MR Jan 05 Press Release


Carbon Dated and Proud
Wild qwerty informed me of the latest Mutants Rising press release, here's what they say:<blockquote>Unlike last months PR that I forgot to release, this month we have something more to talk about other than the team taking some much needed time off for the holidays.
  • The team is back from R&R and ready for MR 2005.
  • We have completed another cut scene, and have added the new sound effects.
  • It looks like the scripters and writers have conquered the dialog problems and with this major hurdle out of the way the stage looks set to nail the dialogs once and for all. Good work guys!
  • There are a few surprises in the works, but I really shouldn’t tease you with these now, lets just say some of the team is putting a little something, something together.
Until next month, this is wasteland news signing off.</blockquote>We also got a new image to look at:
and here's a small screenshot too :)
Like the artwork. Very profesh.

That screenshot could easily be straight from vanilla Fallout, though. Ain't you got one with something different in it? ;)
Stevie D said:
That screenshot could easily be straight from vanilla Fallout, though. Ain't you got one with something different in it? ;)

what's vanilla Fallout?
OMG what great art...and that screenshot...I must play it when they finish!

Cant congratulate you guys enough on going this far.

The Vault Dweller
The 'demo' is really just a test build with the other towns removed, so its good for us to use it for testing anyway
Wild_qwerty said:
The 'demo' is really just a test build with the other towns removed, so its good for us to use it for testing anyway

I wouldnt play a demo for a game that looks this good. It would only spoil it for when I play the whole thing! That and get me hopelessly addicted yet unable to get my fix.

:) ,
The Vault Dweller
We need to do the demo in order to finish . . If we can´t manage it, we have no hope of managing the real deal. Plus, I think it will be the first mod release with an all original city with quests etc. :)

Oh, and thanks for the positive feedback!
Jebus said:
Wasn't there supposed to be a demo like, months ago?

Yupp, till we decided we wanted perfecton before a buggued relese. We are now instead of a demo with lmited quests gonna relese a part. This way we will have the devotion to finish the game and not abandon it like so many other mod teams.
Well, we are still basically going to release the same demo, same city .. But as Snake said, with lots of bugs fixed and other sorts of improvements like ambient music by Eimink. The build we were about to release was far from being a truly enjoyable experience, being more like a tech demo.
I guess it's a good screenshot if it looks like it came straight out of vanilla Fallout. If it's a Fallout-themed mod it SHOULD look and feel like Fallout, IMO.
Talking of vanilla...
There is a certain amount of vla that can be considered too much vla. I think I've reached that.


Ashmo said:
Talking of vanilla...
There is a certain amount of vla that can be considered too much vla. I think I've reached that.



umh Torr no understand