Misc. Fo1 quandaries


Vault Consort
Staff member
Time for another instalment of "Have You Seen These Bugs", this time for Fo1.

1. Something I found on the net, slightly shortened for your convenience:

A guy said:
Take Gizmo out twice / A freaky little bug that may or may not work in every case. Talk to Giz, get the confession line, and then arm the explosive in your inventory, set to the longest timer. Now plant the bomb on Izo and then run like hell for the south exit grid. Hopefully, when you hit the grid you'll get get two damage reports, one for Izo and one for Gizmo. Now go talk to Killian and give him the evidence. You'll be told to go to Lars in the first Junktown map, do so, and tell him that you'll help run Gizmo out of town. You're transported to Gizmo's casino with Killian and Lars. The fight really shouldn't be a problem. Now you'll notice that the game doesn't proceed. Lars doesn't give you a reward, nor are you teleported elsewhere (as is the norm). Talk to Lars _in the casino_ and he will give you the offer to run Gizmo out of town again. Take it. Boom, fadeout, fadein, back in the casino with Gizmo alive and well. You'll also notice you have two Killians and two Lars fighting on your side, but Gizmo is without Izo's help (Who is currently soaking in a pool of his own blood on the floor). Wax the tub again and this time the game should proceed as it usually does. Now head back to Gizmo's casino and loot his body. Notice anything? Yep, two Mauser 9mm and double the ammo you would have got. Unfortunately, one of the Mauser pistols is "broken" in that you can't unload it.

I have been unable to replicate this following the described procedure (the "may not work in every case" bit tends to indicate you won't). There are one or two details that don't make sense - for instance, Gizmo and his gun are not created when you go to fight him, so the only way to get two of him is to load the map twice without saving it in between. But even if somehow the game managed to load the map on top of itself, there shouldn't be two guns in one corpse - unless there were two Gizmo desks, but I doubt the poster would have neglected to mention that. And if Gizmo loads on top of himself, why wouldn't Izo? However, I know for a fact that fucked-up things happen on this particular map (and it's probably this rather than the dynamite procedure that could have made this happen), so I don't want to dismiss it just yet. Has anyone else seen this?

2. Jay reported on this board a while ago, on the topic of winning the game with the water chip timer still ticking:

Jay said:
On the other question, with the time running out after escaping back to the outside after 'win the game in 20 minutes'. Once, I just rested with my PIP past the deadline. When I came out of the rest the little sticky note was gone and I was able to loot and raze the entire map to my heart's content with no end. However, if you play it out, and are in gameplay when the time runs out, you get the 'fail to save the Vault' ending.
I tried this but my game never fails to end, whether I'm in travel or sleep or combat or running around mode. Anyone else?

3. I've been unable to find the dead kid in the Glow. Could anyone give a detailed description of where to find it? (But please don't mail me screenshots unless they're jpg-ized and resized.) I don't know if this is related, but when I hit kids with the Flamer, they never do the dancing death by fire although I verified that the graphics are there. I still get other kinds of special kid deaths, like the sniper rifle "side of meat" thingy, so it doesn't seem to be a violence setting thing (it's on max).

4. The Billy miniquest. I've verified that all the code is in place - however, it needs to be triggered by Dan coming over to the pen to yell at Billy. The timed event to accomplish this seems as if it _should_ work. Billy has a very similar set of timed events to make him move about the pens, but he does it extremely rarely. Yet the fact that it happens at all means that maybe Dan could get his ass moving too. Could a scripter take a look at Dan's script and see if there's an obvious reason for why he wouldn't move? I thought maybe it's because the pathing breaks down (the pens being across the street from Dan's house), but that wouldn't explain why Billy is sluggish as well.

5. Someone reported the game often crashes when fighting in the Brotherhood on level 1. I have no idea why it would. Anyone else experience this?

6. Chess in the Glow - anyone ever win? If so, were you on mushrooms at the time? If not, what stats did you have? You need a critical IN roll success to win, but at the moment I suspect that you can't even get crits on stat rolls, only skill rolls.
Per said:
6. Chess in the Glow - anyone ever win? If so, were you on mushrooms at the time? If not, what stats did you have? You need a critical IN roll success to win, but at the moment I suspect that you can't even get crits on stat rolls, only skill rolls.

i remember winning once @ IN 9 or 10 (after 3 tries i believe). i also had high luck i think, but i'm not sure. only chem i was on was rad-x, so no IN stat altering stuff.

