Most useless perk

Madbringer said:
Funny, no one mentioned Awareness, yet? It has it's uses for first-time players and such, but it should be the first to go on any consecutive playthrough.

It's definitely not most useless. Knowledge is power and gives that a lot. It gives you information needed for decisions. For example it might give you enough information about witch of enemies you should target first or should you just start fleeing. Sometimes it gives information to select what weapon to use, for example between grenade and pistol on specific target or is using grenade overkill, that might be valuable when running low on grenades. It helps avoiding lot save game loading.
Well, that's why he said it's better on your first playthrough. Later on you know roughly how many hit points different critters have, and can ballpark how many they have left going by their looks (severly wounded etc).

What it can be good for though is knowing if that rifle the guy is holding is a hunting rifle or an assault rifle that can suddenly burst you to pieces. Better to know that before the first burst comes, and act accordingly.

I usually don't take it anymore. I used to before I learned that I could save the perk point until level 6.
Per said:
el_jefe_of_ny said:
Night time fights are highly innacurate. Night vision negates this.

It really doesn't. It's equivalent to a bunch of skill points situationally spread across your ranged weapon skills.

If you major Tag lasers after small guns, you waste a lot of points if you dont have a lot of levels, or chose Gifted.
Dead Guy said:
Well, that's why he said it's better on your first playthrough. Later on you know roughly how many hit points different critters have, and can ballpark how many they have left going by their looks (severly wounded etc).

What it can be good for though is knowing if that rifle the guy is holding is a hunting rifle or an assault rifle that can suddenly burst you to pieces. Better to know that before the first burst comes, and act accordingly.

I usually don't take it anymore. I used to before I learned that I could save the perk point until level 6.

Knowing which Enclave patrol man has the gauss and which one has the plasma pistol continues to be useful to me. Also thrown weapons don't have animations.

Oh and the fact that flame throwers, lasers and plasma rifles look the same and Muties wield them all.

All that being said Fallout 2238 awareness is nearly a requirement in compare because of the pking.
Madbringer said:
Funny, no one mentioned Awareness, yet?

Because it's the BEST PERK

el_jefe_of_ny said:
Per said:
el_jefe_of_ny said:
Night time fights are highly innacurate. Night vision negates this.

It really doesn't. It's equivalent to a bunch of skill points situationally spread across your ranged weapon skills.

If you major Tag lasers after small guns, you waste a lot of points if you dont have a lot of levels, or chose Gifted.

... Was that somehow in response to what I wrote?
awareness is ACTUALLY a waste of a perk as it doesnt help kill anything or solve a puzzle/quest.

Technically, even +20% gambling is better than that. Certainly +20% accuracy in night situations in all weapons is better than doing no damage, defense or quest solving ability as a skill.

It's like the peeping tom skill. But you don't get to see any titties from it.

THere are many builds where you can't level non-stop. If you cannot, there are a bunch of perks that are not useless at all. LIke, if you make a super Thief. You have an issue doing traps,lockpicks,sneak and stealing without focusing on combat or speech at all. I think everyone needs like 60% speech to get by in a regular game.
How does gambling help you kill or solve puzzles or quests?

Awareness helps you LIVE
guy holding an SMG, is it a 14mm or a 10mm SMG. or the high damage FMJ round firing rifle pistol
20% accuracy is pretty worthless unless your ranged combat skill is low, and you refuse to take a step closer. I dunno maybe for fear of not knowing the kind of SMG they are holding? In most day//light possible encounters you can decide to do them during the day. I forgot if dark caves count as night. Alot of dark facilities have lights that can be repaired or powered up.

I almost never put points into speech and I pass almost every check I do, maybe cause I have high cha and int scores?

You think it is a waste, I do not. Perks that provide me with combat information I could consider useful in most games.

As opposed to skills that are situational and often totally optional.
You do know you can use explosives to open doors right? How often do you use traps?
When is a useful time to sneak (I honestly don't know)