Awesome, looks great now, thank you.
Another question, I have been browsing the weapon mods, hoping for new weapon graphics (I mean the picture you see, I can live with every rifle looking like an m16 etc) None of them do anything I can't do myself with 3 minutes modding entities, because they just change the stats/description with no graphical change.
Would you know of a place I can get pictures for weapons people made in Photoshop? I read the tutorial but I do not own Photoshop and I am already spending so much time on other parts of modding I don't really want to have to make my own. A google search came up dry, I found a mod people are in the process of making for tactics that adds tons of weapons, the weapons I want among them but its not out yet or a dead project. Here it is:
I am looking to add an M1919 Browning .30 cal to the game to use the 30.06, plus its just a cool gun. Also looking to add a .50 cal sniper rifle, Barret M82A1 or any .50 cal sniper, it doesn't matter which. Adding the M240 might be cool as well, although its not too much better then the M60, (in game terms, there are no reliability issues) maybe I'd just give it a higher RoF.
Another question, I have been browsing the weapon mods, hoping for new weapon graphics (I mean the picture you see, I can live with every rifle looking like an m16 etc) None of them do anything I can't do myself with 3 minutes modding entities, because they just change the stats/description with no graphical change.
Would you know of a place I can get pictures for weapons people made in Photoshop? I read the tutorial but I do not own Photoshop and I am already spending so much time on other parts of modding I don't really want to have to make my own. A google search came up dry, I found a mod people are in the process of making for tactics that adds tons of weapons, the weapons I want among them but its not out yet or a dead project. Here it is:
I am looking to add an M1919 Browning .30 cal to the game to use the 30.06, plus its just a cool gun. Also looking to add a .50 cal sniper rifle, Barret M82A1 or any .50 cal sniper, it doesn't matter which. Adding the M240 might be cool as well, although its not too much better then the M60, (in game terms, there are no reliability issues) maybe I'd just give it a higher RoF.