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Antediluvian as Feck
The official site for Fallout: POS is up.

It again displays that the number of people who know what the Fallout setting at Interplay can be counted fewer than the remaining fingers of a blind shop class teacher.

Of note are the buttons of the Flash interface, and nearly nothing else of the style. Apparently, the ability for IPLY to understand Fallout's style ends at "some scarred and rusted metal".

"Unique auto-targeting ability to quickly cycle through enemies."

What? One step away from the system ripped off from Parasite Eve 2, perhaps? Or even more automated and mindless, so all you need to do is just walk around, auto-target, and mash down the button.

Excuse me as I fall asleep at how uninvolving that sounds.

Also, a free Cluepon for Team Chuck:

Pip-Boy was the trademark of Vault-Tec and not some kind of Big-Boy.

Speaking of which, and having found the "Hidden Data" by clicking on the center of the lower-left button of the Flash site, take a look at how the DeathClaws have been skullfucked yet again here.
Think that is bad? How about the ghoul ripped off from Parasite Eve 2 here
Do they shoot bees from their mouths?
Little known fact, before Pip-Boy was the trademark for Vault-Tec, he moonlighted a career as a bowling alley mascot.

Hey, remember any of these in Fallout 1 or 2? I sure don't. It will be a treat for Team Chuck to explain the recreational drugs/number of brain tumors acquired from huffing exhaust pipes responsible for these screw ups.

Fallout is dead, kiddies.
Don't forget the Dev Diary...

Chuck said:
For all those players who ever wanted to shread a Deathclaw with a laser Gatling gun in real time and in 3D, your day is coming
Dan said:
Don't forget the Dev Diary...

Chuck said:
For all those players who ever wanted to shread a Deathclaw with a laser Gatling gun in real time and in 3D, your day is coming

My mind had automatically shunted those thoughts to ground after reading them. The idiocy inherent in that dev diary is just staggering. The bastard has no clue, seriously.

Even by pissing off the fans that have been following Fallout for quite some time, he's not going to have much of an audience as the console crowd has other things to look at. I seriously doubt the Fallout name will save Run Like Hell 2.
"What about all those fans who want Fallout 3? I want them to see what a cool universe Fallout is."

The irony. Cuevas can't be serious. By turning Fallout into a shoot-em-up frenzy with amazingly terrible graphics, cliche and no redeeming qualities, you want to show us what a "Cool" universe Fallout is? hahaha

"I want them to experience the Brotherhood,"

Too late, since you've totally fucked them now. He has absolutely no clue about the Brotherhood or what they are. He never will.

"the Wasteland,"

People running around half-naked, yet not tan, dirty?

"and the 50's culture gone haywire"

There are absolutely no 50's elements in the game whatsoever.

then he says:
"I want them to be able to see what the 1930's world of tomorrow looks like after World War 3"

Ass and a half.
"oh yeah, this could be good."
Oh yeah, and so was Run Like Hell.

The guy probably has an IQ of a 3 year old who thinks he's a 1 year old. He has no idea what Fallout is, he totally destroys everything Fallout. woohoo
I especially like in the promo movie the barely covered in leather straps and wearing a thong while firing two berretas babe. ... NOT

Comme on who did they ask? 16 year-olds?
I can just picture it now, i want a game where there are babes with nipples showing thru their tank-top and wearing thongs.

I have to go barf now.

PLease Interplay don`t listen to us the real fans of the original two fallouts.

Chuck has some serious problems. Everything he does gets fucked up, I sure hope he doesn't have any kids.

The guy thinks hes pleasing the Fallout fans, but ends up just stabbing us in the backs. Like hell hes reading the Fallout bibles, he said he thinks RPGs are boring so he doesn't play them, yet were suppose to expect him to read pages full of background information on the games, yeah right.

Finally... Chuck C. tells it like it izz..... here's a rip from the offical FOBOS site.....

...Better yet, what about all those gamers out there who have heard of Fallout, but turn-based RPG's are not their game. I want them to see what a cool universe Fallout is. I want them to experience the Brotherhood....

The Crew Chuck are out to make a safe, meaning, money making product.
I believe that the 'Fallout' is there for "licence leverage", as per offical ViV. corporate doctrine. AND the focus is on the console market.

