Muammar Gaddafi and Battlefield 3 gameplay.

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO

So. It actually looks interesting.


Though they said they didnt wanted to go for 128 players per side because it didnt "feelt fun" even if they could use that as limit so they simply went with 64 people max 32 per side. Why not let the players decide. :eyebrow:

I bet it wasnt funn because of "small maps".
Considering what currently happens in Libya its a litttttttle too early/late for Gaddafi jokes.

As for Battlefield 3. I'm undecided at the moment.
Battlefield 3 will no doubt be fun, but they need to realise that rather than awesome new unlockables or beautifully sculpted meshes and textures, all they really need to improve on are some of the basic accessibility and gameplay issues.

Would be nice to:
- be able to add the server you're playing on to your favourites
- review the servers you have been playing on
- see the scores at any point
- see the kill/death history at any point
- see friend list at any point, also what servers they're playing on and details for those servers
- see all team/squad member's class at any point
- be able to chat/type during map load (the 2 seconds after a match are hardly enough time to type anything more than "gg")
- remove flashing server messages from the crosshair area
- remove language filtering
- remove arbitrary messages from chat area ("X needs to learn how to shoot!")

^ You will notice that none of those involve better graphics or any major engine overhaul. You'd also think someone would have thought about implementing those things long time ago, especially since Battlefield is not a new franchise. But alas, no. Perhaps efforts have been made, but AFAIK all of the above points are still an issue in Bad Company 2.
C2B said:
Considering what currently happens in Libya its a litttttttle too early/late for Gaddafi jokes.

Oh lighten up.

As far as Battlefield 3, is it going to be more consoleish or a throw back to the larger scale maps of 42? I have not been following it so I don't know.
SkuLL said:
Would be nice to:
- <s>be able to add the server you're playing on to your favourites</s>
- <s>review the servers you have been playing on</s>
- <s>see the scores at any point</s>
- see the kill/death history at any point
- see friend list at any point, also what servers they're playing on and details for those servers
- see all team/squad member's class at any point
- be able to chat/type during map load (the 2 seconds after a match are hardly enough time to type anything more than "gg")
- remove flashing server messages from the crosshair area
- remove language filtering
- remove arbitrary messages from chat area ("X needs to learn how to shoot!")
The striked through things are already fixed in BFBC2. The last three points are dependant on the server as far as I've seen. Not all servers I've played on have those things.*

*Disclaimer: I've only ever played BFBC2, so can't compare with the true Battlefield games.
Crni Vuk said:
C2B said:
Eh what now is it to early or to late . Maybe it is south-north from here ? Sheesh people. Just lough about it. Or forget it :P

Too early because the worst part isn't over. Too late because it already escaleted. For short: Currently there is one hell of a civil war crime happening in Libya.

Hey, I make fun of him too but I personally don't think half the jokes about historys biggest nutjobs are as funny while they are doing their biggest crimes.

Anyway, it was just a remark. :P
There is no "war crime". It's just a label created for political reasons. There's just war, and war never changes.

On topic, BFBC2 was OK but I didn't get to try much of its multiplayer. Not a huge fan of "realistic" shooters anyway, so not all that excited for BF3. I do sometimes wish they stayed with historical warfare instead of going modern though - a remake of BF1942 on a modern engine would be pimp. Still, BF has been consistently a solid shooter franchise (except for 2142 which ended up being sorta meh), so I'm sure this one will be decent, too.
Bal-Sagoth said:
C2B said:
Considering what currently happens in Libya its a litttttttle too early/late for Gaddafi jokes.

Oh lighten up.

As far as Battlefield 3, is it going to be more consoleish or a throw back to the larger scale maps of 42? I have not been following it so I don't know.

Ah, the good old days of '42...

How I missed then, I've found Battelfield 2, 2142, Bad Company and the rest in between uterelly unappealing.

