MP3 Device advice. - UJ posted in this thread!!!!111

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
Since I'm getting ready to start taking the train/light rail into work again, since gas prices are so insane, I've decided I needed something to get me through the monotony of my 1.5 hour/day trip.


That being said, I'm looking for a device that can perform the following:

- Music playback. MP3 is all I use.
- Video playback.
- Color display, so I can see my track/album covers.

I'm contemplating this:

why don't you just buy a PsP and be able to play games too?

oh btw Hi guys!, i just tought i'd drop by to say hi
John, good to see you around.... Ahh, the old timers (No disrespect meant)...

PSP is a good choice, you can even watch the UMD movies that are now coming out. Ha, the closest thing to a RobCO PIP-Boy 2000.
UMDs that cost friggin 30 dollars in most cases! Man, it drives me nuts at work. PSP games are 40 and 50 dollars and movies are 30. I mean, 30 dollars for a movie on a tiny screen? I'd rather buy a regular dvd for 15... screw portability
Specialist said:
Get an iRiver h320. I've got one and it's absolutely brilliant.

18 hour battery life, doesn't have the battery replacement problems of an iPod, plays video and audio, allows for playlists, has radio, can read text documents and images.

where do you get your PSP movies at??? Most of the ones i see run 15-25 at most.

games for 40-ish, well for a game with up to 1.8GB of data, well, that is probably par for the course
The fact that UJ posted in this thread truly transcends every other meaning this thread could possibly have.

Petition to rename this thread to 'UJ POSTED HERE!!!'
That iriver 20GB looks pretty awesome. How much is it supposed to be? The only issue I would think I would have with it is that it only holds 20GB. Something like 100GB would be better, but I suppose in a portable device like that it would cost $1000.
I believe that Iriver does a 340, which is 40gb... I've got the Iriver ihp140, 40gb audio player, and I've been thinking about upgrading to the 300 series...
Rev. Layle said:
where do you get your PSP movies at??? Most of the ones i see run 15-25 at most.

games for 40-ish, well for a game with up to 1.8GB of data, well, that is probably par for the course

You convert movies into the proper resolution (there's 2 extremely simple to use programs to do that that I've found)and copy them from your computer to the iRiver. It's like a flash disk aswell.
Pope Viper said:
After glancing through, I notice nobody mentions battery life. Is there any point having all that fanciness if it's got a battery life of half an hour?

I just use an MP3 CD Player (Sony D-NE711 to be more precise) and a good book. And I spend about the same (perhaps slightly longer) on the bus as you do on the "light rail".

Ey up UJ!
Long time no read. I saw someone with the same "Location" as you the other day (Canada, Eh?) and wondered if it was you. I don't think it was though, he seemed like a dick.

Stay for a while, eh?

(Drunken Post - Ignore any contents (not you UJ))
Big T said:
Ey up UJ!
Long time no read. I saw someone with the same "Location" as you the other day (Canada, Eh?) and wondered if it was you. I don't think it was though, he seemed like a dick.

Stay for a while, eh?

(Drunken Post - Ignore any contents (not you UJ))

There are quite a few of us up here in the frozen wasteland that is Canada.

Battery life is a must, if's your stuck traveling 1.5 hour a day on mass transit, nothing worst that dead batterys. The thing i like the most for the PsP, is that you're not stuck with just a portable game or a mp3 player, you have choice. Bored a game, don't feel like playing, watch a movie (i recomend porn on the bus), listen to music...wathever.

I might be here a while.
Ugly John said:
There are quite a few of us up here in the frozen wasteland that is Canada.
I meant that he had "Canada eh?" not just "Canada".
watch a movie (i recomend porn on the bus), listen to music...wathever.
Porn, on the bus. Must try that. One quick question though: with or without headphones?
The excessive moaning on the speakers may annoy other commuters somewhat.
I might be here a while.

(Drunken Post - Ignore all contents(Or just some of it))
Big T said:
After glancing through, I notice nobody mentions battery life. Is there any point having all that fanciness if it's got a battery life of half an hour?

Specialist said:
Get an iRiver h320. I've got one and it's absolutely brilliant.

18 hour battery life, doesn't have the battery replacement problems of an iPod, plays video and audio, allows for playlists, has radio, can read text documents and images.
Ugly John said:
Battery life is a must, if's your stuck traveling 1.5 hour a day on mass transit, nothing worst that dead batterys. The thing i like the most for the PsP, is that you're not stuck with just a portable game or a mp3 player, you have choice. Bored a game, don't feel like playing, watch a movie (i recomend porn on the bus), listen to music...wathever.

I might be here a while.

Aye, I took the advice and picked up a PSP, with a 1Gb Stick.

And with all the Homebrew development going on, I'm hopeful they'll be able to hack the 1.51-2.00 firmware.

Thanks, Johnny
Specialist said:
18 hour battery life
Well, apparently my glancing skills are not up to scratch.

VD said:
So what if I get Ugly John and John Uskglass mixed up?
Just call John Uskglass "CCR", that's what I do.

What was wrong with "ConstinpatedCraprunner" anyway? Or even Constipated Craprunner"? ;)
John Uskglass is CCR!... then i'm offended to be mixed up .... j/k

Man, i've been away for a long time.