Fallout 1 utility Missing endings & voice cloning


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
hey guys, I cloned Ron Perlman's voice to generate audio for the alternate Killian/Gizmo junktown endings and they turned out really well https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UFfL73EqTuHaUlxAMz_3EOATJOQOQitA?usp=sharing

When pulling out the narrator's voice to train the model, I noticed that there are some other missing endings: NAR_14.acm (Necropolis), NAR_17.acm (FoA), NAR_26.acm (one of the Junktown endings), NAR_30.acm (BoS), NAR_33.acm (Hub) and NAR_43.acm which is either a player ending or just interplay/fallout branding.

Is the text for those other ending slides available anywhere? I'd like to generate the audio for it.

If any modders want me to generate some Ron Perlman audio for them, I'm happy to as well.
If the text isnt in the cuts folder, then we don't know what those endings were supposed to be.
That sounds promising for future expansions.
I don't recall which ones exactly, but if my memory serves me well, there are unvoiced lines for Marcus, as well.
I can clearly say one thing:
contact RadMuravTeam asap, they are probably still waiting for someone to do the voice overs for Fo:Sonora, dozen or so schmucks are probably in the line to go over those with their own childish voices, however Since You say You have cloned the original troglodite's voice via AI, I think They'll be more than happy to cooperate with You. I myself had to "borrow" Ron P. voice overs for the Fallout mod videos.. there's probabl tons of things for you to do right now..

Fo:Sonora needs all their spoken narration to go over. death slides, ending slides,etc. (except the credits.mve I already tackled that by borrowing audio track from youtube.)

Fo1.5:Resurrection same deal as above, but it doesn't have any ending slide voice over now, only text, and I already made a credits.mve with Ron P. borrowed from yt.

Fo:Nevada I think Foxx will be glad to have his Voice replaced by the original Fo narrator..

If You want, Fo:Last Hope has unofficial credits video that lacks voice over as well.. and as for the ending slides and text, You sould ask Forgotten Knight about this.. as lacking Ron P. voice was the main reason behind Knight not doing the endgame slides..

and there's probably more to come.. so time get yer elbows greased so to speak..

Oh Yeah.. You should speak with hexer as soon as possible on the matter of Fo:Yesterday and Ron P. asistance
I can clearly say one thing:
contact RadMuravTeam asap, they are probably still waiting for someone to do the voice overs for Fo:Sonora, dozen or so schmucks are probably in the line to go over those with their own childish voices, however Since You say You have cloned the original troglodite's voice via AI, I think They'll be more than happy to cooperate with You. I myself had to "borrow" Ron P. voice overs for the Fallout mod videos.. there's probabl tons of things for you to do right now..

Fo:Sonora needs all their spoken narration to go over. death slides, ending slides,etc. (except the credits.mve I already tackled that by borrowing audio track from youtube.)

Fo1.5:Resurrection same deal as above, but it doesn't have any ending slide voice over now, only text, and I already made a credits.mve with Ron P. borrowed from yt.

Fo:Nevada I think Foxx will be glad to have his Voice replaced by the original Fo narrator..

If You want, Fo:Last Hope has unofficial credits video that lacks voice over as well.. and as for the ending slides and text, You sould ask Forgotten Knight about this.. as lacking Ron P. voice was the main reason behind Knight not doing the endgame slides..

and there's probably more to come.. so time get yer elbows greased so to speak..

Oh Yeah.. You should speak with hexer as soon as possible on the matter of Fo:Yesterday and Ron P. asistance

This would be amazing

Yeah, Ficmon ( one of RadMuravTeam a.k.a Sonora AI translation) recently asked me on discord to provide whatever i used for credits.mve as the english audio track.. as it was made in Ron P. AI

So I belive sooner or later He'll stumble upon this little thread.. (as i directed Him here) after that it's your elbows and grease so to speak @agris
I'll bet Ficmon is going to drill a hole in your stomach to get all the narrator lines as Ron P. in english.. and since you've advertised, it's like putting your head under the axe..

@agris I belive that if You contact @Fic_Mon first, a.k.a before He'll contact you, it might be a plesant suprise for him..
thell Him about Your Perlman voice AI, and offer to lend your help, and You'll be forever remembered as the translation team contributor, and possibly get a mention in credits...
I listened to the files you posted and they are really good. Pretty spot-on.

Do you need a list of lines? I could post a list of lines here and add the resulting voice-overs to the repository myself.
I whipped up a list of all the needed voice-overs for Sonora. It is by no means small, and will take a chunk of time. However, were the mod to have these voice-overs in the Ron Perlman style, I am sure many a Fallout fan would be very appreciative.

If you can generate the voice-over files, I will gladly get them working in a translated version.

Here are all the lines needed, separated as they are in the code. I am certain they can be generated as one file with appropriate pauses between the lines. The length of pauses can be dealt with later if it is an issue for the credits vid. I am fairly sure that end slides stay long enough to finish playing the ACM file.

