Fallout 2 mod Miria Talking Head - How to Use


Still Mildly Glowing
Hi everyone :dance:

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I've created a talking head for Miria and was wandering how I could implement it in the game as I can't find a suitable tutorial.

If anybody wants to use these for any project feel free! Just credit me if possible.
I uploaded an archive with the bmp files and FRMs.


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I feel an overwhelming urge to take her to an army depot basement to remove her brain. Is this normal?

Edit: I'll settle for divorce though
I will let you know how to add it in to your game this weekend when I have a chance to get on my computer. Excellent work!
Ugh. Still haven't had a chance to log in to my computer and tell you exactly how to add a talking-to head. I will clarify later. But, here are some things I remember off the top of my head without looking at it.

You will have to modify the list of talking heads (heads.lst, I think). Use notepad. Add it to the end, and add the numbers like the others. A single number, I think, means that it is a static head. If it has more than one number, that is for the like, neutral, and angry face. Remember the row number. This number will be used in the script (mcmiria.int). The number to use will be the row number minus 1. The first row in all those data files is actually counted as 0, not 1.

Open the script (mcmiria.ssl) and look for the talk procedure. You will see... Ugh, I can't remember, exactly. But you will see a string of numbers several times, like (1200,-1,1,-1). The first number is the script number where the dialog is found. The other numbers represent the talking head to use and others. Best to compare it to one of the other talking head scripts.

I promise I will give better guidance later. But I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. I really just haven't had the chance to check it. But, the above should at least get you started.
Hi MIB88, thank for the response!
Don't worry at all! I've actually managed to figure out how to do it although I am no scripter.

I've been having a few issues though, I'm using the Megamod as a base and I'm using Sfall to script but I am getting compiling errors when I try to modify some scripts.

For example, instead of using a number from the list as a background, I'm trying to use the PartyMemberBackground command (I believe it makes the background change in base of the location) I found in the other companions script but I am getting an error from it.

Another issue I am having is trying to modify Lara from the Den's script but I am getting an error " ')' expected after args list " for the 708th line " set_global_var(446, global_var(446) bwor --2147483648); ", why is the script failing to compile if it's been compiled once before?
Actually no, it looks pretty good as it is, but if she has no pistol [in inventory], then... she would have no pistol.

It just seemed a potential oddity since it's a game where [almost] any character can be robbed, or killed and looted, with the exception of the Enclave PA of course.

Are you planning to make [baked] use of an environment map? (for armor reflections)
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Actually no, it looks pretty good as it is, but if she has no pistol [in inventory], then... she would have no pistol.

It just seemed a potential oddity since it's a game where [almost] any character can be robbed, or killed and looted, with the exception of the Enclave PA of course.

Are you planning to make [baked] use of an environment map? (for armor reflections)

That's a fair point, I know she has a Colt gun but I don't think I have the skills to code it so that the portrait would change if you steal her gun. You can pretend she always carries one in her hand :lol:

Yes, I've added textures to the armor (thanks to MarsPistols mod on the Fallout Nexus, a free resource for modders), looks a bit better.


Started making Davin from Modoc and Joey from the Den. Once I figure out how to fix my scripting I'll make a mod that adds Talking Heads to relevant NPCs if anybody is interested.
Have you considered using [very] high-poly [and/or bump/normalMapped] versions, since it's baked renders after all?

Obsidian's Marcus can't hold a candle to Black Isle's original.

I could but since the images will be converted into 8 bit most of the details tend to get ruined. Unfortunately that's a necessity for the animations to work.

Here's an example:

Plus I'm still kinda new to bump maps :shock:
The 8-bit color conversion doesn't really affect the visible geometry though, which was what I meant... like the spikes on the armor for instance [the faces are fine].

(The spikes are—perfectly edged ; impossibly perfect. ;) )

Bumps and normal maps are a great way to fake model detail, even in low color modes. :ok:

Fallout's own heads are high-poly 8-bit renders; more-so than Bethesda's own.


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The 8-bit color conversion doesn't really affect the visible geometry, which was what I mean... like the spikes on the armor, for instance [the faces are fine].

Bumps and normal maps are a great way to fake model detail, even in low color modes. :ok:

Fallout's own heads are high-poly 8-bit renders; more-so than Bethesda's own.



Thanks for the tips!
I'm mostly using a softaware called Daz Studio that allows to pose and animate premade assets that can be modified and morphed in different ways, although I do use Blender for some objects. I'll try to make some more detailed texture bumbs as this is pretty interesting.