More from Killer Betties on Auto Assault

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In another grand display of reversed sexism (sorry girls, couldn't resits), Killer Betties follows up their interview with Auto Assault project lead Scott Brown with coordinator, Valerie Massey, in the grandslam Killer Women series. I could find only one question that mentions Auto Assault more than in passing:<blockquote>If you can talk about it, can you tell us some about the project you are currently working on?

The game I'm working on now, Auto Assault, is a vehicular combat game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Through the clever use of the Havok™ physics engine, players can smash into things, jump over stuff and pretty much blow up anything they see on the screen, so there's lots of action. It's unlike anything else in the growing list of MMOs and we're very excited about it.</blockquote>Maybe they should do Krazikatt next.

Link: interview on Killer Betties

Spotted on Blue's News