Not a small list:

DTH_001 - 1: The radiation has taken its toll. Your death was lingering and extremely painful.
DTH_002 - 1: Not even the carrion eaters are interested in your irradiated corpse.
DTH_003 - 1: You are dead.
DTH_004 - 1: It's over.
DTH_005 - 1: Rest in peace, peasant.
DTH_006 - 1: Your bones are scraped clean by the desert wind. The sand will have to be your grave.
DTH_007 - 1: Your life ends in the Wasteland.
DTH_008 - 1: You are dead. The desert has buried you under layers of sand.
DTH_009 - 1: The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one.
DTH_010 - 1: You fought until the end, but to no avail. Your drained body falls, and death takes another victim...
DTH_201 - 1: You are dead. Again.
DTH_202 - 1: Life was a game for you. And now you've lost.
DTH_203 - 1: It's time to reload.
DTH_204 - 1: Now is the time to reminisce about your life. After all, it's finished.
DTH_205 - 1: Your adventure has met a tragic end. But the hundreds of years your restless soul will spend silently suspended over your grave are just beginning.
DTH_206 - 1: God, what a loser. No wonder you're a corpse now.
DTH_207 - 1: You're dead, dumbass.
DTH_208 - 1: You are dead. Perhaps it's time to reload?
DTH_209 - 1: You are dead. Deader than dead.
DTH_210 - 1: Your adventure is over.

