Mutants Rising update

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
It's been a while since there's been a status update from Mutants Rising, so we were glad to get word from project leader Chris Parks.<blockquote>MR UPDATE JUNE 2008

First things first as they say, the MR team is sorry that we haven't kept you all up to date recently. This is due to two things: we've been very preoccupied with the mod and CP (Team Leader) has finished University for the year. Whilst that may make no sense to you, it means CP no longer has broadband net access, just dial-up. CP is the only one who has access to update the website, so no net means no updates.

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The mod progress has been superb over the last month or so. CP's (Scripter) time left with the project is fast running out so we're pulling together to get things completed. Several large new maps have been finished, two or three loading screens and town maps have been completed, Wild_Qwerty is working on some new critters and Continuum has finished many new pieces of art and is currently working on what we believe is the biggest piece of scenery fallout has ever seen! A couple of old members have also returned and we have about four talking heads in progress. The whole thing is being pulled together script-wise and all things considered, we are about 60% of the way through the game.

If all things go as planned we hope to have a workable version of the game to test and subsequently improve by October. Judging by the number of people we have on the mod and the enthusiasm they are showing, this probably won't be a problem.

In the meantime, here's a couple of screenshots just to keep the appetite up! </blockquote><center>
In game shot of Gallows and more controversial art - the Throne (you should be able to talk with them and kill them if you wish):


Whole walkable pipe (new type of wall and no need to use tiles as roof):


More stuff:


Continuum said:

Nudies - Always a nice touch to any work of art. That throne looks pretty expensive.

Also, the pipe is pretty cool. There's sure to be tons by empty pipes in a post-apocalyptic world for everyone to explore.
TheSHEEEP said:

How many people are working at it, again?

There is a member list section on our website, I think we have about 10 active members, those guys are very active though. Since we had a whole bunch or art guys join up, things have moved along very nicely. We have some seriously talented people in each role.

We could still use some more help. MR is a sure thing in my mind, so your work will actually be released.
Another level of the <s>space</s> graphic race, heh? If so, we're starting to be behind. Yankees ftw?

Cont, you deserting bitch! :twisted:

Also, that loadscreens are funny, a toys, as Lexx already mentioned.
Jesterka said:
Another level of the <s>space</s> graphic race, heh? If so, we're starting to be behind. Yankees ftw?

More like Europeans. I thought you guys still had more new graphics than us anyway? I guess with zero transparency, apart from the public info, it is just like the cold war :twisted:

It was a good day when Continuum joined us, he can make anything we ask of him, I have trouble thinking of ways to challenge him.
Continuum said:
Jesterka said:
Cont, you deserting bitch! :twisted:
Stop acting like a jealous child and left the insults for someone else, Mr. Lizard. It's starting to be annoying little a bit.
Like what?

Oh yeah, the child.

Maybe I've got some reasons.
Makagulfazel said:
Continuum said:

Nudies - Always a nice touch to any work of art. That throne looks pretty expensive.

Also, the pipe is pretty cool. There's sure to be tons by empty pipes in a post-apocalyptic world for everyone to explore.

PIPES!! wow so ..groundbreaking!! thats what that whore gets for having a foursome with all those men and mutants ! hahah

dig the throne nice chicks! and loving the tunnel with the guard robots and the black guy.. asome!!

the loading screenies are a tad bit kiddy... but i love em!

and the bunker thing is great! your all doing quite well!!

tell me if you need any help with the art!