More scorched papyrus.

Parannegha said:
Hell, you guys should probably change the name to No Blades Greater Than 6 Inches Allowed, as I see the way you react to the friggin swords. Is anyone of you familiar at all with the Fallout PnP? The man is a fiction character. If you had read the Enclave sourcebook you would know the characteristics of the dude and why he is carrying the goddamned sword. Other than that, the best thing about Fallout and the PA setting is that everything can be made to fit in it. After all it's just a game, for the Master's sake. All who want a post nuclear simulator, keep your distance :!:
Yes, we get that it comes from another source. That doesn't change one thing about the fact that swords don't fit in the Fallout universe for a variety of reasons, and I'll say it again: go read some of the older threads in Fallout 3 discussion.

Melee weapons are fine, swords are not, for the very fact that there would be barely any functional combat-ready sword available from before the war, and creating one takes way too much effort.
Even though the sword is completely out of context, it is a great sketch. The detail is basic, but is detailed enough to look good.

The mutie is the best by far, methinks.
Sander said:
...swords don't fit in the Fallout universe for a variety of reasons, and I'll say it again: go read some of the older threads in Fallout 3 discussion.
Melee weapons are fine, swords are not, for the very fact that there would be barely any functional combat-ready sword available from before the war, and creating one takes way too much effort.
Well, teh threads don't say anything else but to show you repeating yourselves over and over again. I would hardly believe if anyone had told me two days ago I would be opposing you on this point right now, for I don't remember implying even once on the idea that swords MIGHT fit in Fallout. Still you all fiercely throw away at everyone your 50s retro stuff and, which is more shocking, realistic stuff, like "there would be no swords for no-one would make 'em". Well, there would be no mutants, no ghouls, no vaults, no vacuum lamps and all, not even people maybe. So, whatever, just have it your way and label me Swordsman of the Wastelands, or maybe directly White Trash Ninja if it suits you.

Wooz said:
What's an "Enclave Sourcebook"?
Wooz, is that supposed to be a joke?

Wooz said:
Zomg, Oblivion looks so k3wl, let's swordbash marksmen with my sword.
For your information I've never even tried the game, not because I don't have even a quarter of the required hardware, but because the idea for a first person fantasy RPG doesn't really tempt me much.

Kahgan said:
Let's all just hope Parannegha is trying to pull some legs too, because I really don't want to see him banned.
Oh, no, I better cut my hands off, right after erasing the sword in Photoshop, and never do it again.

TorontRayne said:
The sword is a great weapon to have I was just saying that he needs a backup weapon.
Well, he's got a pair of desert eagles, if anyone still cares (just don't start about the john woo crap). I simply decided not to hang his whole inventory on his armor. Good lord, what if Black Isle had decided to display guns, ammo, drugs and a geck ON the character.
Parannegha said:
Well, teh threads don't say anything else but to show you repeating yourselves over and over again. I would hardly believe if anyone had told me two days ago I would be opposing you on this point right now, for I don't remember implying even once on the idea that swords MIGHT fit in Fallout. Still you all fiercely throw away at everyone your 50s retro stuff and, which is more shocking, realistic stuff, like "there would be no swords for no-one would make 'em". Well, there would be no mutants, no ghouls, no vaults, no vacuum lamps and all, not even people maybe. So, whatever, just have it your way and label me Swordsman of the Wastelands, or maybe directly White Trash Ninja if it suits you.
Calm down, and don't get so insulted when I wasn't even talking to you. I get the impression you somehow enjoy the idea of being 'martyred'.
I do recall scolding Rusty Chopper for saying that swords fit very well with Fallout, but I never even accosted you for that, so don't act so bloody insulted. I can't help it if you decide to come in (again, without reading the threads linked to) and decide to go all 'Swords can be made to fit!' on us.

Look, Fallout may be a work of fiction, but it's also a work of fiction that is based on some very clear ideas to maintain a consistent, atmospherical universe, many of which made Fallout into the game it is. One of them is the basis for the entire setting: retro 50s sci-fi. Now, all of the unrealistic stuff you find in Fallout (mutants, ghouls, deathclaws) all fits in with that setting element, because most is taken directly from it. Hence, any realistic argument must be made from the viewpoint of retro fifties sci-fi, which explains things such as mutants through the nomer 'Science!' and through the miracle of radiation. A sudden appearance of swords is not explained, and they don't feature in fifties sci-fi either, so it wouldn't fit with Fallout. Speaking realistically from that viewpoint, there wouldn't be any swords because it would be too hard and pretty damned useless in comparison to make them.

