DTH_001 - 1: The radiation has taken its toll. Your death was lingering and extremely painful.
DTH_002 - 1: Not even the carrion eaters are interested in your irradiated corpse.
DTH_003 - 1: You are dead.
DTH_004 - 1: It's over.
DTH_005 - 1: Rest in peace, peasant.
DTH_006 - 1: Your bones are scraped clean by the desert wind. The sand will have to be your grave.
DTH_007 - 1: Your life ends in the Wasteland.
DTH_008 - 1: You are dead. The desert has buried you under layers of sand.
DTH_009 - 1: The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one.
DTH_010 - 1: You fought until the end, but to no avail. Your drained body falls, and death takes another victim...
DTH_201 - 1: You are dead. Again.
DTH_202 - 1: Life was a game for you. And now you've lost.
DTH_203 - 1: It's time to reload.
DTH_204 - 1: Now is the time to reminisce about your life. After all, it's finished.
DTH_205 - 1: Your adventure has met a tragic end. But the hundreds of years your restless soul will spend silently suspended over your grave are just beginning.
DTH_206 - 1: God, what a loser. No wonder you're a corpse now.
DTH_207 - 1: You're dead, dumbass.
DTH_208 - 1: You are dead. Perhaps it's time to reload?
DTH_209 - 1: You are dead. Deader than dead.
DTH_210 - 1: Your adventure is over.
END_A1 - 1: The story has neither a beginning nor an end.
2: When the bombs hit the earth, the world changed.
3: When strangers came to Villa, the world changed again.
END_CG1 - 1: Trade in Casa Grande rapidly declined.
2: Caravans stopped coming from the south, and no one from the north wanted to travel so far for water.
END_CG2 - 1: Trade in Casa Grande went up when Two Sun increased the number of caravans. Things became busier around the 10th highway, as well as in the city itself.
2: Many old-timers disliked these changes, and left for quieter places.
END_CG3 - 1: Travelers still stopped at the water tanks in Casa Grande. But no one poked into the ruins of the settlement itself.
2: Occasionally, the rare tourist visits the local cemetery to see with their own eyes the consequence of greed.
END_CN1 - 1: Without their benefactors, the inhabitants of Casa Nueva fell into despair.
2: Finding themselves unable to deal with their problems, they left their homes.
3: Over time, the desert covered the city with sand, until it was eventually entirely forgotten.
END_CN2 - 1: A large fire destroyed the sources of the infection in Casa Nueva's greenhouses.
2: But with it, the town lost the data the laboratory held.
3: The result was a drop in crop yields at the local plantations.
END_CN3 - 1: The poison was released, and stopped the spread of the infection in Casa Nueva, preventing a catastrophe.
2: The data extracted from the laboratory was confiscated by the scribes of the Brotherhood of Steel.
3: And who knows if this story will not repeat itself again, sometime and someplace else?
END_CN4 - 1: The infection from the Casa Nueva laboratory continued to spread further into the desert.
2: The epidemic overtook the nearest settlements, taking the lives of many people.
END_CN5 - 1: The poison was released, and stopped the spread of the infection in Casa Nueva, preventing a catastrophe.
2: Thanks to the efforts of the Followers of the Apocalypse, the city flourished and kept the surrounding region supplied with food.
END_FL1 - 1: Flagstaff's uranium mine was closed under the weight of its own problems.
2: The rest of the city shrank along with it.
END_FL2 - 1: Flagstaff's uranium mine was closed after the south stopped buying its product.
2: The rest of the city shrank along with it.
END_FL3 - 1: With the garrison destroyed, nobody wanted to live or work in Flagstaff anymore.
2: Fearing unrest, the population fleed to the south en masse.
3: In a few years, the tribes expelled at the start of colonization return to the abandoned settlement.
END_FL4 - 1: The uranium mine's administration managed to establish a steady flow of ore to the south.
2: The mine prospered, and so did the rest of Flagstaff.
END_FL5 - 1: After Faber's death, the garrison split into several factions.
2: Soon, brutal fighting began over who would own the mine and the city.
END_FL6 - 1: Faber's mercenaries continued to enslave innocents for the uranium mine for a long time.
2: Over time, Flagstaff became Arizona's hub for slavery.
END_GR1 - 1: Garage City established an alliance with Flagstaff. Thanks to the new contracts, the city began to grow and strengthen, pursuing a rather aggressive foreign policy.
END_GR2 - 1: Garage City established an alliance with the Rangers, which established order and opened up a new caravan route to Parker Dam, passing through Villa.
END_GR3 - 1: Garage City's garbage mine was was finally exhausted. Having lost their living and unable to find new jobs, the people began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_GR4 - 1: After the fall of the Rangers, the people of Garage City lost their living. Unable to find new jobs, they began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_GR5 - 1: With Flagstaff gone, the people of Garage City lost their living. Unable to find new jobs, they began to leave their landfill.
2: Some of them ended their days on the high road, turning to raiding and robbing.
END_INF1 - 1: Inferno remained a city of demons.
2: Travelers continued to steer clear of its dangerous ruins.