END_A1 - 1: The story has neither a beginning nor an end.
2: When the bombs hit the earth, the world changed.
3: When strangers came to Villa, the world changed again.
END_CG1 - 1: Trade in Casa Grande rapidly declined.
2: Caravans stopped coming from the south, and no one from the north wanted to travel so far for water.
END_CG2 - 1: Trade in Casa Grande went up when Two Sun increased the number of caravans. Things became busier around the 10th highway, as well as in the city itself.
2: Many old-timers disliked these changes, and left for quieter places.
END_CG3 - 1: Travelers still stopped at the water tanks in Casa Grande. But no one poked into the ruins of the settlement itself.
2: Occasionally, the rare tourist visits the local cemetery to see with their own eyes the consequence of greed.
END_CN1 - 1: Without their benefactors, the inhabitants of Casa Nueva fell into despair.
2: Finding themselves unable to deal with their problems, they left their homes.
3: Over time, the desert covered the city with sand, until it was eventually entirely forgotten.
END_CN2 - 1: A large fire destroyed the sources of the infection in Casa Nueva's greenhouses.
2: But with it, the town lost the data the laboratory held.
3: The result was a drop in crop yields at the local plantations.
END_CN3 - 1: The poison was released, and stopped the spread of the infection in Casa Nueva, preventing a catastrophe.
2: The data extracted from the laboratory was confiscated by the scribes of the Brotherhood of Steel.
3: And who knows if this story will not repeat itself again, sometime and someplace else?
END_CN4 - 1: The infection from the Casa Nueva laboratory continued to spread further into the desert.
2: The epidemic overtook the nearest settlements, taking the lives of many people.
END_CN5 - 1: The poison was released, and stopped the spread of the infection in Casa Nueva, preventing a catastrophe.
2: Thanks to the efforts of the Followers of the Apocalypse, the city flourished and kept the surrounding region supplied with food.
END_FL1 - 1: Flagstaff's uranium mine was closed under the weight of its own problems.
2: The rest of the city shrank along with it.
END_FL2 - 1: Flagstaff's uranium mine was closed after the south stopped buying its product.
2: The rest of the city shrank along with it.
END_FL3 - 1: With the garrison destroyed, nobody wanted to live or work in Flagstaff anymore.
2: Fearing unrest, the population fleed to the south en masse.
3: In a few years, the tribes expelled at the start of colonization return to the abandoned settlement.
END_FL4 - 1: The uranium mine's administration managed to establish a steady flow of ore to the south.
2: The mine prospered, and so did the rest of Flagstaff.
END_FL5 - 1: After Faber's death, the garrison split into several factions.
2: Soon, brutal fighting began over who would own the mine and the city.
END_FL6 - 1: Faber's mercenaries continued to enslave innocents for the uranium mine for a long time.
2: Over time, Flagstaff became Arizona's hub for slavery.
END_GR1 - 1: Garage City established an alliance with Flagstaff. Thanks to the new contracts, the city began to grow and strengthen, pursuing a rather aggressive foreign policy.
END_GR2 - 1: Garage City established an alliance with the Rangers, which established order and opened up a new caravan route to Parker Dam, passing through Villa.
END_GR3 - 1: Garage City's garbage mine was was finally exhausted. Having lost their living and unable to find new jobs, the people began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_GR4 - 1: After the fall of the Rangers, the people of Garage City lost their living. Unable to find new jobs, they began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_GR5 - 1: With Flagstaff gone, the people of Garage City lost their living. Unable to find new jobs, they began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_INF1 - 1: Inferno remained a city of demons.
2: Travelers continued to steer clear of its dangerous ruins.
END_INF2 - 1: Thanks to the mutagen, the feral ghouls calmed down and became peaceful.
2: Levi would stop threatening travelers, but would also prevent them from entering his territory.
END_INF3 - 1: Thanks to the mutagen, the feral ghouls calmed down and became peaceful.
2: However, they could no longer survive on their own.
3: Without Levi's guidance, the ruins of Inferno became completely lifeless within a couple years.
END_INF4 - 1: Levi put down many feral ghouls as he placed Inferno under his control.
2: Some of the surviving undead fled to the Wasteland, attacking the settlements they encountered.
3: Levi treated the rare travelers no better.
END_JC1 - 1: The Jackals' alliance with the Rangers allowed the tribe to survive in the harsh lands they inhabited.
2: And although the Rangers paid for it with their reputation, the reservation they created allowed them to calm the tribe away from its aggressive ways.
END_JC2 - 1: The Jackal tribe was exterminated.
2: However, other tribes soon took their place. And history repeated itself.
END_MEX - 1: The southern military expansion failed to overcome the vast desert regions of Sonora.
2: The only things that made it through were conflicting, unreliable rumors.
END_PNX1 - 1: The fall of the Church of the Holy Fire caused turmoil in Phoenix and gave rise to distrust of the cult throughout the entire Arizona region.
2: The fire-worshippers were persecuted and driven out of settlements, their faith now forbidden.
3: Only a few monks continued their mass, far from civilization.
END_PNX2 - 1: Though the Church of the Holy Fire lost its benefactors, by this point its own power and authority were sufficient.
2: For several years, the cult continued to stir up Phoenix and its surroundings, encountering constant resistance from the locals,
3: until the city finally forced religion out.
END_PNX3 - 1: Having lost its benefactors, the Church of the Holy Fire gradually returned to a simple and peaceful existence,
2: giving up its previously ubiquitous influence on the city.
END_PNX4 - 1: The Cult of the Holy Fire continued to grow and subjugate the surrounding settlements to its will.
2: People objectionable to the cult were burned at the stake, while old books and technologies were seized by the Holy Inquisition.
3: Soon the cult penetrated all aspects of life in not only Phoenix but settlements far beyond.
END_PRT1 - 1: Despite its defeat, the Brotherhood of Steel managed to inject the virus of civilization into the lands of Arizona.
2: It took only a few generations for the order's scouts to set foot on these lands once again.
END_PRT2 - 1: Having lost its vassals, the Brotherhood of Steel was heavily weakened.
2: The resulting crisis forced the order to survive on par with other inhabitants of the Sonoran Wasteland.
END_PRT3 - 1: The Brotherhood of Steel continued to hold Arizona under invisible control for several more generations.
2: This state of affairs would end when one of their own vassals ousted the order in the struggle for power.
END_RDR1 - 1: Complacent, the Blue Shields were not ready for sabotage. The high walls of their base became their grave.
3: Nothing has been heard of the Blue Shields since.
END_RDR2 - 1: Having lost their leader, the Blue Shields scattered across the Wasteland.
2: Divided into separate groups, they were easy pickings.
END_RDR3 - 1: Having found a source of legal income, most members of the Blue Shields agreed to leave the caravans in peace.
2: Some did not agree with the new order and left the gang.
3: When the fuel in the tanks ran out, the ex-raiders used the acquired goods to found a small hunting settlement in the mountains to the east.
END_RNG1 - 1: With the destruction of Parker Dam, the Rangers were forced to regroup and settle in a new base.
2: Heavily weakened, the organization could no longer maintain order throughout such a vast territory.
3: Entirely abandoned, the locals lost any confidence they had in the Rangers.
