#MoreThanARefugee video getting crazy backslash


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
So, recently Youtube posted this video and it has been constantly mentioned, including main page. Majority of the comments are filled with negativity and clear intent of not letting the refugees in. So, since it does seem like a nice thread to have, I have decided to post it.

Honestly, I have to admit, after what has been happening in Europe recently the backslash seems well deserved. And by reading the comments, I came across those two nice things:

The Coudenhove Kalergi plan

And Preventing White Genocide on youtube:
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I clicked on the link. So the Golden Dawn are national socialists (aka neo-nazis). To me it just seems to be a bunch of fear-mongering to justify their racist beliefs.

Statistically speaking, if you are worried about the declining native-European populations, then I think you need to look at current cultural trends that are reducing birthrates among them. You can't force people to want to have children and raise them. The demographic trends seem to show a strong correlation to the economic strength of the member states (see EU Demographics).

I know that we always hate when people die unnecessarily, but the current spike of terrorism in the EU is hardly an effective genocide campaign. From 2004 to 2017 the average annual number of deaths in the EU (with a Jan 2016 population of 510,000,000) from radical islamic terrorism is 41 per year. Even if you average the current spike (2015 - 2016) the average annual deaths is 146 per year. To put this in perspective the average number of automobile deaths in the train-centric EU (from 2010 to 2015) was 28,500 per year.

So I guess we should form a crazy, hard-left party to push back against the use automobiles until the EU bans them all, right?

I am not an expert in immigration, especially in Europe, but it seems that most of European immigration is legal (whether by visas or refugee policies). So if you live in the EU and you don't like current immigration levels, then you should work the political process until it changes (or you realize that most people don't want it to change).

From what I have read over the years I have arrived at the opinion that assimilation process does not work as well in the EU as it does in the USA (even though that process in not perfect there either and perhaps getting worse by some metrics). I feel that if you are going to allow people to immigrate to your country, then it is in your best interest to see that they feel welcome; have access to good healthcare, education, job opportunities; and assimilate at least a little bit (by learning the local language and by making at least some friends outside of their native-culture).

Sure, there are criminals and terrorists that immigrate. But many of those are actually home-grown - they've been in the country for a long time. I think that anti-immigrant parties that demonize whole populations of immigrants are counter-productive to goals of preventing terrorism and encouraging assimilation. If they really wanted to help things they would be welcoming while still promoting pragmatic immigration limits and local-language education. The anti-immigrant rhetoric to me seems to be nothing but an inflammatory sales pitch towards natives.

I see. Honestly, the immigrants are a symptom not a disease. Due to low birthrates in most advanced countries, there are no people to do the work. So the goverment decided to invite the refuges. The problem is those immigrants, often do not intergrate and try to force their culture, rather than assimilate.

The best case scenerio would be changing the mindset of people, to actually have children. However, the way I see it. It will not change, unless something crazy happens. People want to spend their times developing themselves rather than taking care of their familly.

The way things are, I can't see an obvious solution to the problem.
Honestly the whole preservation of the white race has always been confusing to me. There's so many diverse cultures and customs in the white race that interbreeding Poles with Slavs or Anglo-Saxons with Germans for the sake of keeping the general white race seems counterproductive.
People want to spend their times developing themselves rather than taking care of their familly.
Yep, the amount of kids raised is affected by average education level in our country according to our statistic institute: http://www.infostat.sk/vdc/pdf/rodina2004.pdf

There's bigger ratio of people with academic degree in every generation born in our country and according to the INFOSTAT, the education level is directly related to amount of children raised in every family. The more educated parents, the fewer children they raise statistically. This is due to more carefull economical plans and also due to lower fertility or more risky second/third childbearing in higher age. Families with lower average education level raise more children in comparison.
I see. Honestly, the immigrants are a symptom not a disease. Due to low birthrates in most advanced countries, there are no people to do the work. So the goverment decided to invite the refuges. The problem is those immigrants, often do not intergrate and try to force their culture, rather than assimilate.

The best case scenerio would be changing the mindset of people, to actually have children. However, the way I see it. It will not change, unless something crazy happens. People want to spend their times developing themselves rather than taking care of their familly.

The way things are, I can't see an obvious solution to the problem.
Having less children should be a good thing. There's too many humans around to begin with. If anything they should work towards how to adapt to lower population numbers rather than expanding them.

Sure, we're not at a point like Soylent Green or anything but overpopulation is an inevitability if population growth is all that is cared about. And considering automation is on the rise... There is an abundance of work? Depending on how strong automation will move forward that may not be the case.

So hypothetically, they invite a bunch of people from shittier countries so they can advance in a prosperous country because they think we need more people to fill in the gaps and then automation means a massive job loss prospect, now you have natives and immigrants suckling the governments welfare teat.

