You have to add the attacks in the races.txt.
In entities_0.bos extract the file races.txt to core\tables.
Then your dogattack.ent needs to go in the right folder (punch attacks go in the entities/weapons/Punches folder and kick attacks in the entities/weapons/Kicks). Now edit the races.txt, scroll down to unarmed tables and add your new entities to the list;
// Unarmed Punching Entities
punch_entities = {
"punchVersion0", // 0
"punchError", // 25
"dogattack", // 26
"dogattack" should be the file name (minus the .ent) not the display name and is case sensitive.
Then edit the punch/kick tables;
punch_table = {
// race punch_entity level unarmed str ag
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // BOS
{ 28, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // Dog
{ 28, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // Dog
The first number is the race then the number of the new attack, then the level required to gain the attack, the min requirements of strength and agility.