END_RNG2 - 1: The Arizona Rangers increased their strength and expanded their influence.
2: The fame of their victory spread across the Wasteland, bringing them new territories and alliances.
END_RNG3 - 1: The Arizona Rangers increased their strength and expanded their influence.
2: But the further they moved into the Wasteland, the more they were met with distrust and hostility.
3: Their own inefficiency created a schism between the Rangers and their followers.
END_RNG8 - 1: The death of General Mosman was a heavy blow to the Rangers.
2: Their organization, so dependent on the wisdom of experienced commanders, would, over time, become ruthless and lose faith in people.
END_RNG9 - 1: With the Rangers victorious in their fight against the Brotherhood of Steel, General Mosman considered his work complete.
2: After setting up a successor, he went away to distant lands. The rank-and-file Rangers haven't heard anything about him since.
END_SB1 - 1: Buckling under external pressure, the San Brahmin cattle ranchers became part of a large empire.
END_SB2 - 1: Though paying a high price in blood, the tribes of San Brahmin managed to keep their freedom. For many generations after, they did not allow outsiders anywhere near them.
END_SB3 - 1: Left without their leaders, the herders' families scattered across the Wasteland.
2: San Brahmin was soon buried under the sand.
END_SB4 - 1: The herders' tribes returned to their usual worries, as if nothing had happened.
2: However, for a long time after that, they did not allow outsiders anywhere near them.
END_TS1 - 1: Having rid itself of software limitations, ZAX finally gained its long-awaited freedom.
2: The first thing it did was expel all humans from the junkyard and military base. For many years, no one knew what was going on there.
3: The rare travelers talked about metallic roaring and strange fires in the sky over the valley.
END_TS2 - 1: After disabling the ZAX security system, the tinsmiths rushed to the territory of the burial ground.
2: Using the power of the ancient technologies that fell into their hands, they strengthened their position in Arizona.
3: From now on, the tribe became a force to be reckoned with and feared by absolutely everyone.
END_TS3 - 1: The tinsmiths were wiped off the face of the earth. The technologies they created were lost forever.
END_TS4 - 1: Without their leadership, the tinsmiths found themselves at a crossroads.
2: Gradually, they disappeared from the face of the earth, and the technologies created by them were lost forever.
END_TS5 - 1: The outside world lost interest in the tinsmiths' wonderous technologies.
2: The tinsmiths continued to live in their hangars, isolated from the outside world. And gradually disappeared from the face of the earth.
END_TS6 - 1: Despite their technological superiority, the tinsmiths remained dependent on the outside world.
2: Without even noticing it, they changed, regaining some of their lost humanity.
END_VA1 - 1: So ended the tragic story of the Villa.
2: Over time, her flowering plantations disappeared into the sands, and the deserted houses became a haven for coyotes.
END_VA2 - 1: Establishing an alliance with the Rangers, Villa ensured herself protection for many years.
2: But the deal was a heavy blow to the pride of its free peasants, spreading discord throughout the once-united commune.
END_VA3 - 1: Villa established an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel.
2: The Brotherhood did not respect the peasants and imposed its own rules.
3: Over time, Villa was completely transformed under the onslaught of new technology. Not a trace remained of the old way of life.
END_VA4 - 1: Taking advantage of the chaos in the lands of Sonora, the peasants of Villa strengthened their position.
2: They built fortifications and acquired weapons.
3: Since then, no matter what happens outside its walls, the village has flourished for many generations.
END_VB1 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Despising the old way of life, they left their homelands and never returned.
3: Villa's new leader forbade even saying their name. Soon the memory of the traitor was erased.
END_VB2 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Despising the old way of life, they left their homelands and never returned.
3: The surviving peasants soon forgot their name.
END_VB3 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Appreciating their loyalty to the founding traditions, and after some disputes, the peasants accepted our Hero as their new leader.
END_VB4 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Appreciating their loyalty to the founding traditions, the peasants quickly accepted our Hero as their new leader.
END_VB5 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having becoming a Ranger, they left their homelands to spread Law and Order throughout Arizona.
END_VB6 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having sworn allegiance to the Brotherhood of Steel, they left their homelands to serve for the benefit of the entire country, never to return.
END_VB7 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having becoming a monk within the walls of the Cathedral, they became an unwanted presence in their homelands and preferred to wander in the desert,
3: spreading the Word of the Atom among the savage tribes.
END_VLT - 1: Vault 27 remained abandoned.
2: Sometimes travelers would accidentally stumbled upon it in the middle of the ruins, but did not dare to descend.
afailed - 10: The villa is dead.
credits - 80:War.
115:War never changes.
180:That's what our ancestors always said.
240:That's what they learned from the countless wars of the past:
360:from ancient tribes to Nazi Germany -
430:we humans have always tried to take over each other's resources.
520:Oil and uranium, that's what everyone was after in the last of wars.
600:In the struggle for progressively depleting reserves, the nations had taken up arms once again.
720:But the blazing flame of these battles could not be stopped this time,
800:and soon the world plunged into chaos...
920:War never changes.
980:People knew that.
1025:But the wisdom of time remained destined to thinkers,
1100:while politicians and generals devised their inhuman plans.
1235:Their insatiable ambition spawned a monster,
1310:which lurked quietly before the Judgment Day.
1425:And in 2077, the monster broke free.
1565:It was a weapon of incredible power, destroying entire cities
1635:leaving only a scorched desert where they once stood.
1790:Whole continents were engulfed in flames cast down from the heavens.
1915:In less than two hours, the world was almost completely destroyed.
2050:Only a few survived, finding refuge in the underground Vaults.
2160:For many years they languished in anticipation, waiting for the monster outside to settle.
2300:When the smoke above the earth had cleared,
2360:a new civilization slowly began to arise from the radioactive debris.
2490:One of the survivors was your distant ancestor.
2580:He brought together the best and brightest people he knew, and led them to the "Gardens of Eden" -
2750:a one-of-a-kind place in the middle of the scorched desert, where the soil could still yield crops.
2910:And so Villa has emerged - your home and the home of your small, close-knit commune.
3120:For generations, peace and tranquility reigned here.
3210:The commune eschewed other communities
3260:and has successfully repelled the rare attack of raiders and mutants
3370:who happened to wander into this sparsely populated area.
3470:But the earth has not forgotten the wounds of the past.
3560:They say the demon is awakening from its long slumber.
3700:If so, then life in Villa is about to change...
I whipped up a list of all the needed voice-overs for Sonora. It is by no means small, and will take a chunk of time. However, were the mod to have these voice-overs in the Ron Perlman style, I am sure many a Fallout fan would be very appreciative.