i seem to remember the comp said a big congrats and allowed you to meddle in the system a bit. nothing really special.
3. There is one, but he doesn't have the normal kid model. Just look at each body and you'll find it. But I am sure he is there. I'd post a screenie but my new G-card has messed up Fallout 1.
6. I seem to recall that I've won, but that was like the first time I played. I played an intelligent sniper with stuff like finesse and more criticals. That's what I recall from that character, and that her name was Dudelina.
dmakatra said:
3. There is one, but he doesn't have the normal kid model. Just look at each body and you'll find it. But I am sure he is there. I'd post a screenie but my new G-card has messed up Fallout 1.

yeah i remember a burned body being labeled as a 'kid'. however i dont know the relevance of it...

dont remember anything special about the body
I was just playing last night, there was no body labelled kid. There was a very small burned body in the southwest corner room on the sixth floor I believe. (There were also a couple Vault Dwellers)
Per, a while back I made screenshots of the "kid" body in The Glow. They are on my old computer, but it's not a big deal taking them off. I'll try to post them tomorrow, or email you, whatever you want...
I've also see the "kid" remains in The Glow and beaten the computer I believe, just gave access to more information as stated above if I recall.
Per said:
Chess in the Glow - anyone ever win? If so, were you on mushrooms at the time?

The newly released TeamX mod (russion only) appears to have mushrooms in it

Were you on mushrooms when you did those mushrooms in fallout?
It also has peyote that is an ingredient used to make some other kind of drug.
There is a dead kid in the glow.

And for the billy miniquest, Ive had it once. I froget what exactly happend as it was over a year ago, but I remember that I was playing a low charisma characther, and managed to piss people off I think.

This might be just a poorley scripted quest, rather than a broken one.
Kid: it turns out the one I was looking for is the one Dove described and which shows up on Lord 342's screenshot. It's not in my game (using Skynet's children patch) though, which is odd since it has everything else in the way of children. Could someone with the "real" US version check and see if Flamers set children afire or not?

Chess: winning at chess will not have any effect on your dealings with Zax, just give you xp and return you to the main dialogue node. Still if you're not all on mushrooms I suppose it does happen.

Billy quest: would be nice to have something to go on except a vague recollection.
Per said:
Could someone with the "real" US version check and see if Flamers set children afire or not?

The ANIM_fire_dance and ANIM_burned_to_nothing are used together in sequence (in the game engine) to toast a character with the flamer. Fire dance is the BN suffix and burned to nothing is the BJ suffix. The child animation has both (NACHLDBN and NACHLDBJ). The midget character defaults to use the child death animations. The female characters default to use the same burning animations as the male.

I looked at the animations to make sure they are there. There is child fire dance. But testing in the mapper shows a different result:

1) The child does not use its fire dance animation nor the burned to nothing. Instead it does the ANIM_fall_back_blood when killed with a flamer.

2) The midget is configured to use the child's death types. When he is killed with the flamer, he just disappears!

(So it looks like flaming deaths are disabled in the engine for child)

3) The female human characters do not have their own flaming death animations. They are configured to default to use the male. However, in reality they also use the ANIM_fall_back_blood when killed with a flamer.

4) The male will not always do the fire dance. Sometimes he will just do the burned to nothing animation. My guess is that some kind of "roll" is done to determine if the fire dance should happen (similar to a critical hit roll).

EDIT: There are special death "sfx" single frames, one for each of the death types. So even though the engine won't allow the player to toast a child, a mapper can place a death sfx frame on the ground, and that's most likely what they did.
I didn't see any difference with molotov cocktails, nor with incediary grenades (made from FoT that do fire damage). Then I went back to the flamer and the child did the fire dance. Perhaps it depends how much damage they get, or like I said before, some kind of roll that determined death type.
Or an Fo1/Fo2 difference. I gave my character lots of levels of Bonus Ranged Damage when I did my own Flamer testing just in case it was a damage threshold thingy, but I could have been unlucky. Think the midget might sometimes dance too?
The flamer death is somewhat random I seem to remember.

Ive had a large critical that just had the person fall over, and a small damage kill that triggerd the dance.
This may be irrelevant; Other types of deaths can cause scorched corpses; I believe electrical and maybe even plasma can cause the "crisped" appearance to the corpse...
Then for what I can determine, it's an electrical death... As far as I remember, in Fallout, flamethrower "burning man fire dance" deaths result in the corpse more-or-less disappearing, not leaving the fully formed but charred corpses that we know from Fallout 2. Of course I'll default to Per on this since he is master of all things Fallout and this is just my memory...