Move a cursor across the screen just by thinking about it?


Still Mildly Glowing
Scientists have developed a non-invasive brain-computer interface that enables a person to move a cursor across a computer screen just by thinking about it.

National Geographic News | December 7, 2004
by Stefan Lovgren

The device resembles a swimming cap riddled with electrodes, which users wear against their scalp. A computer program translates electrical signals in the brain to physical outputs, which govern the movement of a computer cursor.

The technology could enable people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries and strokes, for example, to control their brain activity in order to communicate via computer or to move mechanical devices.

Computer screen cursor movements made by four individuals who wore electrode caps, which analyzed electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, or brain waves, recorded from their scalp.

Before the new finding, many researchers previously assumed that only invasive brain-computer interfaces, in which electrodes are surgically implanted into the brain, could control complex movements.

"This shows that it may not be necessary to implant electrodes to gain multi-dimensional control," said Jonathan Wolpaw, a neurologist at the New York State Department of Health's Wadsworth Center in Albany. "It brings up a new non-invasive option in brain-computer interfaces."

Wolpaw directed the study, which is reported this week in the research journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

New Motor Skills

Of the four people who participated in the study, two had severe physical disabilities.

The subjects wore the electrode caps, which recorded electroencephalographic (EEG) activity (brain waves) from their scalp. The electrodes, small metal disks about a quarter of an inch (three-fifths of a centimeter) wide, were placed over the sensory motor part of the brain.

At first, participants learned to use their thoughts to direct a cursor on a computer screen by imagining specific actions, from running to shooting baskets.

As they became more comfortable with the technology, the subjects began to rely less on such imagery to direct the cursor. Eventually, the participants often couldn't tell what they were thinking about to move the cursor; they simply moved it.

"It becomes more like a … non-muscular skill," Wolpaw said. "What we're doing is giving the brain the opportunity to develop a new motor skill."

Participants took part in 22 to 68 sessions, with each session lasting 24 minutes. At the end of their training, two participants were able to hit the target on a computer screen 92 percent of the time.

Adaptive Controllers

"[This is] compelling evidence that individuals can learn to control the spectral composition of their EEG, and that this allows them to exercise impressive control over the movement of a cursor displayed on a screen," said Emanuel Donchin, a psychology professor at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

The two study participants with spinal cord injuries performed better than the uninjured participants, possibly reflecting greater motivation or injury-associated brain changes.

The computer program selected the brain waves controlling cursor movement based on a person's past performance.

"The computer automatically adapts to the person using the system," Wolpaw said. "It is an interaction between two adaptive controllers—the system and the person using it."

Wolpaw predicts future improvements of the non-invasive brain-computer interface will focus on three-dimensional movement.

In the future, users may be able to operate a robotic arm that could pick things up, or they may be able to control a neural prosthesis in which electrodes implanted in a paralyzed limb may be stimulated to get the muscles to move.

Implanting Electrodes

There is a lively debate about to what extent it's necessary to implant electrodes in the brain to achieve complex control.

Invasive brain-computer interfaces, in which electrodes are surgically implanted into the brain, have so far mainly been tested on monkeys. However Cyberkinetics, a neurotechnology company based in Foxborough, Massachusetts, has just initiated a study in which a human has been implanted with 80 electrodes.

Wolpaw said his study offers a strong non-invasive alternative. "If you can do as well, or nearly as well, with electrodes on the scalp as [with electrodes implanted in the brain], you might very well elect to do that," he said.

But scientists seem to agree that both invasive and non-invasive means of acquiring brain signals should continue to be developed, because both have potential benefits for different applications.

"For example, implanted brain-recording electrodes could be integrated with implanted stimulation systems that activate paralyzed muscles and generate useful movements," said Dawn Taylor, a biomedical engineering professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

"In this way, a paralyzed person could once again move their arms and hands just by thinking of doing so," she said. "With implanted electrodes, the person would not need a caregiver to put on and maintain an external electrode cap in order to move their hands."

Taylor said Wolpaw's study is encouraging, because it shows that scientists can get a lot of useful information from relatively noisy, low-resolution, non-invasive brain readings.

"However, this suggests that we could get even better results if we apply similar adaptive training techniques in people implanted with higher-resolution invasive electrodes," she said. "The good news is that severely paralyzed people will have multiple options for effectively controlling assistive devices using their brain activity."
Amazing, sorry for hijacking your thread but I went to the source site and came across something a lot more interesting.

"Brain" in Dish Flies Simulated Fighter Jet

Scientists have grown a living "brain" that sits inside a petri dish and can fly a simulated F-22 fighter aircraft.

The brainchild of Thomas DeMarse, a biomedical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville, the "brain in a dish" is a collection of 25,000 neurons taken from the brain of a rat that are connected to a computer via 60 electrodes.

The experiment is an opportunity to study how brain cells function as a network and to learn more about one of the most complex devices in the known universe: the human brain.

By watching the brain cells interact, scientists hope to understand what causes neural disorders, such as epilepsy. The research may also help the researchers in their quest to build "living" computers that combine neural and silicon systems.

"We're hoping to find out exactly how the neurons do what they do and extract those rules and apply them in software or hardware for novel types of computing," DeMarse said.

Neural Conversations

When the neurons from a rat are put in a dish (filled with a specialized liquid to keep the neurons alive), they resemble grains of sand sprinkled in water. But the cells rapidly begin to connect with each other, forming a living neural network.

"I have a movie of the first eight hours [of this process], and you can literally watch the neurons extend connections to other neurons as they form their network," DeMarse said.

The 25,000 cells sit atop a grid of 60 electrodes, which is just one and a half millimeters (six-hundredths of an inch) wide.