END_INF2 - 1: Thanks to the mutagen, the feral ghouls calmed down and became peaceful.
2: Levi would stop threatening travelers, but would also prevent them from entering his territory.
END_INF3 - 1: Thanks to the mutagen, the feral ghouls calmed down and became peaceful.
2: However, they could no longer survive on their own.
3: Without Levi's guidance, the ruins of Inferno became completely lifeless within a couple years.
END_INF4 - 1: Levi put down many feral ghouls as he placed Inferno under his control.
2: Some of the surviving undead fled to the Wasteland, attacking the settlements they encountered.
3: Levi treated the rare travelers no better.
END_JC1 - 1: The Jackals' alliance with the Rangers allowed the tribe to survive in the harsh lands they inhabited.
2: And although the Rangers paid for it with their reputation, the reservation they created allowed them to calm the tribe away from its aggressive ways.
END_JC2 - 1: The Jackal tribe was exterminated.
2: However, other tribes soon took their place. And history repeated itself.
END_MEX - 1: The southern military expansion failed to overcome the vast desert regions of Sonora.
2: The only things that made it through were conflicting, unreliable rumors.
END_PNX1 - 1: The fall of the Church of the Holy Fire caused turmoil in Phoenix and gave rise to distrust of the cult throughout the entire Arizona region.
2: The fire-worshippers were persecuted and driven out of settlements, their faith now forbidden.
3: Only a few monks continued their mass, far from civilization.
END_PNX2 - 1: Though the Church of the Holy Fire lost its benefactors, by this point its own power and authority were sufficient.
2: For several years, the cult continued to stir up Phoenix and its surroundings, encountering constant resistance from the locals,
3: until the city finally forced religion out.
END_PNX3 - 1: Having lost its benefactors, the Church of the Holy Fire gradually returned to a simple and peaceful existence,
2: giving up its previously ubiquitous influence on the city.
END_PNX4 - 1: The Cult of the Holy Fire continued to grow and subjugate the surrounding settlements to its will.
2: People objectionable to the cult were burned at the stake, while old books and technologies were seized by the Holy Inquisition.
3: Soon the cult penetrated all aspects of life in not only Phoenix but settlements far beyond.
END_PRT1 - 1: Despite its defeat, the Brotherhood of Steel managed to inject the virus of civilization into the lands of Arizona.
2: It took only a few generations for the order's scouts to set foot on these lands once again.
END_PRT2 - 1: Having lost its vassals, the Brotherhood of Steel was heavily weakened.
2: The resulting crisis forced the order to survive on par with other inhabitants of the Sonoran Wasteland.
END_PRT3 - 1: The Brotherhood of Steel continued to hold Arizona under invisible control for several more generations.
2: This state of affairs would end when one of their own vassals ousted the order in the struggle for power.
END_RDR1 - 1: Complacent, the Blue Shields were not ready for sabotage. The high walls of their base became their grave.
3: Nothing has been heard of the Blue Shields since.
END_RDR2 - 1: Having lost their leader, the Blue Shields scattered across the Wasteland.
2: Divided into separate groups, they were easy pickings.
END_RDR3 - 1: Having found a source of legal income, most members of the Blue Shields agreed to leave the caravans in peace.
2: Some did not agree with the new order and left the gang.
3: When the fuel in the tanks ran out, the ex-raiders used the acquired goods to found a small hunting settlement in the mountains to the east.
END_RNG1 - 1: With the destruction of Parker Dam, the Rangers were forced to regroup and settle in a new base.
2: Heavily weakened, the organization could no longer maintain order throughout such a vast territory.
3: Entirely abandoned, the locals lost any confidence they had in the Rangers.
END_RNG2 - 1: The Arizona Rangers increased their strength and expanded their influence.
2: The fame of their victory spread across the Wasteland, bringing them new territories and alliances.
END_RNG3 - 1: The Arizona Rangers increased their strength and expanded their influence.
2: But the further they moved into the Wasteland, the more they were met with distrust and hostility.
3: Their own inefficiency created a schism between the Rangers and their followers.
END_RNG8 - 1: The death of General Mosman was a heavy blow to the Rangers.
2: Their organization, so dependent on the wisdom of experienced commanders, would, over time, become ruthless and lose faith in people.
END_RNG9 - 1: With the Rangers victorious in their fight against the Brotherhood of Steel, General Mosman considered his work complete.
2: After setting up a successor, he went away to distant lands. The rank-and-file Rangers haven't heard anything about him since.
END_SB1 - 1: Buckling under external pressure, the San Brahmin cattle ranchers became part of a large empire.
END_SB2 - 1: Though paying a high price in blood, the tribes of San Brahmin managed to keep their freedom. For many generations after, they did not allow outsiders anywhere near them.
END_SB3 - 1: Left without their leaders, the herders' families scattered across the Wasteland.
2: San Brahmin was soon buried under the sand.
END_SB4 - 1: The herders' tribes returned to their usual worries, as if nothing had happened.
2: However, for a long time after that, they did not allow outsiders anywhere near them.
