Modding FOT characters/Recruits

i have ready made characters in multiplayer, but it doesn't really matter. all I want to do is just to use cutomized deathclaw characters in my SP party. I found some threads and i'm reading through the tutorial but now I can't find the campaign.txt file :/ pretty tough this is :(
yes I already have about 4 deathclaws available for recruiting. I've been 'exploring' ways to use the FT editor and found that real changes are made by txt files rather than the editor... or maybe not,... but I managed to edit one of those recruitable deathclaws' names but not yet the stats or the perks... I think i'll be needing some advice on changing those stats and perks so I can enjoy a fully customized deathclaw :) Any help will be very grateful.

PS: thank you once again for the answer, i didn't know BOS files had more than entities
Since what you really want to do is mod the recruits I'm merging this with a similar thread.

Read the tutorials and other threads before starting a new one in future.
Excuse me, but how do I get the character description to show up in the charachter screen in the game? I added the lines in the text file that was mentioned somewhere, made sure that the display name is the same (case sensitive!) and tried all kinds of stuff, but I can't make it work.
1. Check your text file is in the right place, locale/game.

2. Check your format and brackets are correct.

name_test = {}
desc_test = {}

3. Check the entity's custom name field is empty.
Okay, along the lines of adding dog recruits...

So, I saw one of the mods I regularly use had added additional robot attacks, and thought it'd be cool to make some extra attacks for my dog recruit.

So, I add an entry to Items.txt, weapons.txt, making sure all entries match, case-sensitive, wth cool sounding names and descs. Then I go and make copies of dogSnap.ent, edit the new dogSnap.ent files with the entity editor, rename the displayname to the entries made in items and weapons txt files, then changed the name of the ent file to match all.

I start up a new game, and check out my dog, and he doesn't have the new attacks. Odd. I then use entity editor, and add the new dogattack.ent files to his inventory, thinking maybe that'd help. And once again, to no avail.

So, what am I doing wrong? Why can't I make my dog have more then two attacks?
You have to add the attacks in the races.txt.

In entities_0.bos extract the file races.txt to core\tables.

Then your dogattack.ent needs to go in the right folder (punch attacks go in the entities/weapons/Punches folder and kick attacks in the entities/weapons/Kicks). Now edit the races.txt, scroll down to unarmed tables and add your new entities to the list;
// Unarmed Punching Entities
punch_entities = {
"punchVersion0", // 0
"punchError", // 25
"dogattack", // 26

"dogattack" should be the file name (minus the .ent) not the display name and is case sensitive.

Then edit the punch/kick tables;
punch_table = {
// race punch_entity level unarmed str ag
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // BOS
{ 28, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // Dog
{ 28, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // Dog

The first number is the race then the number of the new attack, then the level required to gain the attack, the min requirements of strength and agility.
This is my first time in this forum. Are there any mods that let you have more than 6 squad members? Or any way to edit so I can have more than 6 members?

You can place more characters on your team in the editor. But when you have more than 6, you won't see their names on your status bar.
Can this apply to a single player game and can I use character that are already in the pool, or do I have to create them?

Thanks for the help!
You would have to place the character on a map you haven't been to yet. In the editor you can find the pool characters. To use them make sure you check the Player Setup to see the number to set player characters to and then click the entity you place and type that number in to the Player Index
Hey thanks for all the help, but I have run into another snag:

While editing, i put 2 characters in, one started attacking the other, so when I went to fix it, I hit delete entities, then stupid me saved it. now only my new character shows up on the screen. Is there any hope or am I screwed? Thanks again for the help!
I followed the tutorials in this thread to the letter, creating my own entities to replace the recruits at the beginning of the campaign.

The bad thing is that.....upon starting a new campaign I can't choose from prefabs and the whole game just bugs out.

It's hard to describe this with words, so I'll put 2 screenshots.

This is the screen where you can make your own character.

This appeared after making the player character. The world map is...obscured.

Nevermind, I realized my error. I had overwritten my with a blank campaign.
JJ86 said:
Yeah, I missed a couple steps that were in OTB's explanation. You will have to edit the character.txt and also import the campaign.txt into the file. Not really that difficult.

I'm pretty sure this is the only thing preventing me from creating my own starting squad.

I've extraced all .BOS files, I've followed the directions, and from what I can see I just need to import the campaign.txt on the campaign editor.

This is what I need help with :D

Worked it out :D

It's possible to change the character race by the character creation, and disable the others (including human)? I mean you can only play a ghoul, and the other races are inaccessible.

Hello... I have been playing FT for a couple of weeks.

Its patched to the newest patch + with the editor.

I would like ask if its possible to edit the companions somehow so the changes would be visible in my saved game or at least in one of them.

For example, could I take out Martin's glowing-one trait and play from a saved game and not having to play from the start to see the changes?