Music, Ambience, Soundeffects and the like

There is no FOnline: 2238 OST. What you have is the TLA (The Life After) OST.
The URL itself is ...

EDIT: Oh okay. I assumed it was the same game, I didn't realize there was literally two versions of a Fallout MMO using the same engine :crazy: :crazy:

FOnline, though not the official Fallout Online that is being made by Interplay, this is a game made by a Russian group.
The game runs on an engine based off the Fallout 2 engine and is an MMORPG. At the moment, Online Beta Test 3 is open. The client consists of two FOnline games; FOnline: The Life After and FOnline: 2238.
By now there are a few more MMOs based on the FOnline engine in development.