

On annother note, I had made a HUD mod (actually more like a HUD tweak.). If anyone wants to give me some suggestions I would gladly attempt to draw it. (mind you I'm NO artist!)

dude_obj said:
This is what happens if iface.frm is made transparent:


hey... thats a shottie from fot... hey dude is this a screener from that weapons mod u making? :D
Re: ooo..

Mod Whore said:
hey dude is this a screener from that weapons mod u making? :D

Yeah that's a neostead combat shotgun. I'm playing through the game to test the new weapons, ammo, store scripts, and encounters. The beta will include 80+ new weapons plus new ammo, armor, critters, treasure, tougher critters all around, more encounters, encounters use new weapons.