My Brotherhood Snusbox:


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Crosspost from the Order:

I present to you, the Brotherhood Snusbox - an artifact of the modern world, forged in the finest steel by a Dwarven smith in the darkest Northlands of Sweden. Or at least it was by someone who's seen pictures of dwarfs and lives a couple of miles north of my city. Anyway, I got it for christmas by my two brothers and didn't want to brag about it until I had any pictures, or, you know, it wouldn't have happened.






+1 Awesomeness is me!
Impressively groovy, with a small drop of radical greatness. You, sir Luke, have won one free internet.
That should be turned into a graphic and included in a quest somewhere. That's pretty damn cool.
Hmm, the ideea and the image are great, though i don't think the object is so great. I would do that to a lighter or a knife. Great idea though...
Snus rules!

As I've mentioned in the Order, my elder brother also got one. But, if you don't like snus, you might prefer the object my kid brother got from his girlfriend, ordered from and crafted by the same duder who made the snus boxes. My kid bro got a pocket flask, for holding booze, with the BoS logo engraved on the side. Purely awesome.

I'll try to score some pics of that flask next time I see my kid brother, but he lives far away so it might take a while. The delay will only give it time to become battered, like a true Fallout artifact.
That is truly badass as stated before, but yes... I agree with some people here, Snus do suck, I'd rather smoke! (Oh wait I do..)

However it smells great when my dad opens up the Snus box while we watch movies togheter :P
Luke said:
I'll try to score some pics of that flask next time I see my kid brother, but he lives far away so it might take a while. The delay will only give it time to become battered, like a true Fallout artifact.
dude! no excuses! pics! now!

walk all the way if you have to!
Luke said:
My kid bro got a pocket flask, for holding booze, with the BoS logo engraved on the side.

That would be pretty damn cool. I always wanted a hip flask.

Alcoholics go to meetings. I'm just a drunk. :mrgreen:
That is one of the most coolest things I've ever seen!!!
who cares if you like Snus or not, if you have anything with the BoS logo on it you're a pal o' mine! (except if you just buy a lighter of flask and put a sticker or something like that on it, that's gay)
Nice. More than nice, actually.

Could you kindly ask your two brothers how much this item set them back? I'm considering something similar and I'm on a tight budget.
Luke said:
Snus rules!
A friend of mine puked several times over several hours because some crazy swede offered him one of those. :mrgreen:

But, yeah, it looks great.
Stock said:
Nice. More than nice, actually.

Could you kindly ask your two brothers how much this item set them back? I'm considering something similar and I'm on a tight budget.

It was about 43€, or 400 SEK. I'll dig up the company website and post, they do all sorts of customized stuff.

Buxmaum666 said:
A friend of mine puked several times over several hours because some crazy swede offered him one of those.
Hehe, yer, well, you gotto get used to it with some milder versions before you can hit the hard stuff. (Unless you're Wooz - I sent him a box of the good stuff and he used it up like there was no tomorrow.) I'm guessing your pal was offered a 'hardcore' snus, though. I've done that to several people, Swedes and non-Swedes, and most of them have felt really, really bad.
Luke said:
Stock said:
Nice. More than nice, actually.

Could you kindly ask your two brothers how much this item set them back? I'm considering something similar and I'm on a tight budget.

It was about 43€, or 400 SEK. I'll dig up the company website and post, they do all sorts of customized stuff.

Buxmaum666 said:
A friend of mine puked several times over several hours because some crazy swede offered him one of those.
Hehe, yer, well, you gotto get used to it with some milder versions before you can hit the hard stuff. (Unless you're Wooz - I sent him a box of the good stuff and he used it up like there was no tomorrow.) I'm guessing your pal was offered a 'hardcore' snus, though. I've done that to several people, Swedes and non-Swedes, and most of them have felt really, really bad.

Yup, one of you Snus basterds offered me that back in .. 7an in School? I puked all over the school toilet, and the next day there was a sign at the door saying "U-R funktion" :clap:

(Basicly a sign saying out of order..)
SuAside said:
Uh.. Er...

BUMP! (Just like the first post of this thread, this is a cross-post from The Order.)

Sorry for the gravedig, but I haven't gotten any imagery of the flask I was talking about until now. I see now that the original pics of the snusbox have been lost to the oblivion that lies beyond the interweb, but there is naught I can do about it as I seem to have lost them from my drive ='(. I still have the snusbox, obviousy, but no camera. My kid bro shot this film, as it is he who owns the flask. He doesn't use snus, you see, so when me and my elder brother, who does use snus, each got a snusbox - the kid bro got a flask instead, so we would all have an engraved Brotherhood of Steel Artefact.

This BoS standard issue flask is used by soldiers in battle who require that extra 'punch' to their perception that only alcochol can offer. (It's also very useful to offer alcohol to foes before you steal from them or shoot them in the eyes, depending on your preference of gameplay.)

While cool. It just feels like one of those things that needa look like plastic. And White and blue. I dunno. That may just be Fallout 1 imagery haunting me.