More rumours

ExtremeRyno said:
I actually kind of hope Microsoft buys them out...Microsoft has some good games lately.

They were FAR worse than EA which already raped Origin and Westwood. But Microsoft is certainly not the best choice, I'd prefer Atari or maybe Ubisoft.
jr. said:
you aren't sarcastic, here? there's rumours on good authority that Interplay's in ruins and Herve is trying to sell it off. Haase's news is getting bleaker. but Interplay hasn't made the situation very clear for -shareholders-. as shoreholders who haven't been well-informed by Interplay in the past, why the hell shouldn't they be giving people migranes with their demands for answers, at a time like this?

Rumors or not, you don't post someone's fucking phone number. That's invasion of privacy. I couldn't give a shit if you had a million dollars invested in Interplay, you just don't do it.

Fucking douche.
Malkavian Lukas is a Public Relations professional, there`s nothing wrong in showing his phone number, relations with the public regarding Interplay is what he`s beeing payed for so there`s nothing wrong with that.

Guys kiss and make up ok? :)
Extreme Drinker is right. The best option now is Ubisoft or Bethesda . They have good engines and have a good support for modding groups. Obsidian is an option too but they are working in a complete different project called Delaware . :roll: Nothing to do with Fallout :look: .