mom! I want a pet monkey!

Bah! Japan got us beat by a furlong, But 9? wtf people should know that stuff by then.....I did.

I like how I learned about detail. The specifics were known for years But I learned it how most males do......

7 years old at a bus stop when a older kid starts handing out porno mags.

All I could think about was how every woman had a giant bush....but I digress.

Ahh....The 90's.
Agreed, kids really should be taught about sex earlier than most parents think they should be. I knew about sex by the time I was 9 and so did most of the kids I knew.

I wonder if the game cartridge was actually mislabeled or if someone had returned it with the wrong game inside (I don't trust a news shot of the cartridge worth a damn). I'd be pissed if I got a game other than the one I wanted but this is a whole lotta hoopla over nothing. "Oh no, my 9-year old accidentally got a game with naughty language!"
9 years old too young for sex?

Man, I *had* sex when I was nine. Well, with a Catholic priest, but still, sex is sex.
Heh, I liked it. Ratty should post more. And where's that Triple D Croat guy? He had some great one liner posts back in the day.

BlackWolf, you need to search the order for the rape thread. Enjoy.
I knew there were educative games out there, but I never thought I'd read anything remotely similar to THIS...

KQX said:
Heh, I liked it. Ratty should post more. And where's that Triple D Croat guy? He had some great one liner posts back in the day.

BlackWolf, you need to search the order for the rape thread. Enjoy.
I might be not the best target audience for such kind of jokes. But lets not get in to details about that.
Crni Vuk said:
KQX said:
Heh, I liked it. Ratty should post more. And where's that Triple D Croat guy? He had some great one liner posts back in the day.

BlackWolf, you need to search the order for the rape thread. Enjoy.
I might be not the best target audience for such kind of jokes. But lets not get in to details about that.

Oh crap your not the Pope are you?
eh ? No fortunately not. But there have been a lot of such issues in my family. So its just not the kind of humor that hits my taste. Thats all.