Mutants Rising Easter 2011 press release


But best title ever!
Our friends of the team behind the upcoming mod, Mutants Rising, have issued another update on the development of the mod. Since it's relatively brief, here it is in its entirety:
<blockquote>Damn, it’s Easter, see how the time flies. Well, we’re here to say that we’re still alive and no, we’re not finished yet.

Actually, we have made several important decisions for the benefit of the game, but to the detriment of the release date. Most notably, we have restored an entire location that was already slated for the expansion pack, back into the vanilla game. The town was cut back when the team consisted of around 3 active members. Now we have more members and it is imperative that this town is brought back to life. Also, we have decided that despite the third makeover, the initial town of Elko wasn't up to our expectations and have scrapped it completely. Constant updating and adapting have ruined the nature of Elko, so it was easier to start from zero. Elko is now being remade with entirely new maps, new dialogue, new design and new scripts (as well as some shiny new art). We are proud to say that it is much truer to the spirit of Fallout than it has ever been (For the first time ever the whole team is happy with the town and we will NEVER touch it again). Finally, we are working extensively on Las Vegas’ design to make it shine in its own MR way, which will be much different from Obsidian’s New Vegas’ allure.

Of other news, we are very happy to share with you our take on the famous ‘War. War never changes.' line. The cutscene was made by our fellow modder, a full-time member of the EC: Paris TC mod, you know him, you love him, Aguirre. Voice over was provided by Brian Sfinas aka Cunningandvalor, who also did voice work on several of our Talking Head NPCs. We also have a new, stunning world map created by .Pixote. the Awesome and some cool ending screens.

Eyecandy aside, we would like to emphasise that our primary goal is to create a fun gaming experience faithful to the spirit of Fallout and that means we have also been working hard on our scripting and writing. To illustrate this, we’re presenting you with this less-known side of our project (yeah, we were late for April’s Fools).</blockquote> And some screenshots from the dialogue editor:

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Lexx said:
The video is really very good looking.

The funny thing is - that's not the correct video - that's an earlier version, the latest looks much better...but the amount of writing involved in this thing is very impressive. My hat goes off to those guys. :salute:
Here's the updated video. In fact, I didn't realise we had its HD version :oops:

Liked it! Although I'm really really sick of hearing "War never changes". Was this reallly necessary? :|
Surf Solar said:
Liked it! Although I'm really really sick of hearing "War never changes". Was this reallly necessary? :|
Fallout intro. Fallout intro never changes.
Surf Solar said:
Liked it! Although I'm really really sick of hearing "War never changes". Was this reallly necessary? :|

MR is an old school mod, so it was kinda inevitable. You can always skip the opening video and come across "Life in XXXX is about to change" in the next one! :lol:
jaw dropped

I hope this project is the stepping stone to a professional avenue of game design for these guys keeping the integrity of the old school.
jaw dropped

I hope this project is the stepping stone to a professional avenue of game design for these guys keeping the integrity of the old school.

Sadly no, at least not for me. :D I'm a chemist by trade... but fallout modding is fun.

We appreciate the support.
Chris Parks said:
Sadly no, at least not for me. :D I'm a chemist by trade... but fallout modding is fun.

Did you finally finish university Chris?

This mod is probably one of the only surviving original mods from years back, I'm kind of bummed I'm not really a memeber now days (was single when I joined, now married with kids, so dont have much time. maybe this mod has been in the works for a long time now).

Anyway, I'm outclassed by the guys on the team now days. You guys are doing a great job and I'm really proud of you all :clap:

*EDIT* back in the day we were so desperate for writers even I picked up the keyboard for a few dialogues.
Did you finally finish university Chris?

Yep - am now doing a PhD in theoretical molecular modelling and organometallic catalysis.

This mod is probably one of the only surviving original mods from years back, I'm kind of bummed I'm not really a memeber now days (was single when I joined, now married with kids, so dont have much time. maybe this mod has been in the works for a long time now).

Yep - it has dragged on a bit... maybe if we stopped putting things back in that were took out. :lol:
Chris Parks said:
Yep - am now doing a PhD in theoretical molecular modelling and organometallic catalysis.

ohh... Just say 'rocket science' so the rest of us can understand you :)
Great intro guys. It's great to see an old-school Fallout mod still in action after FMF died. I'm really looking forward to this.

Keep doing what you guys do. :)
Liked the intro. It did gave me the fallouty feeling alright!

greet work!

I liked the voice over but it could have be somewhat lauder compared to the music?
Thanks for the kind words about my voice acting guys! Additionally, if there are any other recommendations I'm definitely willing to hear them. I'm a voice actor by trade, so if you think the tones should be more coarse or guttural, I can make it happen. Thanks for supporting the team!
The intro video is really really good! :)
The voice, soundtrack, text and images fit really well together, you guys nailed it!

The only small 2 remarks i have (might be just me tho):

- I dont like the way right after the black "mutants rising" splashscreen, both music and voice click in at the same time with the first image.
(Again imo) it would work out much better if the music or some ambience noise starts first with the splash screen and sets the mood and then with voice kicking in few seconds later with the images.
Or perhaps start with the voice and add music..

- The starting "war never changes" sounds a bit unconvincing the way its said. Maybe change the articulation or do it in a more "commanding" way.
Everything else feels spot on tbh.

Sorry if its nitpicking, but because the video is actually good i wanted to share my thoughts. :)