If you can generate the voice-over files, I will gladly get them working in a translated version.

Here are all the lines needed, separated as they are in the code. I am certain they can be generated as one file with appropriate pauses between the lines. The length of pauses can be dealt with later if it is an issue for the credits vid. I am fairly sure that end slides stay long enough to finish playing the ACM file.

Not a small list:

DTH_001 - 1: The radiation has taken its toll. Your death was lingering and extremely painful.
DTH_002 - 1: Not even the carrion eaters are interested in your irradiated corpse.
DTH_003 - 1: You are dead.
DTH_004 - 1: It's over.
DTH_005 - 1: Rest in peace, peasant.
DTH_006 - 1: Your bones are scraped clean by the desert wind. The sand will have to be your grave.
DTH_007 - 1: Your life ends in the Wasteland.
DTH_008 - 1: You are dead. The desert has buried you under layers of sand.
DTH_009 - 1: The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one.
DTH_010 - 1: You fought until the end, but to no avail. Your drained body falls, and death takes another victim...
DTH_201 - 1: You are dead. Again.
DTH_202 - 1: Life was a game for you. And now you've lost.
DTH_203 - 1: It's time to reload.
DTH_204 - 1: Now is the time to reminisce about your life. After all, it's finished.
DTH_205 - 1: Your adventure has met a tragic end. But the hundreds of years your restless soul will spend silently suspended over your grave are just beginning.
DTH_206 - 1: God, what a loser. No wonder you're a corpse now.
DTH_207 - 1: You're dead, dumbass.
DTH_208 - 1: You are dead. Perhaps it's time to reload?
DTH_209 - 1: You are dead. Deader than dead.
DTH_210 - 1: Your adventure is over.

