Moments in gaming that made you laugh

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

Sometimes the games we play contain segments that are intended to make us laugh (or fail too), and sometimes there are moments in gaming that make us laugh when it is not suppose to happen.

A mistake on your side or a glitch that somewhat screws up the game or gameplay in a funny way.

Let share stories about moments in gaming that made you laugh, either intentionally or un intental.

One of the must funniest moments in gaming I can recall right now was actually sort of a glitch that happened in Deus Ex 1.

Near the end of the game there is a mission in which you have to infiltrate a missile silo to aim an ICBM from Vandenberg Airbase to Area 51.

The game starts on the surface of the base, putting the player outside a wall that surrounded the inner part of the surface base.

At some point I got into a conflict with one of the Majestic 12 soldiers who had fired through the wall after hearing me, sort of breaking the game there already as I now no longer needed to sneak over catwalks to get inside.

But at some point the AI of the soldier decided to retreat after I had damaged the soldier.
It just ran away from me, smashing through another part of the wall, anything that stood in its way, and eventually smashed into the surface door of the silo complex entrance which the player normally has to open either through lock picking or finding a key, just determined to take cover underground.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud as the computer had just done most of the 'getting entrance to the silo' part for me, making it unnecessary to look around for keys and supplies.
-Call of Duty 2: I was sitting by a friend, watching him play a mission which was set during the Normandy landings.

The mission proceeded successfully, he completed his objectives, Allied forces entered the field to reinforce us and started marching through our position, heroically epic music kicked off, my friend spins the viewpoint around with the mouse to check out the various approaching planes, troops and particularly the tanks, which were named individually with the usual cheesy names like "Iron Fist" or "Nazi Crusher" etc.

Then, in his usual fashion he starts to fire shots in the air to...enhance the epic feeling and to "celebrate" these final moments before the mission ended.

So, while firing in the air without moving at all, he accidentally moves the mouse so that he momentarily faced straight ahead. THE MOMENT he turns straight ahead, the screen is filled with the tracks of an incoming Allied tank named "Kraut Eater", which was centimeters in front of the player and within fractions of a second proceeded to squash him, killing him and of course failing the mission. We laughed out loud. It appears that the tanks followed pre-scripted paths and had no other AI whatsoever, so they could not maneuver around him sitting in the middle of their path and fooling around.

It's still sort of an inside joke among us. Sometimes when one of us stares towards the sky for no reason, the other one is all "MAN ARE YOU CRAZY, WATCH OUT FOR KRAUT EATER".

Good times...

That tank story made me laugh. It was mostly about how you presented it.
Fallout 2 was the game that gave me the greatest laughs.

It had a lot of funny moments but two of them stood out:

1. Becoming a boxing champion with a character with the jinxed trait and 10 Luck.

All i had to do to get the gold medal was to just run circles around the ring, waiting for my opponents to critically miss and knock themselves out.

2. Getting recruited by the Enclave at Navarro. When that hilarious NPC the Drill Sgt. ordered me to guard the vertibirds i thought it was some kind of quest, so i just stood there to see if something happens.

...hours later, after i had lost all my patience and left my character just standing there while i did some other stuff IRL, i realised i was supposed to ESCAPE the guard duty, not follow it.

I facepalmed so hard and it felt so ironic i still chuckle when i think about it.
It's been a while but seeing this thread as I happened to think of the game made me feel like I had to post it.

For people who've played the game Anachronox, there's a great scene where a planet joins your party. Sorry it's not funny to anyone else but I'd hate to spoil it :)
Funny thing is SimpleMinded, I wanted to mention that game when I opened this topic as it was one of the first games I had to think about when I thought of this topic.

But I already had the Deus Ex 1 story so I decided to skip it.
A normal situation on a highway in GTA: San Andreas; all the vechiles there are driving at their full speed, so when a tractor enters the highway, a humorous chain reaction occurs.

1. A car smashes right in to the back of the tractor. The car driver steps out of the car and goes for the tractor driver with a golf club.

2. A few motorbikes crash on the car

3. While the motorists are trying to get back on their bikes, a truck comes and smashes the bikers straight of the bridge they were on into the river below them.

