Molotovs and the Finnish


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Bah! I'm Finnish Wooz, well, partially anyway. You dare to fight the Finnish? Have you not heard of their legendary exploits? You must know that you can not successfully resist.
Indeed, even the idea of your fearless moustached hordes, attacking me with electro-magnets freezes the blood in my veins.
Kotario said:
Bah! I'm Finnish Wooz, well, partially anyway. You dare to fight the Finnish? Have you not heard of their legendary exploits? You must know that you can not successfully resist.

I really don't think skiing and molotovs are gonna help you much here... well not skiing for sure....
Molotovs were first used in the Warsaw Ghetto's uprising, children. Magnesium ignited fuel bombs.

On a sidenote, maybe someone ought to split the thread?
Kahgan, it´s Koskenkorva :)

Finnish have a long tradition of a sort of hardness, toughness - perceverance . . and as recent war waging efforts of US have shown, not even the mightiest army can conquer a country that doesn´t want to be conquered - that is, unless they start using nukes ;)
Anyways, the soviets practically never got through. They simply couldn´t gain ground - it wasn´t 10:1 ratio, but it was close.

If I remember right, Molotovs were used by throwing them on air intakes of tanks . . that way the crew suffocated or got out - either way, they were dead.

I can ski - can you? 8)
Wooz, really, don't make up history. The first account I can find of a Molotov cocktail was the Spanish Republicans in the Spanish Civil War early as 1936. Such a Polish-centered version is new to me, though it is obviously incorrect (since the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising occurred in 1943, Jesus Wooz, ever heard of research. Even if it wasn't for the Spanish, the Finnish still would have used Molotov Cocktails first.).

The term "Molotov Cocktail," and where they became truly famous, originated from Finland. Vyacheslav Molotov, Secretary of War and Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, had his named used by the Finnish to mock him. They used Molotov cocktails successfully against the Russians in the Winter War and the Continuation War. Of course, Russian tanks were of shoddy construction, the Finnish successfully used crowbars to take them down. Run up, under the guns, and pry a tread off with a crowbar. The Finnish also have an account where a man prevailed against a tank using only a pistol.

P.S. To give the thread some context (since a better place to split the thread would have been when Wooz declared war because of the 'Finnish Invasion.'), I split Wooz and Dove's previous posts on the topic into a new thread. With the intent to merge that thread with this one, at least, if the board would recognize the URL or topic ID for this thread.
mad said:
Finnish have a long tradition of a sort of hardness, toughness - perceverance . .

doesnt EVERY country say that about itself?

wake up and smell the vaseline...
Err... actually, even when 'conquered' Finland remained remarkably independent, maintaining their own affairs. That's dramatically different than being someone's 'bitch.'

SuAside, you obviously have never heard of the Winter War. Read up about it, then come back to the conversation.
SuAside said:
mad said:
Finnish have a long tradition of a sort of hardness, toughness - perceverance . .

doesnt EVERY country say that about itself?

wake up and smell the vaseline...

Yeah, but the difference here being that the Finnish kick ass and immolate you . "Names? We need no names!" :wink: - Colt
SuAside . . you know not what you be talking about 8) tee-hee... Read up!

What happened to other small countries during WW2 when they were invaded? I´m sure they talk the talk, but did they walk the walk :P
No dude, you didn't have your own affairs. You were a part of our country. As in, a part. Not an ally or union or something.

I think a medieval crusade against you usually makes you into a bitch.
People, wake up its FINLAND, i doubt 20% of the world's poppulation can find it on a map. And besides, why would they want to? it's goddamn finland, land of moose and... yeah, moose....

mad said:
I can ski - can you? 8)

Well, i don't think there would be much use for skiing here, really. Besides, i tried it once, and i can assure you, it wasn't pretty.
Molotovs? Skiing? Well, there's more to it, although I don't blame you for not knowing anything about our little country, heck I ain't particularly interested about yours either.

But, in my opinion living in a suppressed little autonomy that nobody's ever heard about makes us pretty darn suspicious (though incompetent in most major global affairs) and very defensive about our own well-being. We haven't had any major influence to some of the more famous historical decisions, treaties and war campaigns. We're basically the quiet ones, a relatively young independent state that's trying to maintain a functional society despite of the fact that we once again belong to a larger union that has a lot of influence to our domestic policy.

Oh yeah, and some of us fought in the SS and we have a qute little atheist lady as a president. And Michael Palin wrote a song about us. Hooray!
Monty Python said:
You're so sadly neglected,
And often ignored.
A poor second to Belgium,
When going abroad.

pwnd :p

Belgium rules the waves! euh, i mean the stupid threads...
Macaco said:
it's goddamn finland, land of moose and... yeah, moose....

They also have penguins as pets. Instead of dogs or cats they keep penguins at home. I know this is common sense for any finnish but many people still does not know that. And the finnish people are also famous for their.... err.... "beauty".
:shock: We have no fricking pinguins here!!

Tho, every household has a moose as a pet - most have more than one.
We milk them and cook their eggs for breakfast . . and when a moose gets old and dies, children wear its bloody pelt and run around screaming "Minä olen iso paha hirviö!! Buuga-buuga-buu!!" which roughly translates to "I´m a big bad monster, could I have some tea?"
Penguins are from the Antarctic, EyeMaster.

Ha! Mad, I think you would have gotten along with my father. Used to tell me about how his Finnish ancestors worshiped reindeer (in about the same tone as your statement about what Finnish children yell when wearing the bloody pelts of their former pets).
Don't they have reindeer? The land of Santa Clause?

I vagually recall a flick- the Pathfinder, which was kind of cool. A bunch of raiders kill the family of the Lapp kid and want him to lead them to more Lapps. Instead the kid leads them into in a different direction.

Finland. Hmmm.. They did a pretty good job against the Russians and the Germans in the big war of the last century. But now?

Hey are they the ones that are into Sauna or is that the Norwegians?

Tall, athletic big breasted redheads- can't be all bad.