Dunno if it'll get that bad, it just seems like damn poor timing and I never liked the idea of population growth anyway.
So, recently Youtube posted this video and it has been constantly mentioned, including main page. Majority of the comments are filled with negativity and clear intent of not letting the refugees in. So, since it does seem like a nice thread to have, I have decided to post it.

Honestly, I have to admit, after what has been happening in Europe recently the backslash seems well deserved. And by reading the comments, I came across those two nice things:

The Coudenhove Kalergi plan

And Preventing White Genocide on youtube:

The refugee video is proof of bias within youtube.

They're deleting comments and downvotes.

Had to just re-downvote just then.
Got some footage of youtube removing my downvotes, will be posting soon.


Youtube! We can SEE what you're doing!
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I clicked on the link. So the Golden Dawn are national socialists (aka neo-nazis). To me it just seems to be a bunch of fear-mongering to justify their racist beliefs.

Statistically speaking, if you are worried about the declining native-European populations, then I think you need to look at current cultural trends that are reducing birthrates among them. You can't force people to want to have children and raise them. The demographic trends seem to show a strong correlation to the economic strength of the member states (see EU Demographics).

I know that we always hate when people die unnecessarily, but the current spike of terrorism in the EU is hardly an effective genocide campaign. From 2004 to 2017 the average annual number of deaths in the EU (with a Jan 2016 population of 510,000,000) from radical islamic terrorism is 41 per year. Even if you average the current spike (2015 - 2016) the average annual deaths is 146 per year. To put this in perspective the average number of automobile deaths in the train-centric EU (from 2010 to 2015) was 28,500 per year.

So I guess we should form a crazy, hard-left party to push back against the use automobiles until the EU bans them all, right?

I am not an expert in immigration, especially in Europe, but it seems that most of European immigration is legal (whether by visas or refugee policies). So if you live in the EU and you don't like current immigration levels, then you should work the political process until it changes (or you realize that most people don't want it to change).

From what I have read over the years I have arrived at the opinion that assimilation process does not work as well in the EU as it does in the USA (even though that process in not perfect there either and perhaps getting worse by some metrics). I feel that if you are going to allow people to immigrate to your country, then it is in your best interest to see that they feel welcome; have access to good healthcare, education, job opportunities; and assimilate at least a little bit (by learning the local language and by making at least some friends outside of their native-culture).

Sure, there are criminals and terrorists that immigrate. But many of those are actually home-grown - they've been in the country for a long time. I think that anti-immigrant parties that demonize whole populations of immigrants are counter-productive to goals of preventing terrorism and encouraging assimilation. If they really wanted to help things they would be welcoming while still promoting pragmatic immigration limits and local-language education. The anti-immigrant rhetoric to me seems to be nothing but an inflammatory sales pitch towards natives.
I'm not a national socialist, but calling the Nazis is quite inaccurate. Now the Nazis WERE national socialist, but not all national socialist believe of a "master race".
I didn't call them nazis, I called them neo-nazis. Sure most neo-nazis don't advocate for secret police or concentration camps, but they take enough of the nazi philosophy and adapt it, hence the name neo-nazis. When I look at the Golden Dawn website at the top of the thread I see banners that say "national socialist", a symbol on a flag that seems eerily similar to a swastika (and yes I know that swastika pre-dates nazism), and a rant on their main page on how someone with dark skin ruined their countries with the formation of the EU for them - compare this with how Hitler blamed jews, not specific generals or politicians, for Germany's problems stemming from the Treaty of Versailles.
I mean politic opions aside the video is just trash. I mean like its badly edited the message isn't so clear. I mean with all the talent on youtueb you think they would do better. It seems sad that people on youtube are allowe dto delete comments just like on bethsda creation video.

Funny how we promote free spech and then deleted comments
For those that love conspiracy theories:
#MoreThanARefugee is funded by a company which in turn is funded by George Soros.

Having less children should be a good thing. There's too many humans around to begin with. If anything they should work towards how to adapt to lower population numbers rather than expanding them.
The problem is not adapting to working with a lower population. We have that covered and it's not a real problem.
The problem is adapting to an economy without growth. Our entire economic system is built around the idea that anything except growth (and moderate inflation) is bad.
Humans have not yet implemented a working system which deals with stagnation (or devaluation) well.

Obviously, the easiest way to increase growth, is simply by having more productive people and more children.

