First time out of the vault

First off, let me say that I have no experience with modding, but I have been following this part of the forum for a long time and I think that this wouldn't be so hard to make (I apologize if I'm wrong or if this has been suggested already, no need to flame me
Anyway, my question/suggestion is:
How hard would it be to make a survival style arena with waves of enemies attacking you?
This is something I like to see in every game and it occurred to me that (to my knowledge) there is no such thing in Fallout 2 (haven't played the first one yet). And I think it would be very fun and challenging
So, what do you guys think? Maybe you would have to leave all your stuff when entering and you would be rewarded with better weapons/armor/stimpacks/drugs as the waves progress? And maybe you get to recruit an NPC every x waves (or you just start with them in the first place), there could be "boss" waves, special waves etc...
And there could be several options:
- one where you start with all your equipment and NPCs but it's harder
- solo mode
- melee only mode
- with and without pauses between waves for healing and such
- many more
The biggest problem that comes to mind is how to revive your characters after inevitable death
But we can think about that after you tell me if all this is even possible.

Anyway, my question/suggestion is:
How hard would it be to make a survival style arena with waves of enemies attacking you?
This is something I like to see in every game and it occurred to me that (to my knowledge) there is no such thing in Fallout 2 (haven't played the first one yet). And I think it would be very fun and challenging

And there could be several options:
- one where you start with all your equipment and NPCs but it's harder
- solo mode
- melee only mode
- with and without pauses between waves for healing and such
- many more
The biggest problem that comes to mind is how to revive your characters after inevitable death