Must have?


First time out of the vault
Hey guys,

I am just discovering No Mutants Allowed. I already used the must have fixt mod for Fallout 1 and had a blast.
Is there something equivalent for Fallout Tactics? I am about to play the game, so I was wondering.

Thanks a lot!
Not exactly, but you may enjoy my FOT Redux mod. It's one of the few published mods to address the regular game, as by tradition most FOT modders are much more interested in making their own worlds from scratch. In any case, my mod fixes many bugs in the game, and makes combat much tougher-- but even on a first playthrough you may not notice the latter, as the regular unmodded game is ridiculously easy. More info is also available here.
Both links seem to go to same site for download, which can no longer be even resolved (domain doesn't point anywhere, but haven't expired, so I guess intentional).
Comments on NMA download page seem to suggest that it's a recent issue.

Is it available on any other location maybe?

It's kinda funny, but Internet Archive has a download page, but not the file itself, apparently, which still points to, which is no more ;(
--Nevermind, I think I've found FOT Redoux standalone and adapted for Mod Launcher on moddb.--
--Probably can't post a link though, due to being a neophite, but friendly neighbor Mod Launcher thread can get one there.--

EDIT: Nope, my bad, the one on moddb is a completely different thing, just the name is confusingly similar.

EDIT 2: And nope, there is the right one there, just called "Redux" not "Tactics Redux".
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Yes, people need to be very cautious when downloading from the websites and There's some charlatan douchebag on both sites who seems to be intentionally trying to deceive people by naming some silly little thing he made with the same title as my mod. Whether he just wants attention, or whether he thinks it's funny to confuse innocent people into wasting their time I don't know, but either way just be aware what you're downloading and make sure you're getting what you want.

I studied this fraudulently named "mod," and in a download of 22 megabytes with over 1500 files, only 256 files (1.4 mb) are something this fellow might possibly have edited, the rest are just 100 percent original game files. Seriously, he just flat-out repackaged unchanged files from the original game and called it his "mod." He's even got some movies (100 percent unmodified) in there. Whether all this was from some attempt at padding to make people think he did all kinds of work, or whether he's just too ignorant to understand how to make a zip file, who can say. In the case of the 256 files that were in fact edited or changed in some way, for example one is a text file with ONE WORD changed from the original.

Now we might say all this is an innocent mistake, but if you note in the guy's comments section that when RobertHouse suggested he change the name of his project he refused. If the guy was sincere rather than up to no good, he surely would have said "Gosh, sorry. I just didn't realize I named my trivial, mostly plagiarized fileset with the same title as one of the most popular Fallout Tactics mods in history. I'll change the name to something else, because that's the right thing to do."

Everyone should be clear on the point that all this has absolutely nothing to do with RobertHouse, who has the simple and admirable goal of just trying to archive everything ever made for Fallout Tactics, regardless of what it is-- or isn't.

For those looking to get my mod Fallout Tactics Redux via modlaucher, the correct links are:

Manual install.
Automated install.

You'll also have to download the Mod Launcher base files (the program itself).

Mod Launcher is easy to use, but if for some reason you had a compatibility issue or didn't want to use it you could download the "manual install" version of FOT Redux, unzip the download, and just move the files into the right spot in your game directory.
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I'm re-re-uploading everything for the Mod Launcher, I'll make sure people know what they are downloading... ;)
Indeed it's a bit sad that better availability can deceive like that.

I did start the game with the mod and it looks kinda awesome - very polished and content-rich, from the very first bunker.
Thank you Endocore for the work you put into this.


On a loosely related, mostly irrelevant but a lighter note - Internet Arcive actually has the original archive of the mod.

I did look through their "Strategy X/4" archive logs initally, and it wasn't there, despite Fallout Tactics dir in the 2/4.
But there were also "daily uploads" archives like "AtomicGamer_120615", where 14G one for the mod upload date (clearly visible on archived page) had "userUploaded.98271" file, corresponding to "files/98271/fallout-tactics-redux-v1-1" from the link.
As I did forget to cancel that torrent, now looked inside tar and "userUploaded.98271" seem to be "FOT-Redux-v11.7z", matching size and md5sum for that file as displayed on the archived page exactly.

Already using the version that RobertHouse uploaded though (thanks, btw!), so not that important, but shows that not as much gets lost on the internet as google search would make one believe, as well as awesomeness of Jason Scott's flock, of course.
Palpat hi lowly newbie welcome to our community,you may serve it by posting some replies or topics.
Before you play it,look on walkthroughs on missions.
So, I.. spoke.. with the author of the fraudulent Redux, and he's renamed his "mod". Not sure what to, and his account is private, so keep a look out for something like 'Tactics: Redux mark II' or the like..

According to him, he's just a complete idiot who can't organize a .zip file, and never bothered to research any other FoT mods before creating his own.. "mod." Adding my own two cents, his username is Lacedeamonius, a renown Greek general of the 300BC era; methinks he has a perchance for taking the names and titles of those more accomplished than himself. Dude does seems half-ass intelligent, but he gives off equally strong narcissist-vibes, and that's Ma's not-so-secret recipe for most sub-types of liars.

Anywho, shouldn't be anymore confusion.. yaay..!
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Hi there!
Thanks for all the answers. I'm now deep in Fallout Tactics and quite lost with all the weapons in the reduxmod.
I would like to find the mod, but both links up are dead.

Is there some list of new names for the weapons, as I would like to compare with the ones in the fallout wiki.
