Deathclaw Chameleon
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Lupo discussed may things, what had happened and such. But after Rob went to the river, Lupo and Lexus went to examine the burned shack.
"Hhmm, search around and see what caused the explosion." Said Lupo.
"Alright." They looked around then Lexus found an exploded bomb inside the stove. "Bro, looks like someone set it up."
"But who? Check the body." Lexus checked the body, and found a legion coin on it. "This ain't Alfred. He didn't have any coins and he wasn't wearing red trousers."
"So where's the old coot?" Asked Lupo.
"I don't know..." They were both confused, but a thought came to mind. Alfred wasn't here.
"Hhmm, search around and see what caused the explosion." Said Lupo.
"Alright." They looked around then Lexus found an exploded bomb inside the stove. "Bro, looks like someone set it up."
"But who? Check the body." Lexus checked the body, and found a legion coin on it. "This ain't Alfred. He didn't have any coins and he wasn't wearing red trousers."
"So where's the old coot?" Asked Lupo.
"I don't know..." They were both confused, but a thought came to mind. Alfred wasn't here.