The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
Now as you all know I haven't played an RPG in any form for about a year. In fact for the past three years I've only played a handful. This is, because of the randomly high amount of good non-RPG games I've come across recently and the fact that while there have been about double the worthwhile RPGs released in the past few years than there were in the mid-2000's they are all new enough to make me wait until they're cheaper.
Recently I wanted to play an RPG. I really wanted to finally complete a playthrough of Morrowind (played it two wonderful times, but couldn't stay on the main quest) then try Oblivion. However I felt after coming back to RPGs after such a long time why not do something noteworthy? I thought why not play the whole TES series? I figured I could not only enjoy Morrowind and Oblivion more, but also the previous two games Daggerfall and Arena are free to promote people buying the later games.
So here I've been playing TES: Arena for about two months and have about 35 hours invested in it with only a few hours left. I have to say as a dungeon crawler it's incredible. Huge world with lots of unique locations, enemies, and loot. Best of all it's totally non-linear. I can undertake the main quest, be hired for a mission by the leader of a city to explore a dungeon, escort someone from a tavern across town, or just go outside and wander until I find small random caves/keeps/crypts.
Unfortunately the story leaves much to be desired. The setting while I know from later games to be quite good is very simply represented here. The story is simple. The Emperor is killed and the head Battlemage uses magic to appear as him and rule the continent. The character is guided by the spirit of someone important to find 8 pieces of the Staff of Chaos
which can reveal the Battlemages identity. You find the pieces by exploring two large dungeons for each piece. One for the piece and the other either for a map or some item that someone requires before you're told the location of the actual staff part. Each piece found leads to a cutscene where you're hinted where the next part is and also the villain taunts you in your dreams later on sending strong enemies to fight you when you awake.
I loved the large world and non-linearity, but about 3/4 the way through I pretty much wasn't finding any better equipment or new enemies just larger amounts of money (which I can't find anything to spend it on) and groups of the most powerful monsters instead of new ones. I'm glad I'll be done soon.
I'll post my thoughts on the ending when I complete it most likely today or tomorrow. Just one dungeon left.
Also for those of you who play it does anyone find it lame (in a sell-out sort of way) that they have "whores" standing outside the taverns dressed slutty and hinting at sexual stuff? I mean come on as long as there's no action to be taken (and even if there was it better be story related) that seems pathetic to try to include that just for sex appeal.
The Vault Dweller
Recently I wanted to play an RPG. I really wanted to finally complete a playthrough of Morrowind (played it two wonderful times, but couldn't stay on the main quest) then try Oblivion. However I felt after coming back to RPGs after such a long time why not do something noteworthy? I thought why not play the whole TES series? I figured I could not only enjoy Morrowind and Oblivion more, but also the previous two games Daggerfall and Arena are free to promote people buying the later games.
So here I've been playing TES: Arena for about two months and have about 35 hours invested in it with only a few hours left. I have to say as a dungeon crawler it's incredible. Huge world with lots of unique locations, enemies, and loot. Best of all it's totally non-linear. I can undertake the main quest, be hired for a mission by the leader of a city to explore a dungeon, escort someone from a tavern across town, or just go outside and wander until I find small random caves/keeps/crypts.
Unfortunately the story leaves much to be desired. The setting while I know from later games to be quite good is very simply represented here. The story is simple. The Emperor is killed and the head Battlemage uses magic to appear as him and rule the continent. The character is guided by the spirit of someone important to find 8 pieces of the Staff of Chaos

I loved the large world and non-linearity, but about 3/4 the way through I pretty much wasn't finding any better equipment or new enemies just larger amounts of money (which I can't find anything to spend it on) and groups of the most powerful monsters instead of new ones. I'm glad I'll be done soon.
I'll post my thoughts on the ending when I complete it most likely today or tomorrow. Just one dungeon left.
Also for those of you who play it does anyone find it lame (in a sell-out sort of way) that they have "whores" standing outside the taverns dressed slutty and hinting at sexual stuff? I mean come on as long as there's no action to be taken (and even if there was it better be story related) that seems pathetic to try to include that just for sex appeal.
The Vault Dweller