Has anyone seen that movie?
although it plays on mars it has a great post-apocalyptic atmosphere. the film is very trashy but very funny and ridiculous, and the actions of the characters are kind of plausible (while other things arent
) and the film is very entertaining, if not taken too seriously. although that film got absolutely bad ratings, i can only recommend it, it's kuki-approved.
there are so many body parts being cut off persons i stopped counting, it's just ridiculous in a however not too stupid way imho.
but i liked the film not for its gruel parts, much more for the cool shooting scenes, the atmosphere, the acting,... i usually dont care for action scenes and all the shooting stuff, but in this movie it was very entertaining because such irrelevant scenes were shown in a (at least to me) new way. very anti-hero, and authentic. Imho it even has artistic value
what i didnt like was the dumb story ( teh evil sand gets into peepl and makez them become very evil....) the ending, which was quite okay but a bit unsatisfying, and the kind of copied "enemies"
they looked like any evil guy taken from a random post-apoc movie like waterworld (and their leader like the uruk-hai leader of LOTR part 2) or i dont know... although there are a lot of those kind of movies including such characters
long talk, short sense:
i give this movie
(4.5/5) points
(or not)
although it plays on mars it has a great post-apocalyptic atmosphere. the film is very trashy but very funny and ridiculous, and the actions of the characters are kind of plausible (while other things arent

there are so many body parts being cut off persons i stopped counting, it's just ridiculous in a however not too stupid way imho.
but i liked the film not for its gruel parts, much more for the cool shooting scenes, the atmosphere, the acting,... i usually dont care for action scenes and all the shooting stuff, but in this movie it was very entertaining because such irrelevant scenes were shown in a (at least to me) new way. very anti-hero, and authentic. Imho it even has artistic value

what i didnt like was the dumb story ( teh evil sand gets into peepl and makez them become very evil....) the ending, which was quite okay but a bit unsatisfying, and the kind of copied "enemies"
they looked like any evil guy taken from a random post-apoc movie like waterworld (and their leader like the uruk-hai leader of LOTR part 2) or i dont know... although there are a lot of those kind of movies including such characters
long talk, short sense:
i give this movie

(or not)