END_A1 - 1: The story has neither a beginning nor an end.
2: When the bombs hit the earth, the world changed.
3: When strangers came to Villa, the world changed again.
END_CG1 - 1: Trade in Casa Grande rapidly declined.
2: Caravans stopped coming from the south, and no one from the north wanted to travel so far for water.
END_CG2 - 1: Trade in Casa Grande went up when Two Sun increased the number of caravans. Things became busier around the 10th highway, as well as in the city itself.
2: Many old-timers disliked these changes, and left for quieter places.
END_CG3 - 1: Travelers still stopped at the water tanks in Casa Grande. But no one poked into the ruins of the settlement itself.
2: Occasionally, the rare tourist visits the local cemetery to see with their own eyes the consequence of greed.
END_CN1 - 1: Without their benefactors, the inhabitants of Casa Nueva fell into despair.
2: Finding themselves unable to deal with their problems, they left their homes.
3: Over time, the desert covered the city with sand, until it was eventually entirely forgotten.
END_CN2 - 1: A large fire destroyed the sources of the infection in Casa Nueva's greenhouses.
2: But with it, the town lost the data the laboratory held.
3: The result was a drop in crop yields at the local plantations.
END_CN3 - 1: The poison was released, and stopped the spread of the infection in Casa Nueva, preventing a catastrophe.
2: The data extracted from the laboratory was confiscated by the scribes of the Brotherhood of Steel.
3: And who knows if this story will not repeat itself again, sometime and someplace else?
END_CN4 - 1: The infection from the Casa Nueva laboratory continued to spread further into the desert.
2: The epidemic overtook the nearest settlements, taking the lives of many people.
END_CN5 - 1: The poison was released, and stopped the spread of the infection in Casa Nueva, preventing a catastrophe.
2: Thanks to the efforts of the Followers of the Apocalypse, the city flourished and kept the surrounding region supplied with food.
END_FL1 - 1: Flagstaff's uranium mine was closed under the weight of its own problems.
2: The rest of the city shrank along with it.
END_FL2 - 1: Flagstaff's uranium mine was closed after the south stopped buying its product.
2: The rest of the city shrank along with it.
END_FL3 - 1: With the garrison destroyed, nobody wanted to live or work in Flagstaff anymore.
2: Fearing unrest, the population fleed to the south en masse.
3: In a few years, the tribes expelled at the start of colonization return to the abandoned settlement.
END_FL4 - 1: The uranium mine's administration managed to establish a steady flow of ore to the south.
2: The mine prospered, and so did the rest of Flagstaff.
END_FL5 - 1: After Faber's death, the garrison split into several factions.
2: Soon, brutal fighting began over who would own the mine and the city.
END_FL6 - 1: Faber's mercenaries continued to enslave innocents for the uranium mine for a long time.
2: Over time, Flagstaff became Arizona's hub for slavery.
END_GR1 - 1: Garage City established an alliance with Flagstaff. Thanks to the new contracts, the city began to grow and strengthen, pursuing a rather aggressive foreign policy.
END_GR2 - 1: Garage City established an alliance with the Rangers, which established order and opened up a new caravan route to Parker Dam, passing through Villa.
END_GR3 - 1: Garage City's garbage mine was was finally exhausted. Having lost their living and unable to find new jobs, the people began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_GR4 - 1: After the fall of the Rangers, the people of Garage City lost their living. Unable to find new jobs, they began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_GR5 - 1: With Flagstaff gone, the people of Garage City lost their living. Unable to find new jobs, they began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_INF1 - 1: Inferno remained a city of demons.
2: Travelers continued to steer clear of its dangerous ruins.
END_INF2 - 1: Thanks to the mutagen, the feral ghouls calmed down and became peaceful.
2: Levi would stop threatening travelers, but would also prevent them from entering his territory.
END_INF3 - 1: Thanks to the mutagen, the feral ghouls calmed down and became peaceful.
2: However, they could no longer survive on their own.
3: Without Levi's guidance, the ruins of Inferno became completely lifeless within a couple years.
END_INF4 - 1: Levi put down many feral ghouls as he placed Inferno under his control.
2: Some of the surviving undead fled to the Wasteland, attacking the settlements they encountered.
3: Levi treated the rare travelers no better.
END_JC1 - 1: The Jackals' alliance with the Rangers allowed the tribe to survive in the harsh lands they inhabited.
2: And although the Rangers paid for it with their reputation, the reservation they created allowed them to calm the tribe away from its aggressive ways.
END_JC2 - 1: The Jackal tribe was exterminated.
2: However, other tribes soon took their place. And history repeated itself.
END_MEX - 1: The southern military expansion failed to overcome the vast desert regions of Sonora.
2: The only things that made it through were conflicting, unreliable rumors.
END_PNX1 - 1: The fall of the Church of the Holy Fire caused turmoil in Phoenix and gave rise to distrust of the cult throughout the entire Arizona region.
2: The fire-worshippers were persecuted and driven out of settlements, their faith now forbidden.
3: Only a few monks continued their mass, far from civilization.
END_PNX2 - 1: Though the Church of the Holy Fire lost its benefactors, by this point its own power and authority were sufficient.
2: For several years, the cult continued to stir up Phoenix and its surroundings, encountering constant resistance from the locals,
3: until the city finally forced religion out.
END_PNX3 - 1: Having lost its benefactors, the Church of the Holy Fire gradually returned to a simple and peaceful existence,
2: giving up its previously ubiquitous influence on the city.
END_PNX4 - 1: The Cult of the Holy Fire continued to grow and subjugate the surrounding settlements to its will.
2: People objectionable to the cult were burned at the stake, while old books and technologies were seized by the Holy Inquisition.
3: Soon the cult penetrated all aspects of life in not only Phoenix but settlements far beyond.
END_PRT1 - 1: Despite its defeat, the Brotherhood of Steel managed to inject the virus of civilization into the lands of Arizona.
2: It took only a few generations for the order's scouts to set foot on these lands once again.
END_PRT2 - 1: Having lost its vassals, the Brotherhood of Steel was heavily weakened.
2: The resulting crisis forced the order to survive on par with other inhabitants of the Sonoran Wasteland.
END_PRT3 - 1: The Brotherhood of Steel continued to hold Arizona under invisible control for several more generations.
2: This state of affairs would end when one of their own vassals ousted the order in the struggle for power.
END_RDR1 - 1: Complacent, the Blue Shields were not ready for sabotage. The high walls of their base became their grave.
3: Nothing has been heard of the Blue Shields since.
END_RDR2 - 1: Having lost their leader, the Blue Shields scattered across the Wasteland.
2: Divided into separate groups, they were easy pickings.
END_RDR3 - 1: Having found a source of legal income, most members of the Blue Shields agreed to leave the caravans in peace.
2: Some did not agree with the new order and left the gang.
3: When the fuel in the tanks ran out, the ex-raiders used the acquired goods to found a small hunting settlement in the mountains to the east.
END_RNG1 - 1: With the destruction of Parker Dam, the Rangers were forced to regroup and settle in a new base.
2: Heavily weakened, the organization could no longer maintain order throughout such a vast territory.
3: Entirely abandoned, the locals lost any confidence they had in the Rangers.
END_RNG2 - 1: The Arizona Rangers increased their strength and expanded their influence.
2: The fame of their victory spread across the Wasteland, bringing them new territories and alliances.
END_RNG3 - 1: The Arizona Rangers increased their strength and expanded their influence.
2: But the further they moved into the Wasteland, the more they were met with distrust and hostility.
3: Their own inefficiency created a schism between the Rangers and their followers.
END_RNG8 - 1: The death of General Mosman was a heavy blow to the Rangers.
2: Their organization, so dependent on the wisdom of experienced commanders, would, over time, become ruthless and lose faith in people.
END_RNG9 - 1: With the Rangers victorious in their fight against the Brotherhood of Steel, General Mosman considered his work complete.
2: After setting up a successor, he went away to distant lands. The rank-and-file Rangers haven't heard anything about him since.
END_SB1 - 1: Buckling under external pressure, the San Brahmin cattle ranchers became part of a large empire.
END_SB2 - 1: Though paying a high price in blood, the tribes of San Brahmin managed to keep their freedom. For many generations after, they did not allow outsiders anywhere near them.
END_SB3 - 1: Left without their leaders, the herders' families scattered across the Wasteland.
2: San Brahmin was soon buried under the sand.
END_SB4 - 1: The herders' tribes returned to their usual worries, as if nothing had happened.
2: However, for a long time after that, they did not allow outsiders anywhere near them.
END_TS1 - 1: Having rid itself of software limitations, ZAX finally gained its long-awaited freedom.
2: The first thing it did was expel all humans from the junkyard and military base. For many years, no one knew what was going on there.
3: The rare travelers talked about metallic roaring and strange fires in the sky over the valley.
END_TS2 - 1: After disabling the ZAX security system, the tinsmiths rushed to the territory of the burial ground.
2: Using the power of the ancient technologies that fell into their hands, they strengthened their position in Arizona.
3: From now on, the tribe became a force to be reckoned with and feared by absolutely everyone.
END_TS3 - 1: The tinsmiths were wiped off the face of the earth. The technologies they created were lost forever.
END_TS4 - 1: Without their leadership, the tinsmiths found themselves at a crossroads.
2: Gradually, they disappeared from the face of the earth, and the technologies created by them were lost forever.
END_TS5 - 1: The outside world lost interest in the tinsmiths' wonderous technologies.
2: The tinsmiths continued to live in their hangars, isolated from the outside world. And gradually disappeared from the face of the earth.
END_TS6 - 1: Despite their technological superiority, the tinsmiths remained dependent on the outside world.
2: Without even noticing it, they changed, regaining some of their lost humanity.
END_VA1 - 1: So ended the tragic story of the Villa.
2: Over time, her flowering plantations disappeared into the sands, and the deserted houses became a haven for coyotes.
END_VA2 - 1: Establishing an alliance with the Rangers, Villa ensured herself protection for many years.
2: But the deal was a heavy blow to the pride of its free peasants, spreading discord throughout the once-united commune.
END_VA3 - 1: Villa established an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel.
2: The Brotherhood did not respect the peasants and imposed its own rules.
3: Over time, Villa was completely transformed under the onslaught of new technology. Not a trace remained of the old way of life.
END_VA4 - 1: Taking advantage of the chaos in the lands of Sonora, the peasants of Villa strengthened their position.
2: They built fortifications and acquired weapons.
3: Since then, no matter what happens outside its walls, the village has flourished for many generations.
END_VB1 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Despising the old way of life, they left their homelands and never returned.
3: Villa's new leader forbade even saying their name. Soon the memory of the traitor was erased.
END_VB2 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Despising the old way of life, they left their homelands and never returned.
3: The surviving peasants soon forgot their name.
END_VB3 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Appreciating their loyalty to the founding traditions, and after some disputes, the peasants accepted our Hero as their new leader.
END_VB4 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Appreciating their loyalty to the founding traditions, the peasants quickly accepted our Hero as their new leader.
END_VB5 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having becoming a Ranger, they left their homelands to spread Law and Order throughout Arizona.
END_VB6 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having sworn allegiance to the Brotherhood of Steel, they left their homelands to serve for the benefit of the entire country, never to return.
END_VB7 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having becoming a monk within the walls of the Cathedral, they became an unwanted presence in their homelands and preferred to wander in the desert,
3: spreading the Word of the Atom among the savage tribes.
END_VLT - 1: Vault 27 remained abandoned.
2: Sometimes travelers would accidentally stumbled upon it in the middle of the ruins, but did not dare to descend.
afailed - 10: The villa is dead.
credits - 80:War.
115:War never changes.
180:That's what our ancestors always said.
240:That's what they learned from the countless wars of the past:
360:from ancient tribes to Nazi Germany -
430:we humans have always tried to take over each other's resources.
520:Oil and uranium, that's what everyone was after in the last of wars.
600:In the struggle for progressively depleting reserves, the nations had taken up arms once again.
720:But the blazing flame of these battles could not be stopped this time,
800:and soon the world plunged into chaos...
920:War never changes.
980:People knew that.
1025:But the wisdom of time remained destined to thinkers,
1100:while politicians and generals devised their inhuman plans.
1235:Their insatiable ambition spawned a monster,
1310:which lurked quietly before the Judgment Day.
1425:And in 2077, the monster broke free.
1565:It was a weapon of incredible power, destroying entire cities
1635:leaving only a scorched desert where they once stood.
1790:Whole continents were engulfed in flames cast down from the heavens.
1915:In less than two hours, the world was almost completely destroyed.
2050:Only a few survived, finding refuge in the underground Vaults.
2160:For many years they languished in anticipation, waiting for the monster outside to settle.
2300:When the smoke above the earth had cleared,
2360:a new civilization slowly began to arise from the radioactive debris.
2490:One of the survivors was your distant ancestor.
2580:He brought together the best and brightest people he knew, and led them to the "Gardens of Eden" -
2750:a one-of-a-kind place in the middle of the scorched desert, where the soil could still yield crops.
2910:And so Villa has emerged - your home and the home of your small, close-knit commune.
3120:For generations, peace and tranquility reigned here.
3210:The commune eschewed other communities
3260:and has successfully repelled the rare attack of raiders and mutants
3370:who happened to wander into this sparsely populated area.
3470:But the earth has not forgotten the wounds of the past.
3560:They say the demon is awakening from its long slumber.
3700:If so, then life in Villa is about to change...
What’s your connection to the Sonora team?

