Modoc Brahmin Bug


First time out of the vault
I'm experiencing extremely minor but annoying bug in Modoc main map.
Bug occurs when I kill brahmin in the slaughter house.
Next time when I enter this map, there's a single brahmin near the butcher. This particular brahmin can be killed, and is replaced (respawned) upon entering the same map. This can be done any number of times. After killing brahmin and/or entering map several times, second brahmin may appear next to the existing one.
Sometimes it's being caused by releasing the brahmin.
I'm running killap's unofficial patch 1.02.31 with sfall 3.3a. No Restoration Project.
What causes this issue? Could it be adressed in any way?

Honestly, I can't move on with this sort of issue. If I'm allowed to kill a creature without antagonizing anyone, then I should be able to do so, with glitch free experience. I love this game, but I've never been able to beat it the way I want to because of such bugs and glitches.


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I've read your post multiple times and I still don't know what the problem is... They raise and slaughter cattle, it makes sense for new ones to show up from time to time.
Only this particular brahmin shows there when all the brahmins in the pen are killed. This always happens the second time I reenter this map. He just stands there and does nothing. If I or the butcher kills him, the next time I reenter this map this brahmin respawns. In rare occurence, second one may appear next to him. I remember playthroughs where it never happened, so it must be somehow related to the sfall version? Or something else? I have no idea.
Even in Vanilla F2, I remember having issues with this. In general, if you leave the butcher and the brahmin alone, the brahmin will die in a shower of gore when the butcher "slaughters" it, right? It seems like its behavior bugs out more often than not for me, no matter what-- either it won't be there, or it won't die, or it will double up, or some other miscellaneous weirdness will occur. I fear I don't have much of substance to offer, only that you're not alone, if that helps at all. The original Fallouts' engine is a ramshackle monstrosity, and scripted or semi-scripted events are often unpredictable at best, especially when the player gets involved.

I'm no modder, so I can't help from that angle, but the most elegant fix here might be a roleplaying one-- your character probably wouldn't have any reason to walk into that slaughterhouse and kill that brahmin, and even if you're playing a sociopath you're not likely to return to the scene of the crime to look for another cow to kill. (And if you are playing an indiscriminate killer, it shouldn't matter to you that no one gets upset over the dead brahmin because everyone in town is probably going to be a pile of gore and entrails already, anyway.)