Most Anticipated Movies 2008

Arn – The Knight Templar... I liked the books, and are hoping that the movie('s) will be something near them... also wandering if the small budget will be able to make "realistic" battles...
SimpleMinded said:
Never saw Cars but Ratatouille was one of the best movies in 07, so I'm gonna give Wall-e a chance.
Ratatouille was way better than cars. IMSO
Loxley said:
SimpleMinded said:
Never saw Cars but Ratatouille was one of the best movies in 07, so I'm gonna give Wall-e a chance.
Ratatouille was way better than cars. IMSO

Cars was the worst Pixar movie to date. Ratatouille was a lot better. Wall-e looks interesting and original but it might be too melodramatic and not very entertaining. That's what made Cars such a boring piece of crap. Hopefully, I'm wrong, I'm willing to give it a chance.
I want to see this I am Legend. I keep hearing how great it is.

Really want to see 3:10 to Yuma. Can't wait for the DVD.

I'm looking forward to any movies with C. Bale, after rewarching American Psycho.
3:10 To Yuma's pretty good. Though at times it can be ridiculous how some people just can't aim for beans. Still, it was well worth the 2 bucks at the "dollar" theatre.
I tend not to anticipate movies very often anymore.

The last one was Transformers and was horridly dissapointed but if I were to choose, Bond (though it feels like they are just ads for BMW, Rolex, Aston Martin, Armani ect ect..) And perhaps Indiana Jones...not sure though.

EDIT: I forgot Batman. I did like Batman Begins, that was a suprise. So I am hoping Dark Knight can repeat that for me.
fallout ranger said:
I guess the ending in the book and the other two movies were also horrible to you...
as said before, i severly dislike the 'modern' I Am Legend, while i love the books, and the two previous movies.

it's silly to assume about people that they didn't like the previous ones just because they dislike the modern one.