Oh, no, I better cut my hands off, right after erasing the sword in Photoshop, and never do it again.
He's referring to the fit you're throwing right now, not your drawing.

Well, he's got a pair of desert eagles, if anyone still cares (just don't start about the john woo crap). I simply decided not to hang his whole inventory on his armor. Good lord, what if Black Isle had decided to display guns, ammo, drugs and a geck ON the character.
Oh, get over it. Whether or not the sword was taken from somewhere else doesn't matter at all, it simply doesn't fit with the Fallout setting. Now, you can go cry about it a bit more, or you can let it go and continue on. In case you hadn't noticed, everyone *liked* your drawings, they just found the sword to be somewhat off.
Hahaha, I'll be damned. Swords don't fit in Fallout, never did and have nothing to do with it, and I never assumed the opposite. I wasn't insulted in any way, the least concerning my drawings.
My first attempt at coloring in Photoshop:


Works for me. Coolios, just colour the inside of the left hand in a darker color than the outside, and leaveth no white spots!
Wooz said:
Works for me. Coolios, just colour the inside of the left hand in a darker color than the outside, and leaveth no white spots!

First attempt Wooz, first attempt. Anyway, yes it does suck. I'll try harder next time. :?
The dodge and burn tools are your friends when doing metal...


Use transparecies instead of using the magic wand to cut out white bits. By using stronger colours than normal it cancels out.

However, i don't like colouring faces using photoshop - its so hard to get the right hue.
wow! i really like that dangerous babe and that power armor of the sword-wielding knight.
No one want's to photochop-paint the super mutant? :(

Here's my go:

Fock, I suck at this :lol:
hah, Kahgan, you certainly made the Mutant to be one ugly PoS. i like the sketches a lot. I think one of the girls feet is kind of messed up but besides, they look good.
Here's my attempt at coloring the other two.

They could use some shading and highlighting and they lost some detail when I vectorised them but they should be a good start.

If you're using photoshop for coloring I would stay away from the paint bucket. Color on a seperate layer w/ the paint brush and set the layer mode to multiply.

p.s. Sorry if this is considered grave digging
it's not gravedigging as long as you add something new to the thread, wich you did, excelent!

Great job, now start shading and stuff like that!
Parannegha said:
The sword is all wrong.

1. The shading on the fuller makes it look as if it's a convex or flat bit that stands out. It should actually be more like a dent, i.e. concave.

2. It has the hilt of a two-handed sword, but the blade length makes it seem more like a hand-and-a-half at best. Shortening the quillons might make it more proportionate, if you want it to be a hand-and-a-half.

3. If it's supposed to be two-handed, it should have a longer blade and also a more defined ricasso, which is the blunt bit directly bellow the quillons. A hand's width should be long enough for a two-handed sword's ricasso. If you want to wrap it in leather, consider adding thorns on the sides below the ricasso so it doesn't slip.

4. The pommel looks way out of proportion. Not only will that sword be very front-heavy, but also it just looks bad. Remember that the tang (the bit of the blade that goes into the grip) is only about half the width of the blade. The grip should thus only be as broad as the blade at most (many swords have a slight curvature in the shape of the grip for better handling) and the pommel should only be that thin where it connects and then expand upwards like a (flattened) cone (unless it's a disc pommel, in which case it should just look like a disc with a diameter about a time and a half the width of the grip).

Also, on the one with the mutant, the barrels are way too short. I guess you just got the perspective wrong, though.

Other than that I don't see much to complain about. I like the clear style and simple shading.

Perspective's always a bitch, but you'll get to that eventually.
Ashmo said:
Also, on the one with the mutant, the barrels are way too short. I guess you just got the perspective wrong, though.
No, I intentionally made the minigun short-barreled.

Heya, guys, the troll is back; what up? Been quite a while. Don't worry, I haven't come back to spit more BS, I wish to bury the hatchet (or the sword :lol:). I hope you'll excuse my grave digging but I didn't want to start a new thread for a single image.

So here it is, my other super mutant drawing made not long after the first one but not scanned for years until last month I finally decided to upload it, seeing that I'm not going to finish the leg or add anything else to it. Most of you probably won't like it 'cause the mutant is more the Tactics type, but still, I decided to catch the coming fan art roundup that Brother None's mentioned.

Please, keep in mind that (just like my other drawings) it's something I did maybe 5 (if not more) years ago mostly for fun, so feel free to say it sucks as long as you don't tell me how I should've done it.
