Mod News: Mutants Rising September Press Release

Reminds me what a tragedy it is that every game has to be 3D these days. Rendered and painted backgrounds are superb for RPGs.
Very true :) . Or if it ends up 2D, it's usually, the bad kind of 2D - one where they didn't want to pay good artists and didn't have talent themselves (ugh, some indie games...).
...Geneforge, Omega Syndrome, etc.

Though, when compared with Geneforge, Avernum has pretty nice graphics.
MOAR eyecandys!

Final version of junky house (aka Da Tribalz House ;)) taken from different perspective:


And something you'll never see in final version of the mod:


One of the end game screens! :ugly:
Sadly, Geneforge (at least the awful character graphics) and Omega Syndrome did begin as 3D renders too.
I don't like the texturing of the Morrow's Base overmuch (It's never gonna be a great 3d art eg. for sb's portofolio, but after converting into 256 colors, it probably does not mattter anyway), but this is flawless.