More Fallout news on June the 12th?

So much exciting news! Feels like christmas all over
"I hope this game is a Wii exclusive. the Wii was designed for this game. looking forward to waggle myself through that desolate landscape. it will be a lot of fun, in fact, hours of waggling fun."

One of the replies over there... Almost as good as the poster over at the bethsoft fallout 3 forums, who said that those who want a turned based fallout 3 have no idea what the game is about and it's history...
I honestly don't believe that they will tell him anything that we don't already know about the game.

We're going to know absolutely zilch until Bethesda decides to say anything, and with the torrent of intelligence they get thrown at them each time they try to speak, they've got good reason to stay quiet.

In any case, I might be wrong but I'm just stating the current state of affairs.
*shrugs* How many years have we been waiting? Christ... I don't think I care anymore... that's a bold faced lie. I think my... our obsession or passion for this game will drive at least 35% of us mad by our elder years.
Don't worry. By the time you age to 101 years old, Fallout 3 might be ready. Lets all hope you live that long. ^_^
Stag said:
I'm not much for Kotaku, but I hope something good'll come of it.
Interesting how shortly after their post about the Fallout 3 teaser page, they reported on a rumor that there might be a Little Big Planet demo this fall, while the Van Buren tech demo received absolutely no coverage.
RaidSonnet said:
You can start crying when Bethesda announces Fallout 3 will be discountinued until further notice.
I hope they do announce it.