Most valuable NPCs in Fallout 2?

Why the bloody hell does everyone love Sulik? I find him a nuisance since with two exceptions he can only use SMGs and tends to prefer a pointy stick to a high-velocity caseless round... And he charges at people which tends to make him go "splat".

My choices:
1: Cassidy: This man is pure gold. High hit points, good action points, selectable armor, and can use just about any weapon. Plus he's perhaps the best personallity to have in your party.
2: Vic: he's handy when you pick him up because his repair is higher than yours and so are his hit points. By the time he's been with you long enough that you've got more repair than he does, he's a good a shooter as cassidy (they'll each shoot a Gauss rifle twice a round; 4 more 2mm slugs is a HUGE combat advantage) Plus he eliminates the need for repair if you can't be bothered to build it (Though I always do for a few quests).
3: Marcus: He carries loads of stuff, wields HUGE weapons, and is a fun NPC to have, much like the two above. Two downsides: can't choose his armor (He actually has armor though; notice he's wearing it in his picture and there are values for it in game) and can't set him on "Stay close to me", which means I'm frequently feeding him "Psycho" before tough combats. I love his "Uh, thanks, I think..." comment on that event!
After that it's a toss-up amongst Myron, Lenny, and Skynet depending on what I want: The annoying kid who makes stims and can use energy weapons (Give him the pulse pistol: its range is such that he usually won't shoot things he can't hit) The doctor/bullet sponge, or another pure shooter if I'm drowning in Gauss ammo and want to clear out Navarro base and do the Enclave "by hand". I don't think I've used Sulik in years...
Best NPC Fallout 2

So far I've got Sulik Vic and Cassidy

Vic is an idiot, when his life gets low he runs into the enemy and gets ripped apart.

Cassidy is annoying cus he cant have stimpacks and I have only like 5 healing powders for him.

I give them both snipers and the old revolver as secondary in case there sniper runs out of ammo.

Sulik is the best because his good with knuckle dusters and the .224 pistol I think its called

I wanna try that fat mutant out in broken hills
and the cloacked man in vault 13

I heard they dont level up but sumtimes when i do somthing and get alotta exp they say somthing in white, I thought it was them leveling up.
I would say Cassidy is the best NPC, and I believe he can use stimpaks, just not combat boost drugs. Vic can be rather annoying sometimes, because he does run away. If you want to keep the alive, let them carry super stimpaks if you have any, at least they use up a lot less AP that way.

Also if you really worry about them dying, give them the best armor you possess, even if it means you dont wear the best armor (at least you have better control over yourself than you have over NPC's, i hope!)

Sulik is good with the .223 pistol, and thats all i let him use. I never EVER let my NPC's go near the enemy, because burst weapons at point blank range kills, especially against stuff like Pancor, Miniguns and H&K G11E.

Skynet (gauss), Cassidy(gauss), Vic(gauss), Marcus(turbo plasma, pulse is more powerful but it is a pain to pick up stuff after enemy is killed), Sulik(.223 pistol). That's the order. That being said, there are save game editors which make NPC useless as they get in the way/are easily killed.

I like having Cassidy (Definitively the BEST!).
K9 or Dogmeat (I like dogs)
Goris (his claw do damage even to enclave soldiers!).
I don't like the others much but i would go with Vic at high lv.

Oh wait! There's Miria! :D
Cassidy is definitely my favourite NPC, he's tough, useful and has style.
Myron is also awesome, for being such a lousy, whiny jerk. In a fun way. Handy too, what with the creating stims and such. Shame he's such a lousy shot, but you can't have it all.

Sulik is very good. For getting some good starting cash at the Den. If I play the type to sell my companions into slavery, I usually use him for saving Smiley and then sell him as soon as I reach the Den.

Vic's repair skill is the only thing the makes me even consider having him in the party.

Lenny: Mostly Harmless.

Goris: Good companion, definitely one of my favourites as well. A much better melee sidekick than Sulik.

Robo-dog: Very useful as a secondary combatant, but not much personality to it is there?

Skynet: I was so disappointed when I finally got that robot. Granted, it's pretty handy with a rifle, but I had figured it would have something more to say. Seldom, if ever, bring it along.

Marcus: Personality-wise one of my favourites, but his tendency to burst-fire his travelling buddies doesn't earn him any extra points. Also, his inability to wear any useful armor and the fact that he CAN'T FRIGGIN RUN makes me endlessly annoyed at him.

The Modoc Kids: The most fun I had from those was, after having kept Miria alive for a long time I finally got fed up with her and divorced her at gunpoint at Golgotha. My "Married" trait changed to "Seperated" or maybe it was "Divorced" :D
This was on one of my first playthroughs, no patch no nothing so it may have been a bug
Lord 342 said:
Why the bloody hell does everyone love Sulik? I find him a nuisance since with two exceptions he can only use SMGs and tends to prefer a pointy stick to a high-velocity caseless round... And he charges at people which tends to make him go "splat".

Sulik is AWESOME. Of course, to achieve this awesomeness, you must know how to manage him, as he is only a dumb tribal and needs your help ;) If you dont want him switching to melee weapons, simply remove them from his inventory. Early game, obviously Sulik is the man. Give him a combat knife in klamath and watch him wreak havok. The difficulty arises when he or your party members acquire burst weapons. Then people start dying and Sulik looks like the bad guy!

I recently completed a game where i was more of a "sniper" character, using hunting rifle/sniper rifle, then the gauss rifle. If you give Cassidy and Vic/BrainBot sniper weaponry as well, there is no chance of them bursting anybody to death. Give Sulik an smg, preferably the HKP90C, and set his combat distance to charge, and watch him wreak havok! Give him good armor, he has good hps, and after a couple levels he is VERY effective with his smgs. He can burst fire with the P90C twice AND reload in a single turn! This is devestating! Cassidy, Vic, and Brain bot can all get 2 shots with the hunting rifle or gauss rifle, so its no great loss of they dont use burst shotguns (although initially these are a good option)
After a while, if you build your character really well they all become useless. I had a sniper, and i can tell you all the other NPCs did was get in my way, get shot or shoot me. I guess skynet with gauss rifle is a good choice, but still, i did better on my own in the last part of the game.

I'd have to say that Cassidy or Marcus are the best midgame NPCs to use.