4. The truck does not stop, but instead, hits the car, whose driver is smacking the tractor driver with the golf club.

5. The car rolls over from the crash, sets on fire and explodes, killing the car's former driver and setting the tractor and the truck in flames.

6. A police car arrives, the officers turn on me for some reason, and since I was already low HP, they shot me dead before I could react.

All this happened in about 15 seconds.
Hahaha, did you happen to instigate this situation or were you just an innocent bystander.

If so, best not to visit San Andreas, seeing if the cops shoot innocent pedestrians when an accident happens nearby.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Hahaha, did you happen to instigate this situation or were you just an innocent bystander.

If so, best not to visit San Andreas, seeing if the cops shoot innocent pedestrians when an accident happens nearby.

Actually, I didn't do anything considerung this situation except laugh. This kind of events can however be artificially produced by standing on the road; the first car driving towards you will mystically manage to stop his/her car from 100 mps in a split second, but the drivers behind him/her won't.

Cops in the game aren't the sharpest tools of the shed in other situations as well; a cop car drives from a normal city crossroads and hits an old woman's pick-up truck. What do the cops do? They step out of their car and shoot the lady, of course. Then, because the cops parked their car on a tram track, of course a tram arrives, and takes the police car with it. The cops just forget about the case and start walking in opposite directions.
The whole game is hilarious anyway, but this particular boss fight is just epic.

I've got some funny stories about bugs and glitches as well, but I can't remember ATM. I'll try to see what I can recall.

Also, I had some laughs taking advantage of the D&D Rules and excessive cheesing in Baldur's Gate II.

EDIT: Yep, particularly things like putting an excessive amount of traps before a dragon fight. "You puny mortal!", "Gah!! Over 20 Poisoned spikes hitted me in one frame! I'm falling!!"
I remember a friend of mine playing GTA 1 or 2 can't remember correctly... anyway he was chasing pedestrians with a flamethrower and shouting: "I'm gonna have you cremated!" :)
jero cvmi said:
2. Getting recruited by the Enclave at Navarro. When that hilarious NPC the Drill Sgt. ordered me to guard the vertibirds i thought it was some kind of quest, so i just stood there to see if something happens.

...hours later, after i had lost all my patience and left my character just standing there while i did some other stuff IRL, i realised i was supposed to ESCAPE the guard duty, not follow it.

I facepalmed so hard and it felt so ironic i still chuckle when i think about it.

I kinda did that once. I was reading the official Fallout 2 guide (still my favourite guide) and it said you needed to wait 3 hours till your shift was over. So I did, well for half an hour before realising that you could just run off.

Anyway I would say the funniest thing I did was in Rainbow Six: Vegas with my brother.
We usually checked under doors before I would attach a breaching charge to the door, blow it open and he would storm in to clear it.
However I forgot to switch to breaching charges so I threw a grenade at the door I was standing right next to.
While my brother just legged it I stood there thinking what an idiot I was.
However I still managed to breach the door as my corpse flew through it breaking it open and landing on some very surprised terroists who promptly swore loudly before trying to gun down my brother.
Back before we had PCs and Null Modems, me and two friends decided to try The Settlers split screen on an Amiga 500+. I watched the first game as they played against each other. A while in one of the guys needs to go to the bathroom, so we promise not to ruin his shit while he's gone, and off he goes to the loo.

We decided it would be bad form to just burn down his buildings when he was away, but came up with another stunt to pull on him anyway. I scrolled the view on his side of the screen away to some obscure location and started adding the most useful command in The Settlers, "Call me to this location". You can set the time when you want the game to instantly change your view back to where it was when you issued the command.

Since I wanted to lull the one nature called into a false sense of security upon his return, I set the timer to 20 minutes and spammed away, and then added a good deal of calls at 25 minutes as well, and just a few at 30 minutes for good measure.

He's sort of easily agitated this guy, so he got extremely annoyed by the first flurry of pop-up windows stating "You wanted me to call you to this location" that started covering his screen, and which he manually had to dismiss. The hilarity peaked when it started again a few minutes later.