@gustarballs1983 I’m not going to go chase after anyone like a dog after a car, feel free to direct them here or to PM me.

I’m especially interested in doing the lines for the resurrection team, that was a great mod.
No connection. I am playing through Sonora and am of a mind to make the translated version perfect.

I have a repository set up on github and will either compile my own version, or, make a pull request into theirs.
No connection. I am playing through Sonora and am of a mind to make the translated version perfect.

I have a repository set up on github and will either compile my own version, or, make a pull request into theirs.
if you can confirm with them that the quality in my shared gdrive is acceptable for them to integrate into the official release, i will make them.

it takes a lot of time despite the AI. there is manual editing to get the cadence correct. it took about 8 hours to make and edit the ones in my drive, and the list from sonora looks to be longer
I'm hoping for a mod for fallout 4 where we can see atleast companion endings, it feels a little empty, let's satrt a lil fan made list of what the slides would say shall we, I'll start

1. Macready: "After the institute blew, contracts for runaways were pileing up for Macready...but after getting a second chance with his son, he took it. He became a farmer, picking off rats from his mutfruits"

2. Danse (assuming he was spared): "Danse kept watch at his new post, and even helped the sole survivor on a missions, but with his new "identity" he felt it was time to make another and left for the west before the brotherhood could send someone else to finish the job.

3. Codsworth: "After serving master his master proud, Codsworth continued his duties, becoming a psuedo-butler of the settlers of sanctuary hills, his cleaning and organization bolsters the settlement, and even became practice for other settlements in need.....of service"

I purposefully did companions who would be less affected by the endgame decisions, but I usually go by Brotherhood and Minutemen.
if you can confirm with them that the quality in my shared gdrive is acceptable for them to integrate into the official release, i will make them.

it takes a lot of time despite the AI. there is manual editing to get the cadence correct. it took about 8 hours to make and edit the ones in my drive, and the list from sonora looks to be longer

Well, like I said, I have no connection with the translation team, and don't have any direct line of communication with them.

