More bits about the Fall's international release date

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Carsten Strehse has made a few more comments regarding the future releases of the Fall:<blockquote>Carsten: Releases in Russia and Poland will be in August. Czech and Hungary will follow a month later.
Deggers: so will the english relese be before or after the russian/polish release ??
Carsten: After. The release in US and UK will be together with the one in Asia.
Poot: Will the USA/UK release be before or after the Czech & Hungary release?
Carsten: Later.</blockquote>Link: thread on SSE forum
Hah! Take that, you Pepiczeks!

Actually, that's reasonable, SSE knows that once the game is in Russia, it'll also diffuse here anyway. So they must make the premiere parallel.
SimpleMinded said:
Hrmm... i wonder why US and england are getting the shaft. Are they not welcoming markets of foreign games?
I don't think the US market is very welcoming, and I maybe the UK market isn't worth the trouble on its own.
Claw said:
SimpleMinded said:
Hrmm... i wonder why US and england are getting the shaft. Are they not welcoming markets of foreign games?
I don't think the US market is very welcoming, and I maybe the UK market isn't worth the trouble on its own.
A quick google. gives this:
UK maintains its ranking as third largest market in the world after the US and Japan...
Screen Digest estimates that the global interactive leisure software retail market was worth €15bn in 2003, up 10.8 per cent from 2002...
The UK 2003 market rose by nearly seven per cent over 2002, to £1.152bn (€1.677bn), the highest value ever reached.
Course, that is a fairly old article (01/09/2004 (although I do not know if that means the 1st of Spetember or January 9th)), but I don't think the markets have changed that much.

Well, obviously that's only the market in general, not genre/theme specifcally, and it was hardly an exhaustive research attempt, but that's what i use to draw this conclusion:

The UK market probably is worth the fuss on it's own, but they do not have current funds enough to put into a full scale translation/localisation project.
Big T said:
The UK market probably is worth the fuss on it's own, but they do not have current funds enough to put into a full scale translation/localisation project.

From what I understood, they ARE. The US and UK releases just coincide in date for the same reason the Russian and Polish releases do, to stop the game from leaking cross-country. But they're localising it for the UK apart from the US, apparently to adapt the humour to the locality

That probably means loads of cockney accents, a few Sean Conneries thrown in and too many Monty Pythons to count