Mutants Rising Screenies

Somehow screenie number one reminds me on Junktown, #2 on the deathclaw pit by LA Boneyard and #3 of the Vault 15 of FO2.


Yea well, you try making an originall looking fallout map using the exact same tiles and walls.
It isnt easy.
well, I suppose it's good that they reminds of the original fallout...? of course, we're making all new maps, we're not reusing anything :lol:
em.... a little of topic,but why there are no screenshot's of fan made fallout in the screenshot gallery of nma's promising mods?
I hope you weren't thinking that we are dead or sth...
You can find the screenshots we have released here,here and here :)
That one dude in the third screen shot, on the west side of the round table, looks like he's from Tactics. I don't recognize that sprite from the first two (unless he's one of the helmetless paladins from Fallout).
Scrapper said:
That one dude in the third screen shot, on the west side of the round table, looks like he's from Tactics. I don't recognize that sprite from the first two (unless he's one of the helmetless paladins from Fallout).

Its quite possible that it is from FOT, as we converted the FOT critters for use in FO2. We were also looking at using the models from FO1 that were not in FO2. But at a glance I would say it would be one of the r***** models from FOT. The scale is a little different in FOT (I didnt realise until I after I had converted them) but he's huge right? So the scale suit for this character.

If I get some tiem, I'll show tyou soem of the new weapons. Some of the new weapons will be using completely new attack animations. Look here for more information

But I'll stick them here for a quick demo, I have completed and uploaded all of these to NMA except the crossbow

Auto Pistol


Toxic Waste Sprayer



Hand Flamer


Mini Shotgun


Riot Gun


Auto Rocket Launcher




Sorry for the double post, but you cant see the effect on teh black background, you be able to see it here

As pointed out in the modding forum, the "Auto Rocket Launcher" makes no sense.
Well Per, who cares, it´s a mod, let them have some fun.

Although i do prefer the Toxic Waste Sprayer and the Riot Gun, they`re awesome 8)
What's exactly the problem with the crossbow?Since all other animations worked? Anyway great job
I guess that auto-rocket will be fun to splash some muties...
I just added a pistol that will use the 3-shot attack: Beretta M39R automatic. Has its own real sounds too. Corpse did most of the work on this. Will be nice to have an automatic pistol. We also have a 3-shot automatic gauss rifle now.

EDIT: hey that riot gun animation looks freaky. What is the idea or principle behind this weapon? Have you made up a description or story for it?
dude_obj said:
EDIT: hey that riot gun animation looks freaky. What is the idea or principle behind this weapon? Have you made up a description or story for it?

The riot gun was susposed to be a crowd suspression weapon. I was going to make it no lethal, but have the knockback effect of the super sledge hammer. The story was that it was used to control crowds and riots during the war.

It uses the spread effect of the flamer (fire continius on the minigun animation) . As such it would hit multiple targets at close range and knock them across the screen. I couldnt get the knockback perk to work on other waepons besides the supersledge. But i'm not really a mapper so I'm not that good at making protos.
Wild_qwerty said:
I couldnt get the knockback perk to work on other waepons besides the supersledge.

By modifying the obj_dude script, on combat hit succeeded, check if wielding riot gun, if so call timed event on target_obj. Its possible to know where both are (shooter and target), so it might be possible to script movement for the target. Could make it blow the target back 5 hexes and fall down maybe. Bit of a problem with spread effect here though, I don't think that could be scripted.
He, the sprite for the riot gun is cool, in a B-Movieish way. :D

I wonder if it's possible to create weapons that stun or blind?