Most (old-style) Fallout-esque games on newgen consoles


First time out of the vault
Hello all,

So I was offered a PS3 for christmas, original and pleasing present. Now I remember me playing and enjoying a lot of Fallout 1 and 2 back in the late 90's. I think I understood members of this community also did.

Here comes the straight question : which games (maybe I should exclude Fallout 3 here) on my brand new system might get me fallout-esque sensation ?
I saw that STALKER was pretty good, but not PS3 available.

Any titles you recommend ?

EDIT : oops, I realize this topic should be in the "general fallout discussion" forum rather. May anyone move it ? Sorry for the inconvenience.
There aren't really any cRPG's on the PS3. If you enjoy RPG's though, I'd recommend:

Dragon Age: Origins

If you like turn based strategy rpgs:
Cross Edge
Disgaea 3
-Eternal Sonata
-Tales of Vesperia (not out yet)
-White Knight Chronicles (not out yet)

I also need to recommend Demons Souls. This game is awesome, and very hardcore.
Fallout esque? on the ps3? can't really think of anything. Maybe Borderlands will give you a bit of a Fallout feeling but then again, it's and FPS/RPG game so don't expect much.
TIP: If you consider yourself a hardcore gamer, you should definitly give Demon's Souls a try. It ain't anything like Fallout but it's the game to buy for the PS3.
Hey, thanks for all your answers.

About the JRPG stuffs, I fear I dont like them. I've played a lot of Shining Force II as a kid, but now, none of those RPG can keep my attention more than three hours. Dont know why.

I'll definitely check Borderlands for the Fallout-esque thingies and Demon's Soul for the hardcoring thing (I'm fond of shoot them up too...)

Also, I could try Bioshock demo through the PSN. Guys, I think this is the game ! Sure, those RPG elements and sarcastic talk from Fallout are not here (2/3 of Fallout...) the third third is here ! I could not drop the pad. Also, as I did not play that much of FPS, I am not bored of those yet, I think I'll enjoy it.

Please keep giving advice for a god use of the PS3 if you will.
GuYem said:
sarcastic talk

The only games which will give you that are Fallout 1 & 2 and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and they are all on PC. :)
Trust me, i know what you are talking about but you ain't gonna get that element anywhere else.
GuYem said:
Also, I could try Bioshock demo through the PSN. Guys, I think this is the game ! Sure, those RPG elements and sarcastic talk from Fallout are not here (2/3 of Fallout...) the third third is here ! I could not drop the pad. Also, as I did not play that much of FPS, I am not bored of those yet, I think I'll enjoy it.

Please keep giving advice for a god use of the PS3 if you will.

Bioshock had RPG elements?

If you like arcade style games you should download these titles from the PSN:
-Pixel Junk Monsters
-Pixel Junk Shooter

Also, if you're hardcore, pick up Mega Man 9. It'll beat your ass, and you'll enjoy it.
What about Sega Ultimate collection?

All the arcade and early rpgs you can play. I don't remember older games been so hard, so how did I beat them??

Btw, it's impossible to get a copy of Eternal Sonata on ps 3.

Valkria Chronicles is pretty good.

If you just want hack/slash.., there are plenty of suggestions on gamespot. DW could be a short time waster.
Demon's Soul's


Little Big Planet

and one random title.
rcorporon said:
GuYem said:
Also, I could try Bioshock demo through the PSN. Guys, I think this is the game ! Sure, those RPG elements and sarcastic talk from Fallout are not here (2/3 of Fallout...) the third third is here ! I could not drop the pad. Also, as I did not play that much of FPS, I am not bored of those yet, I think I'll enjoy it.

Please keep giving advice for a god use of the PS3 if you will.

Bioshock had RPG elements?

If you like arcade style games you should download these titles from the PSN:
-Pixel Junk Monsters
-Pixel Junk Shooter

Also, if you're hardcore, pick up Mega Man 9. It'll beat your ass, and you'll enjoy it.

dude, read...

"Sure, those RPG elements and sarcastic talk from Fallout are not here"

anyways, you should check out Borderlands. it feels more Fallout than Fallout 3 to me, even though it's a pretty generic shooter with big Diablo-esque gameplay and no RPG elements. it's the setting and graphics that makes it fun.
About Sega Megadrive Ultimate collection, I've already played 90% of the games on it during the time my genesis was hooked up on the TV.

I'll be sure to check those arcade games on the PSN also, and Borderlands too, even if it attracts me less than Demon's Souls. I get tired of FPS quite fast, and I fear Bioshock (and its very future sequel) will be enough for me. I loved the "gathering things" gameplay of Diablo though, tis acts again for Borderlands.

For Dopemine Cleric : how could Little Big Planet be fallout-esque ?
You can make a fuckin fallout level.

Didn't you know? cRPGS only exist as nostalgia nowadays.

I'm seriously waiting though for all of the good ol games released on SEGA consoles and Playstation 1&2 to all find themselves on Playstation Store and downloaded onto a bloated PS3 harddrive.

You'll find RPG's in that collection. Shadowrun would be my biggest hope for the future.

And Dark Forces,

And Hexen.

God, gaming libraries used to actually be good. What happened to that?

PSN needs Daniel Plainview.
Make a fallout level with Little Big Planet ? Certainly dont have time for that.

Anyway, I could not get Demons Souls yet, but am still trying.

Bioshock though is the game I play now. I guess the devastated 60's environment alone is enough for me to like it as half much as I liked the original fallouts, which is already a lot ! I should be halfway through the game now and am not yet tired of piercing my veins with those blue hypos to make my character evolve in a very little way. Also, the fact that you can grab nearly everything and send it flying to opponents makes for some good strategical fights... remembering I did not play FPS since... half life 1.
This is what I like in not playing certain styles of games for a long time : when you come back to it, you are amazed at those not-so-original-but-still-fun stuff. "whoaa, you can actually cancel moves in Street Fighter in order to combo your opponents out" is the latest in date for me (with Tatsunoko Vs Capcom actually).
Is Devil Summoner series on PS3?
At least as I remember they were Post Apocalyptic but in different way.
I did not know this serie. This is available on the PS2, no episodes on PS3 yet.