Yes, people need to be very cautious when downloading from the websites and There's some charlatan douchebag on both sites who seems to be intentionally trying to deceive people by naming some silly little thing he made with the same title as my mod. Whether he just wants attention, or whether he thinks it's funny to confuse innocent people into wasting their time I don't know, but either way just be aware what you're downloading and make sure you're getting what you want.
I studied this fraudulently named "mod," and in a download of 22 megabytes with over 1500 files, only 256 files (1.4 mb) are something this fellow
might possibly have edited, the rest are just 100 percent original game files. Seriously, he just flat-out repackaged unchanged files from the original game and called it his "mod." He's even got some movies (100 percent unmodified) in there. Whether all this was from some attempt at padding to make people think he did all kinds of work, or whether he's just too ignorant to understand how to make a zip file, who can say. In the case of the 256 files that were in fact edited or changed in some way, for example one is a text file with ONE WORD changed from the original.
Now we might say all this is an innocent mistake, but if you note in the guy's comments section that when RobertHouse suggested he change the name of his project he refused. If the guy was sincere rather than up to no good, he surely would have said "Gosh, sorry. I just didn't realize I named my trivial, mostly plagiarized fileset with the same title as one of the most popular Fallout Tactics mods in history. I'll change the name to something else, because that's the right thing to do."
Everyone should be clear on the point that all this has absolutely nothing to do with RobertHouse, who has the simple and admirable goal of just trying to archive everything ever made for Fallout Tactics, regardless of what it is-- or isn't.
For those looking to get my mod Fallout Tactics Redux via modlaucher, the correct links are:
Manual install.
Automated install.
You'll also have to download the
Mod Launcher base files (the program itself).
Mod Launcher is easy to use, but if for some reason you had a compatibility issue or didn't want to use it you could download the "manual install" version of FOT Redux, unzip the download, and just move the files into the right spot in your game directory.