Well, it's my birthday, so I decided to do ourselves and you a favour by posting some pointers on what NOT to send through our Submit News system.
A Greek guy speculates on the happenings with the Fallout license:<blockquote>I've heard that the company of "Neverwinter night" (bioware) has the rights for the fallout 4. </blockquote>...even though a tiny bit of research would easily confirm that Bethesda Softworks has options to develop both Fallout 4 and 5. If you're going to send us something, make sure it's not utter bovine dung.
Speaking of cows, here's a nice one:<blockquote>Also in one of the special encoutars (sic!) in Fallout 1, you find some brahmin saying "moo I say." This is a reference to the secret cow level in Diablo 2. After you finish the a difficulty of the game, you can to the secret cow level. </blockquote>Yes, and Frank Horrigan is based off Uberdiablo, even though Diablo 2 was released some three years after Fallout 2. Get your facts and chronology straight.
The same goes for: <blockquote>One of te random combat taunts that appears over peoples' heads is "I'm gonna smack you like a red-headed stepchild". This is a reference to Asuka in the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, and is a line from the fanmade parody Evangelion ReDeath.</blockquote>Wow, now I'm a total layman when it comes to anime, but Google tells me this fan-made movie is from 2000 AD - two years after Fallout 2.
This one makes me shed a tear:<blockquote>Is Fallout 3 ever going to be made cause I find it hard to understand all the information about it.</blockquote>We can post them for you. We can't understand them for you.
Some are even more desperate:<blockquote>Were can i buy it, i have looded every were. In shopes, on ebay and every dam web site on earth! Fallout 1 and 2 are the best and all i want to do is play fallout tacticts! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!</blockquote>I guess the Holy Flame hates you. I know I do, for not taking the effort to find a Stickied Thread in the forum, made specifically for the purpose of aiding you.
And some very to the point:<blockquote>Random Encounters you forget the "Error"...</blockquote>You forget the "brain"...
One of the readers came into caustic contact with a masculine piece of silica:<blockquote>ok this actually hapend to me when i was playing one time in golgotha in fallout 2 one of the rocks turnd alive and came at me he was super strong and killd me it only happend once though and i couldnt figure out how to get it again</blockquote> We're not really interested in your Jet trips, man.
If you spotted something unusual:<blockquote>I dont know if this was from Bethesda or some time inbetween that version and Van Buren, or it it's even Fallout 3 at all, but I found this recently and was wondering if you could help identify it. </blockquote>Yes, I can identify it. It's the same fake screen we've seen over and over again for the last five years because nobody bothers to search the site before reposting it.
And for Myron's love, if you get one of those from Bethesda: <blockquote>We are in the preliminary stages of development on Fallout 3. It will be a LONG time before we start talking specifically about our plans and what we're up to. We'll let folks know when we have some information to share on the game and its development.
Thanks for your interest in Fallout 3.</blockquote> - know it's their standard response for the time being and WE DON'T REALLY WANT TO be notified, thankyouverymuchforthat.
Oh, and a thank you goes to all readers who sent in actual valuable stuff in these few past years. We love you guys!
Link: Submit News for No Mutants Allowed
A Greek guy speculates on the happenings with the Fallout license:<blockquote>I've heard that the company of "Neverwinter night" (bioware) has the rights for the fallout 4. </blockquote>...even though a tiny bit of research would easily confirm that Bethesda Softworks has options to develop both Fallout 4 and 5. If you're going to send us something, make sure it's not utter bovine dung.
Speaking of cows, here's a nice one:<blockquote>Also in one of the special encoutars (sic!) in Fallout 1, you find some brahmin saying "moo I say." This is a reference to the secret cow level in Diablo 2. After you finish the a difficulty of the game, you can to the secret cow level. </blockquote>Yes, and Frank Horrigan is based off Uberdiablo, even though Diablo 2 was released some three years after Fallout 2. Get your facts and chronology straight.
The same goes for: <blockquote>One of te random combat taunts that appears over peoples' heads is "I'm gonna smack you like a red-headed stepchild". This is a reference to Asuka in the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, and is a line from the fanmade parody Evangelion ReDeath.</blockquote>Wow, now I'm a total layman when it comes to anime, but Google tells me this fan-made movie is from 2000 AD - two years after Fallout 2.
This one makes me shed a tear:<blockquote>Is Fallout 3 ever going to be made cause I find it hard to understand all the information about it.</blockquote>We can post them for you. We can't understand them for you.
Some are even more desperate:<blockquote>Were can i buy it, i have looded every were. In shopes, on ebay and every dam web site on earth! Fallout 1 and 2 are the best and all i want to do is play fallout tacticts! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!</blockquote>I guess the Holy Flame hates you. I know I do, for not taking the effort to find a Stickied Thread in the forum, made specifically for the purpose of aiding you.
And some very to the point:<blockquote>Random Encounters you forget the "Error"...</blockquote>You forget the "brain"...
One of the readers came into caustic contact with a masculine piece of silica:<blockquote>ok this actually hapend to me when i was playing one time in golgotha in fallout 2 one of the rocks turnd alive and came at me he was super strong and killd me it only happend once though and i couldnt figure out how to get it again</blockquote> We're not really interested in your Jet trips, man.
If you spotted something unusual:<blockquote>I dont know if this was from Bethesda or some time inbetween that version and Van Buren, or it it's even Fallout 3 at all, but I found this recently and was wondering if you could help identify it. </blockquote>Yes, I can identify it. It's the same fake screen we've seen over and over again for the last five years because nobody bothers to search the site before reposting it.
And for Myron's love, if you get one of those from Bethesda: <blockquote>We are in the preliminary stages of development on Fallout 3. It will be a LONG time before we start talking specifically about our plans and what we're up to. We'll let folks know when we have some information to share on the game and its development.
Thanks for your interest in Fallout 3.</blockquote> - know it's their standard response for the time being and WE DON'T REALLY WANT TO be notified, thankyouverymuchforthat.
Oh, and a thank you goes to all readers who sent in actual valuable stuff in these few past years. We love you guys!
Link: Submit News for No Mutants Allowed