Model Fallout Government


First time out of the vault
Hey everyone. I'm a tremendous fallout nerd, played every game except BoS, hundreds of ours sunk it, and have observed this forum for a long time. I'm also a legal student and ethics/government nerd that gets bored in class sometimes. I had an idea today to get a group together to simulate a government (model congress/UN style) of the fallout universe as a way to feed my geek nature and perform something of an experiment in how our perceptions of law and justice may shift in the context of a world like that in Fallout. We can chat about the details if anyone is down, but I was thinking NCR congress or a new Commonwealth Provisional Government type deal, tackling some issue every week and seeing how, for example, our model penal code and other law stands up to the standards of a fallout environment, maybe observe some relativism in our beliefs and ethics- who knows. Discussion and lawmaking are fun for me, so if anyone else agrees, let's talk. Political, legal, and philosophical experience is not required, this can be a fun, educational experiment.

Or maybe I'm crazy and the only one that thinks this sounds fun.
Sounds fun but most problems would be settled with killing someone.
We are assuming a certain degree of rule of law here in the context of the members of this state. In the core NCR by the time of New Vegas, you would not be shooting and murdering to end every dispute; the implication is that they have a penal and civil system not unlike our own, albeit at a harsher level. Indeed, they even ban the carrying of firearms within the more populous cities of the nation, and have developed interstate commerce and national elections across a rather large area- complex law and order is the only way this would be possible. Their politics, at the surface, would look very much like our own. Now, CPG may be a different story.
We need a return to totalitarian and oppressive governments, controlling every aspect of their citizens lives and creating a harsh and strict penal code.
Too me there is no ideal government in the Fallout world just like in real life. One form of governance may work well for one group of people while it might not work out well for others. I have always stated that one mans version of paradise is another mans version of Hell.