Finally seen a measure of production values. Macroflash like all the trendy eye candy conduits. The FAQ is a neat, controled , vehicle, like many of Bush Jr.'s "press conferences". Spin control for the RPG profiles. Or, it could be all true, and it doesn't matter 'cause ...FOBOS is BOS in Team Chuck's image.

Snowblind's BG:DA engine is the wire frame. The locomotive on an established rail line. Haulin' the pigs to market, and packin' the bacon back home.
Team Chuck fashions the skins in THIER image of a "the Brotherhood". Pigskin gloves?...""'n' iff the glove don't fit then don't convict"",...., oh, that was another presumed guilty drama....

Finally seen a measure of production values. The other values are all I'plays and Team Chuck's..

Hey, did you guys check out the "Gameplay" section? Especially notice the "Tesla Armor" (just look at it, seriously), and two of the most brilliant ideas ever: the "plasma saw" and "torch glove"?

chucky said:
Plasma saw:
Some psychopath (ed.: Chucky) had the idea to make the post apocalyptic equivelant of a two-handed sword using a giant fusion cell and a giant forged blade

For the uninformed, plasma is known as the 5th state of matter (after "hyper-fluid" (or whatever, matter at 0 degrees Kelvin), solid, fluid, gas). For hydrogen to become plasma, it has to be about 10 million degrees celcius. While shooting this out of a gun might technically be possible with some tricks, covering a blade with plasma would be...well...impossible. Even if it was possible, the costs would never correct the usefulness. The idiocy is incredible.

I'm not even going to start on the "torch glove"

chucky said:
About ghouls: An age of evolution under harsh conditions has made ghouls pretty resilient.

Now, while it's true that evolution can also be translated like "development", everyone will agree with me that evolution generaly means this:

Penguin Dictionary of Contemporary English said:
1a the historical development of a biological group, e.g. a race, species or higher catagory b a theory that the various existing types of animals and plants are derived from preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to natural selection

Seeing as there is only one generation of ghouls, it'd be rather hard for them to evolve through natural selection, huh, Chucky?

chucky said:
On Mutants: Apparently, the process of creating mutants has some random factor - some mutants are highly intelligent, others are dumb as a post.

Right...How about a game of Fallout 1, Chucky, seems you've never tried it. (note; I have no idea if the Fallout Bible corrected the theory of the Master that unradiated people mutate more smartly than radiated people, but one thing is for usre: it is not random)
Re: Finally...

4too said:
The FAQ is a neat, controled , vehicle, like many of Bush Jr.'s "press conferences".

Actually, it's more like the Clinton administration, which revoked more white house press passes in it's first term than any other administration in history.
Most Recent Example

Most Recent Example, in my memory......

Yah, used Bush Jr. 'cause of that prime time "show" recently. It was a controled event. The need to project a determined policy was the most important factor. It matters in these days of edited sound bites.

Anyone watching the Demo primaries back in early '92 knew all about the ""Slick Willie"" Issues before Clinton floated to the top.
And all that Arkansas stuff was churned up by his "fellow" demo's.

Well, politics in time of war only parallels I'play's manipulations. Please feel free to summon up your own shining examples. The FOBOS FAQ is a simulated ""canned media event"". An edited narritive that contrives a face to face intimacy.

Unless they are historians of "the pin up", are versed in the ol' comics, or are my age, Team C. probablly read about ""Bettie Page"" in the discussions at DAC. I evoked her iconistic image after seeing the first

AdamG said:
Wow, large uncovered breasts. I think I'll pass this one.

The funny thing I've noticed is something I call the T to A Rule.

The more tits they show, the more the game turns out to be ass.

So far, I've rarely found any exceptions to that.
Re: hey

Chuck has some serious problems. Everything he does gets fucked up, I sure hope he doesn't have any kids.
unfortunately, he does have kids...
anyway, Run Like Hell is an ok game, except for the terrible camera that makes it nearly unplayable and the fact that whole setting and storyline was copied from several other alien survival horror games. seems that Chuck tries to follow the saying: "Small artists copy. Great artists steal." (Bill Gates' favorite :lol:) except that he is too dumb to do either.