Parannegha said:
Well, teh threads don't say anything else but to show you repeating yourselves over and over again. I would hardly believe if anyone had told me two days ago I would be opposing you on this point right now, for I don't remember implying even once on the idea that swords MIGHT fit in Fallout. Still you all fiercely throw away at everyone your 50s retro stuff and, which is more shocking, realistic stuff, like "there would be no swords for no-one would make 'em". Well, there would be no mutants, no ghouls, no vaults, no vacuum lamps and all, not even people maybe. So, whatever, just have it your way and label me Swordsman of the Wastelands, or maybe directly White Trash Ninja if it suits you.
Calm down, and don't get so insulted when I wasn't even talking to you. I get the impression you somehow enjoy the idea of being 'martyred'.
I do recall scolding Rusty Chopper for saying that swords fit very well with Fallout, but I never even accosted you for that, so don't act so bloody insulted. I can't help it if you decide to come in (again, without reading the threads linked to) and decide to go all 'Swords can be made to fit!' on us.
Look, Fallout may be a work of fiction, but it's also a work of fiction that is based on some very clear ideas to maintain a consistent, atmospherical universe, many of which made Fallout into the game it is. One of them is the basis for the entire setting: retro 50s sci-fi. Now, all of the unrealistic stuff you find in Fallout (mutants, ghouls, deathclaws) all fits in with that setting element, because most is taken directly from it. Hence, any realistic argument must be made from the viewpoint of retro fifties sci-fi, which explains things such as mutants through the nomer 'Science!' and through the miracle of radiation. A sudden appearance of swords is not explained, and they don't feature in fifties sci-fi either, so it wouldn't fit with Fallout. Speaking realistically from that viewpoint, there wouldn't be any swords because it would be too hard and pretty damned useless in comparison to make them.
Oh, no, I better cut my hands off, right after erasing the sword in Photoshop, and never do it again.
He's referring to the fit you're throwing right now, not your drawing.
Well, he's got a pair of desert eagles, if anyone still cares (just don't start about the john woo crap). I simply decided not to hang his whole inventory on his armor. Good lord, what if Black Isle had decided to display guns, ammo, drugs and a geck ON the character.
Oh, get over it. Whether or not the sword was taken from somewhere else doesn't matter at all, it simply doesn't fit with the Fallout setting. Now, you can go cry about it a bit more, or you can let it go and continue on. In case you hadn't noticed, everyone *liked* your drawings, they just found the sword to be somewhat off.