I am looking deeper into the translation, and am likely going to roll my own version that will work with Vanilla Sonora 1.13, and Dayglow 1.13, as that is not supported, and also, because I am using the Fallout Community Version on Mac, and I am having issues with the Foxx/RadMuravTeams versions (as they are not really meant to work my setups limitations).

If I get that going, I would certainly want to add 'Ron' style voice overs whereever possible. I am still willing to prep them for use in the current translation. I understand that they take a lot of work, so, if you made them, I would make sure they were used somewhere.
I moved forward with a new translation for vanilla Fallout Sonora 1.13

I have already finished translating everything, including the creation of new graphics, 'translated' graphics etc., and am now spit polishing various locations, characters, quests etc.

I will have an 'official' release at some point (can be used now), but I first need to get it into a state for people to download, easily install etc.

Nevertheless, Ron style ending voiceovers would be the icing on the cake. Any chance of that happening? I have a repository that I can give you access to for easy upload of the files.
I moved forward with a new translation for vanilla Fallout Sonora 1.13

I have already finished translating everything, including the creation of new graphics, 'translated' graphics etc., and am now spit polishing various locations, characters, quests etc.

I will have an 'official' release at some point (can be used now), but I first need to get it into a state for people to download, easily install etc.

Nevertheless, Ron style ending voiceovers would be the icing on the cake. Any chance of that happening? I have a repository that I can give you access to for easy upload of the files.
Secure the integration of the VO by the dev team, assuming it’s of similar quality as in my gdrive, and I’ll do it.
I moved forward with a new translation for vanilla Fallout Sonora 1.13

I have already finished translating everything, including the creation of new graphics, 'translated' graphics etc., and am now spit polishing various locations, characters, quests etc.

I will have an 'official' release at some point (can be used now), but I first need to get it into a state for people to download, easily install etc.

Nevertheless, Ron style ending voiceovers would be the icing on the cake. Any chance of that happening? I have a repository that I can give you access to for easy upload of the files.

can i score the translation?
i mean if it's 1.13 viable it's still better than the radmuravteam translation that hasn't been updated since like ~4months now, and neither 1.13 from 17april nor 1.13+ from mid may are supplrted, heck one can't even get the latest new companion, because rad muravteam's translation still relies on older version of map files a.k.a 1.12 or less..

this is annoying as fuck, i'd rather play an unfinished but more modern translation..
Don't hesitate to share because things are unfinished. as one of the original translation team members i had access to partially translated files, and Russian is not "that" big of a deal for me, as I'm able to read it and understand it more or less, so even if the translation is partially finished, i'll manage to play the game. as a token of my gratitude You can grab my Fo:Sonora 720p upscaled cinematics ( including credits.avi with Ron P. voice over) that are all playable ingame after proper sfall configuration.. as always those are on my FTP, access to which You'll find in my HD Upscales thread in modding section.
Hey gusterballs1983,

I am nearly finished. Working feverishly everyday. I think Sonora is masterpiece, and will do my best to honor its achievement.

Maybe 85% done on my second, hand translated pass. I have also started creating Ron style narrations for all the endings, the credits movie, and the deaths. I paid for a professional level voice clone and it is nearly perfect. I even added the wind sound to the death narrations after carefully feathering it out of the original Fallout 1 files.

A release is imminent, but I could definitely use an experienced hand at Fallout to do a play through, and maybe advise on best release practices. I work on Mac only, and am not planning to support anything beyond the basic Vanilla Sonora, so I don't know the best way to provide a final form for the public.

Anyways, give me couple of more days, and I will set you up with the full translation, graphics and sound files included. Provided you can do a full play-through and give me feedback on dialogue-flow issues.

My main concern at this time is that I can't always be sure that I have followed the thread of the dialogues correctly, so many lines may lack a flow/coherency due to this. A play-through is the only way to deal with this (unless there is someway to export Fallout dialogues in a tree form?)

Maybe I will start a new thread for this soon as well.
ok.. ok.. take your time, I actually made a test setup for the translation. a fresh copy of 13.05.2024 v1.13+ install of Sonora, though despite what Foxx claimed my AV deleted sfall5's ddraw.dll the moment it landed on the ssd, mid installation.. even the installer noticed ddraw.dll vanished so quickly XD, so i guess it does have a trojan then, anyways, replaced it and ddraw.ini with vanilla sfall branch, and we'll see how it fares. also tweaked and modded the game as usual. so I'll be waiting on the translated files from now on.

Don't worry, I have a plan how to spend the weekend in case You won't manage with the translation. It's probably the last weekend I'll be actively spending in front of a pc, as last major component to my invention recently arrived by delivery, so now only minor shopping, and i'll be gone elbowgreasing for quite some time, especially that sooner or later, the outside temps will agin prevent me from having fun playing, especially now that i bricked my windows tablet I won't be able to play during summer
Sounds good, but just to be clear, I am only supporting Vanilla Fallout Sonora 1.13, direct from NevadaBand's website, not the Foxx version. Also no sfall or ddraw.dll. Pure vanilla. (though I have made 800px wide version of the iface.frm)
not a problem.. You do You.. and I'll adapt the stuff once i get my hands on it.. Sorry but I won't be playingon 640x480 even my monitor does not support that kind of resolution..
Don't worry i've already set everything up, it's just a matter of the translated files, if there are going to be some cyrylic leftovers i won't going to cry all of a sudden, so relax. i can handle playing in russian though it is a lot slower than playing in english