The official site for Fallout: POS is up.
It again displays that the number of people who know what the Fallout setting at Interplay can be counted fewer than the remaining fingers of a blind shop class teacher.
Of note are the buttons of the Flash interface, and nearly nothing else of the style. Apparently, the ability for IPLY to understand Fallout's style ends at "some scarred and rusted metal".
"Unique auto-targeting ability to quickly cycle through enemies."
What? One step away from the system ripped off from Parasite Eve 2, perhaps? Or even more automated and mindless, so all you need to do is just walk around, auto-target, and mash down the button.
Excuse me as I fall asleep at how uninvolving that sounds.
Also, a free Cluepon for Team Chuck:
Pip-Boy was the trademark of Vault-Tec and not some kind of Big-Boy.
Speaking of which, and having found the "Hidden Data" by clicking on the center of the lower-left button of the Flash site, take a look at how the DeathClaws have been skullfucked yet again here.
Think that is bad? How about the ghoul ripped off from Parasite Eve 2 here
Do they shoot bees from their mouths?
Little known fact, before Pip-Boy was the trademark for Vault-Tec, he moonlighted a career as a bowling alley mascot.
Hey, remember any of these in Fallout 1 or 2? I sure don't. It will be a treat for Team Chuck to explain the recreational drugs/number of brain tumors acquired from huffing exhaust pipes responsible for these screw ups.
Fallout is dead, kiddies.
It again displays that the number of people who know what the Fallout setting at Interplay can be counted fewer than the remaining fingers of a blind shop class teacher.
Of note are the buttons of the Flash interface, and nearly nothing else of the style. Apparently, the ability for IPLY to understand Fallout's style ends at "some scarred and rusted metal".
"Unique auto-targeting ability to quickly cycle through enemies."
What? One step away from the system ripped off from Parasite Eve 2, perhaps? Or even more automated and mindless, so all you need to do is just walk around, auto-target, and mash down the button.
Excuse me as I fall asleep at how uninvolving that sounds.
Also, a free Cluepon for Team Chuck:
Pip-Boy was the trademark of Vault-Tec and not some kind of Big-Boy.
Speaking of which, and having found the "Hidden Data" by clicking on the center of the lower-left button of the Flash site, take a look at how the DeathClaws have been skullfucked yet again here.
Think that is bad? How about the ghoul ripped off from Parasite Eve 2 here
Do they shoot bees from their mouths?
Little known fact, before Pip-Boy was the trademark for Vault-Tec, he moonlighted a career as a bowling alley mascot.
Hey, remember any of these in Fallout 1 or 2? I sure don't. It will be a treat for Team Chuck to explain the recreational drugs/number of brain tumors acquired from huffing exhaust pipes responsible for these screw ups.
Fallout is dead, kiddies.