Molotovs and the Finnish

welsh said:
Tall, athletic big breasted redheads- can't be all bad.

Hey Ive known some Finnish people that have given me links to their personal websites with pictures and I thought the women looked great! Are you telling me they are ALL like that?!

(leaves for Finland),
The Vault Dweller
The women? I guess they´re pretty much the same as everywhere else :)

We do have reindeer, but only in Lapland, northern Finland(or in zoos) . . oh, and Santa Claus does indeed live in Finland. Don´t be foolish and argue about that, please? :wink:
We´re more into sauna than any other nation in the world. As far as I know, norwegians have hardly heard of sauna, let alone use them
mad said:
:shock: We have no fricking pinguins here!!

Dude you must be mad. I saw that on tv a long time ago. So if its on the tv its true!!! :look: And Kotario are you going to really believe on your grandfather instead of your old friend?

Here I have a link to a finnish website which is a proof of that. 8)

And pay attention to the following part of this website which begins with
zeven copulaties alreeds:
which means in english seven copulations already prepared. It has a list of penguins copulations that are going to happen on this month. That is a main event on finland. :P

If you have any doubt about finland and their primitive culture talk with your old friend EyeMaster7.
EyeMaster7, thanks for setting it all straight - I had no idea there were pinguings in Finland! Scary since I´ve been living here for nearly 21 years . . :?
My lord EyeMaster, that site you linked to had this smilie on their forums... I shudder even now.
Kotario said:
My lord EyeMaster, that site you linked to had this smilie on their forums... I shudder even now.


I see what you mean Kotario...


the whole server is down tbh

"Zoals je wellicht gemerkt hebt kampte Neukia met wat serverproblemen. De server komt momenteel langzaam tot leven maar er zijn wel enkele belangrijke gegevens verloren gaan. Daarom zal Neukia voorlopig niet te bezoeken zijn tot alles weer vlekkeloos werkt."
Ei sillä että noita teidän ulkomaalais-mongerruksianne olis kiva lukea, mutta kyllä teille vastaavanlaisia on aina mukavaa kirjoitella.

How about we all forget our puny looser languages? 8)
mad said:
*Gibberish*How about we all forget our puny looser languages? 8)

I agree, duetsch is the language of worlds, and it should be the only language allowed.

Really though, if you must speak in non-english, please have a translation under it, and please dont mistranslate things purposely.
it's what the site says fcol, not really my fault now is it wankers? and it basically says that the server is down, which was kinda written above it, i'm just way too lazy to translate word for word.

and no, it's dutch, not deutsch or whatever.

anyhow, when in doubt, use an online translator, before starting to whine like a stupid little cunt mkay? for instance...