Most Wanted...

-Alan Wake
-Warhammer Online
-Jagged Alliance 3(d)
-Supreme Commander
Ah looks like you're right. Looked the two up and I must say, Alan Wake looks pretty cool. The screens, if in-game quality, are damned gorgeous.
-Alan Wake ( hope the atmosphere will be as catchy as Max Payne 2's )
-Bioshock ( Can't wait for this one )
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R ( I'm dying to know if it's a joke or if it is actually good )
-Fallout 3 ( same as above )

Nothing else
I would name a few games I'm interested in but I'm pretty sure they'll just turn into big fat fucking disappointments.

Indeed, like 95% of all the games produced over the last 5-6 years :?
keyser Soeze said:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I would name a few games I'm interested in but I'm pretty sure they'll just turn into big fat fucking disappointments.
Indeed, like 95% of all the games produced over the last 5-6 years
Well, you will easily get this, when the 95% of the games are sequels to previous hit games that were good, but were a few lacks in the game design, with can be improved, but usually the whole design goes to h377. They are the plage of the game industry.