END_TS1 - 1: Having rid itself of software limitations, ZAX finally gained its long-awaited freedom.
2: The first thing it did was expel all humans from the junkyard and military base. For many years, no one knew what was going on there.
3: The rare travelers talked about metallic roaring and strange fires in the sky over the valley.
END_TS2 - 1: After disabling the ZAX security system, the tinsmiths rushed to the territory of the burial ground.
2: Using the power of the ancient technologies that fell into their hands, they strengthened their position in Arizona.
3: From now on, the tribe became a force to be reckoned with and feared by absolutely everyone.
END_TS3 - 1: The tinsmiths were wiped off the face of the earth. The technologies they created were lost forever.
END_TS4 - 1: Without their leadership, the tinsmiths found themselves at a crossroads.
2: Gradually, they disappeared from the face of the earth, and the technologies created by them were lost forever.
END_TS5 - 1: The outside world lost interest in the tinsmiths' wonderous technologies.
2: The tinsmiths continued to live in their hangars, isolated from the outside world. And gradually disappeared from the face of the earth.
END_TS6 - 1: Despite their technological superiority, the tinsmiths remained dependent on the outside world.
2: Without even noticing it, they changed, regaining some of their lost humanity.
END_VA1 - 1: So ended the tragic story of the Villa.
2: Over time, her flowering plantations disappeared into the sands, and the deserted houses became a haven for coyotes.
END_VA2 - 1: Establishing an alliance with the Rangers, Villa ensured herself protection for many years.
2: But the deal was a heavy blow to the pride of its free peasants, spreading discord throughout the once-united commune.
END_VA3 - 1: Villa established an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel.
2: The Brotherhood did not respect the peasants and imposed its own rules.
3: Over time, Villa was completely transformed under the onslaught of new technology. Not a trace remained of the old way of life.
END_VA4 - 1: Taking advantage of the chaos in the lands of Sonora, the peasants of Villa strengthened their position.
2: They built fortifications and acquired weapons.
3: Since then, no matter what happens outside its walls, the village has flourished for many generations.
END_VB1 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Despising the old way of life, they left their homelands and never returned.
3: Villa's new leader forbade even saying their name. Soon the memory of the traitor was erased.
END_VB2 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Despising the old way of life, they left their homelands and never returned.
3: The surviving peasants soon forgot their name.
END_VB3 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Appreciating their loyalty to the founding traditions, and after some disputes, the peasants accepted our Hero as their new leader.
END_VB4 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Appreciating their loyalty to the founding traditions, the peasants quickly accepted our Hero as their new leader.
END_VB5 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having becoming a Ranger, they left their homelands to spread Law and Order throughout Arizona.
END_VB6 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having sworn allegiance to the Brotherhood of Steel, they left their homelands to serve for the benefit of the entire country, never to return.
END_VB7 - 1: Such is the fate our Hero arranged for their home.
2: Having becoming a monk within the walls of the Cathedral, they became an unwanted presence in their homelands and preferred to wander in the desert,
3: spreading the Word of the Atom among the savage tribes.
END_VLT - 1: Vault 27 remained abandoned.
2: Sometimes travelers would accidentally stumbled upon it in the middle of the ruins, but did not dare to descend.
afailed - 10: The villa is dead.
credits - 80:War.
115:War never changes.
180:That's what our ancestors always said.
240:That's what they learned from the countless wars of the past:
360:from ancient tribes to Nazi Germany -
430:we humans have always tried to take over each other's resources.
520:Oil and uranium, that's what everyone was after in the last of wars.
600:In the struggle for progressively depleting reserves, the nations had taken up arms once again.
720:But the blazing flame of these battles could not be stopped this time,
800:and soon the world plunged into chaos...
920:War never changes.

eople knew that.
1025:But the wisdom of time remained destined to thinkers,
1100:while politicians and generals devised their inhuman plans.
1235:Their insatiable ambition spawned a monster,
1310:which lurked quietly before the Judgment Day.
1425:And in 2077, the monster broke free.
1565:It was a weapon of incredible power, destroying entire cities
1635:leaving only a scorched desert where they once stood.
1790:Whole continents were engulfed in flames cast down from the heavens.
1915:In less than two hours, the world was almost completely destroyed.
2050:Only a few survived, finding refuge in the underground Vaults.
2160:For many years they languished in anticipation, waiting for the monster outside to settle.
2300:When the smoke above the earth had cleared,
2360:a new civilization slowly began to arise from the radioactive debris.
2490:One of the survivors was your distant ancestor.
2580:He brought together the best and brightest people he knew, and led them to the "Gardens of Eden" -
2750:a one-of-a-kind place in the middle of the scorched desert, where the soil could still yield crops.
2910:And so Villa has emerged - your home and the home of your small, close-knit commune.
3120:For generations, peace and tranquility reigned here.
3210:The commune eschewed other communities
3260:and has successfully repelled the rare attack of raiders and mutants
3370:who happened to wander into this sparsely populated area.
3470:But the earth has not forgotten the wounds of the past.
3560:They say the demon is awakening from its long slumber.
3700:If so, then life in Villa is about to change...