Due to low birthrates in most advanced countries, there are no people to do the work. So the goverment decided to invite the refuges. The problem is those immigrants, often do not intergrate and try to force their culture, rather than assimilate.
So because you have a shortage of nurses, you invite uneducated unskilled workers? That's not how it works.
We already have too much unskilled labor at our disposal. We need skilled labor. Highly educated economic migrants have never been an issue anyway.
The biggest next blow to our economy will likely come from self-driving cars & trucks. A very high number of (mostly) unskilled workers are currently employed in this sector and in the next three decades we could see over half of them being put without a job.
For those that love conspiracy theories:
#MoreThanARefugee is funded by a company which in turn is funded by George Soros.
I can't say that I'm surprised.

We already have too much unskilled labor at our disposal. We need skilled labor. Highly educated economic migrants have never been an issue anyway.
We shouldn't even be taking them, unless they come from already well developed countries. Braindrain is a hurting Third World countries really badly in a modern and global economy where level education is critical to wealth, at least for basic literacy and numeracy. Not to mention that educating your population is a costly investment for the state, and countries like in the African continent often have really bad finance, which make budgeting your school and college even more difficult. We don't really think like this in the West, but the state educate you so you can then pay your education back through taxes so it can continue to run and provide services to it's citizens. Education really isn't a right but a privilege, a debt that you should pay back to your country. Basically what African countries are doing is paying for the education of the educated workers that come in our country and never get the benefit of it back.

Worse than waste of public funding, is that the loss of financial capital from their economy that comes with illegal immigration. The illegal migrants spend what amount to fortune in their countries when trying to come here and enrich organised crime (which also sucks, petty criminals are bad enough). All this money would have been put to better use by starting a business or getting a better education. And I'm sure a lot of them would be happier with their communities, instead of living in dystopian brutalist commie block in Europe. But hey it don't help when they live in country where the state is plagued by corruption, maybe they should also do something about it, but how?

But maybe we shouldn't want them to develop, after all it will only grow the industry insatiable hunger for oil, coal, minerals, rare metals, phosphate, arable land, aquifer, fish stock, and add more even more pollution.

The biggest next blow to our economy will likely come from self-driving cars & trucks. A very high number of (mostly) unskilled workers are currently employed in this sector and in the next three decades we could see over half of them being put without a job.
I'm not too worried about self-driving car and trucks. I don't really give a fuck enough to see how many people it will affect, but I have my sympathy for them. And it's not like this sort of automation was anything really new. We already had them in harbour, which probably killed hundred of thousands, if not millions of job. You don't often see any dockers any more. Which probably isn't that bad, when dockers labour union could completely paralyse a country's economy, not to mention that automated harbour makes loading and unloading ships more efficient and thus international trading. Also the legislation relating to self-driving trucks will certainly slow down the development of trading through self-driving trucks, particularly international one, if countries don't have the same laws and regulation. On top of that, though the price tag of one of those shiny toys are still not announced from what I can see, upgrading a truck fleet would certainly be a huge investment especially for smaller company, so I don't see all the truck drivers losing their jobs immediately. And then there is the question of how to refuel it. Maybe with a human (paid less of course, otherwise there won't be any point, beside having a tireless machine) riding with the truck, or a new age for filling station attendant in Europa. Just kidding, they probably are going to automate this process.

AI and automation is more worrying for white collar workers, and customer service. It can be very cheap, and would affect a larger part of the population (in fact all the population, from receptionist, paper pusher, accountant, medical diagnosis, lawyer, lab assistant, bureaucrat, maybe even code monkey who are working on those AI). The middle class will be badly hit by this, if they don't have any marketable skill that a computer can't do, and they are one of the largest taxes revenues for the state, top consumers of useless stuffs, and burdened with debt. Economical collapse and death of the welfare state, I see you coming.

Importing third worlder on the argument that our economy need more low wage workers is ludicrous. We're not in the 80s anymore, this strategy won't work if in the near future we have massive unemployment, and even PhD in Physics will be willing to pick strawberry.

And if it's for humanitarian reasons. Just put camp refugee camp in neighbouring country, finance it and guard it until the end of the conflict. We don't need to have them in Europe.

Seriously fuck the German people, they are one of the most cancerous nation that have ever plagued the Earth. The reunification of Germany was a mistake and will should have salted the earth of Prussia and erase any trace of their History when we had a chance.
On top of that, though the price tag of one of those shiny toys are still not announced from what I can see, upgrading a truck fleet would certainly be a huge investment especially for smaller company, so I don't see all the truck drivers losing their jobs immediately.
The hardware is cheap enough already, what keeps the price high is very costly AI development and small market. Since the development is covered by very few companies, their prices will drop drastically as soon as this technology hits the global market with billions customers.

Fun fact - Slovak software engineer Andrej Karpathy was hired as a head of AI department at Elon Musk's Tesla recently: https://electrek.co/2017/06/20/tesla-autopilot-chris-lattner-software-vision/