[ ]'s
clercqer said:
SkuLL said:
Would be nice to:
- <s>be able to add the server you're playing on to your favourites</s>
- <s>review the servers you have been playing on</s>
- <s>see the scores at any point</s>
- see the kill/death history at any point
- see friend list at any point, also what servers they're playing on and details for those servers
- see all team/squad member's class at any point
- be able to chat/type during map load (the 2 seconds after a match are hardly enough time to type anything more than "gg")
- remove flashing server messages from the crosshair area
- remove language filtering
- remove arbitrary messages from chat area ("X needs to learn how to shoot!")
The striked through things are already fixed in BFBC2. The last three points are dependant on the server as far as I've seen. Not all servers I've played on have those things.
First point: How do I do that? There isn't any link to the server browser unless you quit the game you're currently playing (AFAIK). I would very much like to be able to do that, because once I've (rage)quit the server there's almost no chance I will find the server again (see second point).
Second point: It's there as a feature, but it doesn't always work (almost never for me). 'History' just shows some random servers I've played on weeks ago.
Third point: Doesn't always work for me ('Tab' to view scores that is). Like when you're in the squad/class selection menu or spectating after death (IMO the two periods when you would most likely wanna see the scores).

The server-side things are indeed server-side, but it is coded in so that those messages (like "We're losing, fight harder!") to show up in a specific sized font (massive) and in the middle of your screen. The server can choose what they will say or when, but that doesn't change the fact that they are horribly designed by the developers.

Again, those 'issues' are what others would mostly call nitpicking, but in my eyes they're inexcusable for a franchise that's released so many titles already and should know how online gaming works...

C2B said:
Considering what currently happens in Libya its a litttttttle too early/late for Gaddafi jokes.
No. But it's definitely too early/late for rubbish jokes that are not even funny, like that video. It was rubbish.
C2B said:
Anyway, it was just a remark. :P
Ahm ok. Very contradicting remark. But ok.

What ever. Just dont mention it anymore ok. It was just a stupid silly joke to get attention. Nothing more nothing less.
From a German article I know they mentioned 64 players as maximum as they "observed" that the maps are best with around 50 or so players. Though I think that really depends on the map and type of gameplay.
The original 'Battlefield: Bad Company' was one of the best FPS games(both SP and MP) I have ever played.
This one looks nice and will be a great game. No doubt about that, but just like BF: BC 2 it will be focused mostly on MP.
Crni Vuk said:
I bet it wasnt funn because of "small maps".
Exactly. Project Reality found out when testing an experimental 128 p server that even their 4 sq km maps were a bit too small with so many players.
the great thing about mods and independ developers is that they try to push the limits in very interesting ways though. Red Orchestra was a WW2 modification for Unreal 2.5 (Or as most know it Unreal 2k4). They started with the standart of 32 people and pushed it to 50 with a few modification of the net-code. It worked with maps designed for it. But small urban maps ... it ended many times in chaos and grenade spam and such.

Now the developers have their own company and will release soon Red Orchestra 2 for the Unreal Engine 3. This time it will support right away 64 people. And they have at least in theory a great idea how to manage that with maps. It is basicaly that with less people maps get "cut" and with more people they open up and get biger. I am not sure but I think a few games had similar things (maybe even the one or other BF game).

Why could they not simply allow 128 people (if it is so easily possible as the Battlefield 3 guys say ...) and design the maps in the same way. More people. Biger map. Less people. Smaller map. So you had both worlds and a much more diversive gameplay.
Yup, Red Orchestra 2 looks pretty awesome, I'll probably pre-order it. Something tells me I'll like it more than BF3.
well it definitely will be a lot more realistic then BF3. If they go the same way as RO1 it sure will not be a simulation but you will not see such stuff like dolphin diving or other crap. Though I heard the vehicles will have a lot of changes. So that you can even jam the turret or such stuff. Killing the loader of the enemy tank will decreasing greatly the reload speed.
They're adding prone in.

Also, reading this thread reminds me of how horrible the BF2 server browser was. Worse even, trying to get into the same game with friends.

I'm cautiously optimistic.