Miria for Real! "mod"

Funny, I always bang her senseless for a couple of weeks, get married in a rush and then hurry back to Metzger to collect the payoff :D Maybe I'll concider keeping her with this mod. Is there any "romantic interaction" possible?
MIB88 said:
I think this one is the better version:


Hope to have this version in the next release of the MM (not the upcoming 2.44, but the one after that).

wow the wall of text hit me with 999 points of critical damage (without saving throw due to stoned condition ;) )

anyway its really interesting read but from what i understand its not an actual mod but some guidance how to make an ultimate Miria Mod, yes? I cannot find downlaod link.
whatabout any available version for latest RP?
can anyone confirm it as workable and compatible? :)
cause i've just ruined my game and want to start a new one
zlykiss said:
anyway its really interesting read but from what i understand its not an actual mod but some guidance how to make an ultimate Miria Mod, yes? I cannot find downlaod link.

No, it is not a downloadable mod. But, it is a much more detailed Miria. However, that page is more than guidance. It is a pretty good map of what to do. Don't worry, I think I'll be able to figure it out. :wink:
No. Unless you really want to mess up your game, don't try to add these two mods together.
MIB88 said:
I think this one is the better version:


Hope to have this version in the next release of the MM (not the upcoming 2.44, but the one after that).
OMG, awesome mod. Critical HIT! :clap:

It makes me courious thinking about chosen one becoming father getting option to buy a house and such on after saving the world ... would definitely add huge flavor to the game past end game.
Ex-Raiders kidnapping your family, save them on time or go on revenge, and so on ...

Too bad it's not in RP though
Miria mod works for me, but 2 things don't work and both would be nice to have and the other is essential.

1. The new dialog works. I can even edit it in the .msg file.

2. Whether I use the original file that came with the download or the one I've edited, both as read only and not, the popup dialog never appears. The regular, I need to talk to you about distance and gear in dialog works, but she never has the white text popup dialog other characters have. I see them in the msg file. They just never come up in game.

3. Whether I use the original file that came with the download or the one I've edited, both as read only and not, There is not stay or come options in dialog. Just the normal that is always there with vanilla Miria. And just like normal Miria, she won't ever stay behind.

So 1/3 of it works for me and 2/3 doesn't. Any help?

I should mention. Windows 7. No restoration or killapp mod or rp2 or whatever. Just the official patch
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Thank you, downloading now. I'm a lot better at modding mrrowind than fallout 2, but not a scripter on either. Mostly dialog mods, but got back into fallout 2 recently. The structure is so different, I guess I just don't understand it. Anyway, thanks again. Great idea on the Myria mod. Not being able to leave her behind made her sort of worthless.
Replaced everything with the one you suggested. Made sure read only was set on all but pro files. She still won't stay behind. She's like the girls from horror movies. They never "stay in the car".
tried it with pro files as read only too. she still won't stay behind. That option not in the version you suggested or am I doing something wrong?
Sorry, so many posts. the pro files that came with that download go from 00000484 thru 00000490, but in critter.txt, it says the pro files for Myria should be 00000509 thru 00000514. So, does the download just have the wrong pro files in there? The ones included , the 484-490, are for npcs from arroyo, so should I even keep those in my proto directory?
Okay, had the wrong pro-crit msg file so ignore the thing about the pro files above. but replaced it with the one from the download and she still won't stay behind.
Miria's waiting functionality is part of her script (mcmiria.int), and has little to do with her .pro files. You could have several sources for the problems you've described, but I think it sounds like when you edited the mcmiria.msg text file you probably either added an extra brace { } or deleted one that was in there. Brace irregularities in the msg will really play havoc with an entity's in-game behavior, many of which resemble the problems you've described.
Okay, copied the text from here, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/McMiria.msg and replaced it with that original text and she still won't wait. I agree on the brackets thing. I write html, do some css and " marks can kill you too. So was careful, but was hoping you were right and that was it. On the int file, I even removed the old and put in the new rather than saving over the old to make sure the right one is there. Not sure what else to try.
Can you provide a savegame right, best right before you get her, or at least when you already have her in the party? Ill check it out.

Nevermind about the savegame.

I got it figured out for you. Problem is that you are using the official patch 1.02d. It comes with patch000.dat, which is a priority for the engine over DATA folder, when it loads the game files. Meaning mcmiria.int gets overwritten by the version of this script in patch000.dat.

So, to fix that. Download this DAT Explorer. Unpack it whereever you like, start it. Browse to the folder with Fallout 2 and miria mod installed. Pick patch000.dat to unpack. Check all the files in that dat. And unpack them into DATA folder of Fallout 2 installation. After this, !!!DELETE or RENAME patch000.dat!!!!
Then, install the Miria for real mod I sent you the link for.

That's it, you're golden. She waits and all.
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