Mutants, Ghouls, Deathclaws, Robots and the rest in FO3

I personally think the talking deathclaws were a very good idea, they added a nice flair to the game.... those creatures are pretty cool from the start, and not just having to mow them over with a chaingun gave them a more important role in the game.

Ghouls, hell yea. Harold forever, and his tree, of course, too (ever wonder if the thing actually grows *into* his head?).

Wanamingos! NOO! Leave them out, they didnt really fit into Fallout.

Super Mutants make nice cannon fodder. Or human ballistic shields. Like Marcus.
well personally i liked the idea of talking deathclaws how the enclave need cheap soldiers with some intelligence so they could follow orders but not enough to know they were slaves and injecting the fev virus but rather than becoming bigger and stupid they became intelligent and of course they were playing the enclave as fools :o

as for the enclave well i dont think they should be in fo3 in force but it would be funny to come upon a band of mutants that were once enclave soldiers boy would the president love that :P

wanimingos/aliens=plain sillyness

supermutants/ghouls what is fallout without them :)

BoS no thanks been there done that got the scars
obviously ghouls and Mutants

I don't care too much about how intelligent the DCs are (tho I prefer them not to be as intelligent as a human or human like species) but please please please let them be restored to their former glory as the Terror of the Wastes.

I'd like a few Mr. Handy type robots around, falling apart but still mostly functional.

BoS and Enclave - wouldn't mind remnants here and there but one of the things I liked about FO2 was how the Brotherhood was on its way out; makes perfect sense for such an isolationist, xenophobic society.

On a slightly related note - I would like there to be no PowerArmor available for the PC at all. God I am sick to freaking death of PA.
And sweet jebus no vertibirds

wanamingos always seemd to me to be in there to make up for the way that deathclaws were included in FO2. restore Deathclaws to their ass-kicking glory and wanamingos are pointless; and yeah they were ass-silly.

no aliens. I'll say it again because it is important - no. freaking. aliens.
Weren't the Wanamingo's just irradiated critters like the deathclaws? I can't remember which NPC in F2 said they were aliens, but I always took it as them infering it from the wanamingo's strange appearance and the vertibird sightings, which they thoughts were UFO's. I didn't think they were a bad addition, as long as it's clear that they are just mutations and not aliens.

Deathclaws back to animal intelligence, maybe with Goris making an appearance as a recluse somewhere. Deathclaws were great in F1, not very fearsome in F2.'s my view
Supermutants and ghouls: they have to be in the game..the game would'nt be the same

Aliens: they were rather silly..I don't count the wanamingo in as an alien

Deathclaws: I don't think that they should be intelligent apart from that one brood that the Enclave experimented with. Though I seriously doubt that they will be in F3 anyways. Deathclaws should be tougher than in F2..they should be the terror of the wastes! Something that you should be very afraid of.

Enclave: no they have already been dealt with:)

Brotherhood of steel: yes definetly...the game would'nt be the same without them.

Wanamingos: I think they were cool..they were just some mutated something..misstaken for aliens for some reasons. Some people just don't like them because the wanamingos probably kicked their ass!