"These electrodes allow us to literally listen to the 'conversations' among the neurons to find out how they are computing," DeMarse said. "By sending in [electronic] pulses to each electrode, we can also stimulate the network in 60 different locations."

To put the experimental brain to the test, the scientist has connected it to a jet flight simulator via the electrode grid and a desktop computer.

At first the brain does not know what to do.

"If you take these cells out of the cortex and you put them into one of these dishes, you remove all of the inputs—sensory systems like vision or hearing—that they would normally have," DeMarse said. "The only thing that's going on is the spontaneous activity of reconnecting."

But as the neurons begin to receive information from the computer about flight conditions—similar to how neurons receive and interpret signals from each other to control our bodies—the brain gradually learns to fly the aircraft.

"The neurons will analyze data from the computer, like whether the plane is flying level or is tilted to one side," DeMarse said. "The neurons respond by sending signals to the plane's controls to alter the flight path. New information is sent back to the neurons, creating a feedback system."

Living Computers

Neural network research may be setting the stage for the creation of so-called hybrid computers based on biological systems.

Silicon-based computers are very accurate and fast at processing some kinds of information, but they have none of the flexibility of the human brain.

"Despite the power of current digital technology, the adaptability of the neuron and its hybrid digital, analog, and chemical information representation may allow novel computing devices to be created," said George Wittenberg, an assistant professor of neurology at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Brains can easily make certain kinds of computations that computers are unable to do, such as answering open-ended questions about what happened sometime in the past.

"To do a search like that in silicon is pretty difficult, unless you program [a computer] to specifically answer that question," DeMarse said. "Yet these neurons are able to do this in rats and in humans all the time."

Understanding how neurons distribute information and encode it would allow scientists to take those rules and develop a silicon system that operates similar to the neurons, yet has the retention capacity of a silicon computer.

Such living computers may someday be used to fly unmanned airplanes or handle tasks that are dangerous for humans, such as search-and-rescue missions or bomb-damage assessments.

Epileptic Seizures

Neural-network research may also help scientists better understand what causes neural disorders. DeMarse's studies, for example, are investigating the evolution of epilepsy.

"We have bundles of electrodes that we insert into the rat brain," he said. "We can do treatment in the animals that [causes] epileptic seizures. It allows us to look at the neural activity over time to see what exactly is changing in terms of that activity leading up to the seizures."

While scientists know a lot about the neurons themselves, DeMarse says little is known about how neurons encode information, for example.

"We're really working at the basic level," he said, "trying to figure out what sort of computation is going on and how it might be occurring."

Researcher Thomas DeMarse views his "brain in a dish." The "brain"—actually 25,000 neurons from a rat brain—can fly a simulated F-22 fighter aircraft.

Photograph by Ray Carson, UF News and Public Affairs

This could well get us one step closer to developing a true AI.
I do not mind. That is a very interesting article. My question is, if we cannot trust humans, how can we trust computers with human brains? Think of the possibilities. They have the potential to self repair, be sneaky, as PS mentioned, have the potential to take over the world, etc.
But would they have the same ambitions, interests and motivation as a human is the question.
To be honest with you, as humans we lack the ability to effectively govern ourselves. Power in the hand of humans is perverted to favour the ambitions of a chosen few at the expense of the collective regardless of future consequences.
We need a computer to run the world. You trade corruption due to bribes, affairs, blackmail, treason, and personal motivations for corruption in the form of system failures, program bugs, and the guy who programs it having political motivation.
I can make food move to my table just by talking about. Or rather yelling. At my Mum.
You must have some kind of psychic powers Ratty, I know I don't get much moving by yelling. :(

*bows down to the Master of Persuasion* :)
I saw a demonstration of brain switching at the Australian Museum, but this is quite a bit more complicated, interesting research. As well as being useful for helping the disabled, it could just as easily be used for everyone else if it became sophisticated enough. Hands free driving and surgery by the surest of electronic hands could be very useful, but would still be hindered by human error.

The brain research is fascinating, being that the human brain is the most complicated thing in the known universe, but I don't see how they can get some rat neurons to fly a plane.

There will no doubt be large ethical problems with the creation of 'living computers' which may gain self awareness. As with most things in science, we will have to be careful that we have done enough research before we try anything too radical, without considering possible consequences.
So science-fiction has become science fact eh?

Though I believe a rat brain grown in a dish could pilot a F-22 I would like to know the circumstances he determined this under.

As for the brain-to-PC thing Im so glad. Soon we can truly make the disabled not be alienated by bad luck and enjoy everything we do. I mean Im sure God would approve...although altering the art he made in his image is could be construed as blasphemy. I suppose if the disabled approve that overrides it though. Good-will is most important.

Im sure the creators of those things are quite proud.

Looking Ahead,
The Vault Dweller
Disabled? What about us non-disabled? Why shouldn't we benefit from the technology? With all the Carpal tunnels and shit, using the computer without having to use hands would be quite a blessing.
Humanity will regress to a bunch of lazy, immobile, antisocial individuals (well, I'm already one of this kind) whose only activity will be thinking. Sounds great!
Until we can tap into the pleasure centers of the brain, and stimulate them directly. No need for icky physical activity, just pure pleasurable stimulation.
Besides, machines would get smart like SKYNET and MAX and just nuke us. I mean we are a threat to everyone, including ourselves. And perhaps machines in their pure logic and lack of compassion will simply either do what the matrix did or just snuff us out completely.

*Thinks of the future brutally enslaved by a disgruntled Apple Computer*
I hope it's a Linux PC so there will be several versions of skynet that are incompatible with each other and so the whole thing becomes too fragmented to compete with humanity.