More Fbos on HomeLAN


Carbon Dated and Proud
I spotted that HomeLAN had yet again posted an article about Fallout Bos, and they seem to like what they see:<blockquote>The mix of third person action and RPG with the Fallout universe seems to be an odd mix when you first think about it, but after playing the Xbox build of Brotherhood of Steel we think that Interplay is on the right track towards making an entertaining and even funny console title. The game is currently scheduled to be released for both the PS2 and Xbox later this fall.</blockquote>They also mentions that the fansites didn't like this project (shocker!), but the guys at HomeLAN were "converted" by what they saw.
Link: HomeLAN Impressions of Fbos
Spotted at VoodooExtreme
Fallout’s RPG roots haven’t been completely forgotten in this new console game. You will be able to chose between two playable characters in the game, each with their own attributes, and be able to equip them with an assortment of weapons and armors, including pistols, machine guns, and other bits.

Scratch them off the "have a clue" list.
He never said he was "converted", he said it stood a chance at being good.

Remember, previews like this are typically favorable for a title because you don't want a publisher rejecting you for their next commercial PR event. If you come out and say, I saw Fallout Enforcer at Vivendi's pre-E3 circle jerk, and egads, what a lump of shit that one is! then Vivendi won't ask you back next time.

Also notice there's several things in all these previews written from this event. They all mention the RPG elements, for example. Things like that are most likely what Vivendi wants these people to mention in their previews because they're getting flak about it. They also mention Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance because it's been a fairly successful title compared to other Interplay titles, so they want that mentioned as well. That's probably why you don't see, FROM THE TEAM THAT BROUGHT YOU RUN LIKE HELL! on any of them, also.
True, I know this, but it's just one thing that seems to give the developers the green light to say "Hey, see! Someone doesn't think this is bad. Take a look, they even rebuff the hardcore fans and those who dislike the idea of the game."
Well, it's interesting he didn't actually take a stance on it like a lot of web sites do for previews, only to hammer the game in the reviews.

How many good previews did Harbinger get, followed by negative reviews?
True, true...

Then we can also get Chucky and the rest of them feigning surprise at all the negativity and also watch them spin it around.

Hey, too bad you can't patch and pander a bit on a console, eh? The one saving grace of FOT, the editors, and they don't even have that option.

Someone looks like they are 9 levels of Screwed, and just don't know it yet.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Remember, previews like this are typically favorable for a title because you don't want a publisher rejecting you for their next commercial PR event. If you come out and say, I saw Fallout Enforcer at Vivendi's pre-E3 circle jerk, and egads, what a lump of shit that one is! then Vivendi won't ask you back next time.
crap, is this why I never received Fallout Tactics? :)

I know I'm the only one they forgot, although I don't know why
Miroslav said:
crap, is this why I never received Fallout Tactics? :)

I know I'm the only one they forgot, although I don't know why
erm..well I've got your copy here, was going to send it but I forgot it..ops.. :cry:
then I want my $4 worth tactics! :D

man when I saw that $4 price, I laughed my ass out... I should probably order one, don't know whether they ship to Serbia