My experience roleplaying in Fallout 4.

I roleplayed a guy who didn't care about his child and killed him on the first go because he had enough of Institute and its stupidity then I was stuck in the damn place and unistalled. The say the ghosts of my character still haunts the place cursing bethesda and every player that comes near it.

I tried roleplaying as a bad guy but my character commited suicide due to "another settlements need our help" syndrome and weird sickness that makes too many characters essential.
In case you're wondering why you can't roleplay in Fallout 4:
"I like what we’ve done with the dialogue system… and having played Fallout 3 again recently I keep, in Fallout 4 when I’m playing, I keep hitting the button to leave dialogue. I keep forgetting, ‘Oh, I can just walk away’. I don’t have to wait for this guy to stop talking’. And now I’m playing other stuff, where there’s dialogue and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, I wish I could just walk away’. Because I don’t have the attention span for long dialogue!" - Pete Hines

As you can see, it's because the developers "don't have the attention span" for dialogue. So they just took that pesky little aspect out of the game.

It's a game made by casuals for casuals.
It's hard to argue with somebody who has been lied to about what 'roleplaying' means. Some re-education is in order, I think.

Here LanguidLeo, I have some homework for you. I want you to download two games and play them for me, Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Don't worry, they're both free.

Take note that you can be anything from a goblin to a termite man in DF, and you can kill anyone you want. You can kill the whole starting village if you wish without breaking the simulation. Or, you can sing ribald poetry and get drunk in an Inn, and learn about the current problems of the world. And in Cataclysm, note how people can either be killed for their resources, or befriended, and their little quests become adventures unto themselves. Notice how neither have an arrow pointing you where to go, and expect you to just figure it out with your wits or die trying.

Those are roleplaying games in pure form. Those games are what all roleplaying games should aspire to. Go play those, and then come back here and say to my face Fallout 4 gives you 'freedom' one more time with a straight face. I dare you!
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It's hard to argue with somebody who has been lied to about what 'roleplaying' means. Some re-education is in order, I think.

Here LanguidLeo, I have some homework for you. I want you to download two games and play them for me, Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Don't worry, they're both free.

Take note that you can be anything from a goblin to a termite man in DF, and you can kill anyone you want. You can kill the whole starting village if you wish without breaking the simulation. Or, you can sing ribald poetry and get drunk in an Inn, and learn about the current problems of the world. And in Cataclysm, note how people can either be killed for their resources, or befriended, and their little quests become adventures unto themselves. Notice how neither have an arrow pointing you where to go, and expect you to just figure it out with your wits or die trying.

Those are roleplaying games in pure form. Those games are what all roleplaying games should aspire to. Go play those, and then come back here and say to my face Fallout 4 gives you 'freedom' one more time with a straight face. I dare you!
After playing Fallout 4 I went back and played New Vegas again and doing that will show you exactly how idiotic, lazy, and dumbed down Fallout 4 really is.

Fallout 4 makes Fallout 3 look like a masterpiece of RPGs.
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It's hard to argue with somebody who has been lied to about what 'roleplaying' means. Some re-education is in order, I think.

Here LanguidLeo, I have some homework for you. I want you to download two games and play them for me, Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Don't worry, they're both free.

Take note that you can be anything from a goblin to a termite man in DF, and you can kill anyone you want. You can kill the whole starting village if you wish without breaking the simulation. Or, you can sing ribald poetry and get drunk in an Inn, and learn about the current problems of the world. And in Cataclysm, note how people can either be killed for their resources, or befriended, and their little quests become adventures unto themselves. Notice how neither have an arrow pointing you where to go, and expect you to just figure it out with your wits or die trying.

Those are roleplaying games in pure form. Those games are what all roleplaying games should aspire to. Go play those, and then come back here and say to my face Fallout 4 gives you 'freedom' one more time with a straight face. I dare you!
Dude don't make it personal. I know what role playing is. I was a DM playing 2nd ed. Adnd for years. I played FO2 when it was a new game. My go to games in my youth were always RPGs.

In fact, I played so many RPGs so often, that role playing in games became second nature to me.

Now, just because I CAN role play in FO4 doesn't mean I think it's a good Rpg. On the contrary, I wouldn't call FO3 or 4 RPGs at all. They're action games with a levelling system, just like tons of other games claiming to be RPGs that really aren't.

That said, if I stumble across those games while I'm looking for something new to enjoy, I'd check them out, for sure.
Don't worry, I'm not. Just busting your balls and keeping NMA's rep up. Sorry, first post and a positive outlook on 4? That's a paddlin'. They did it to me on my first post, it's like Fight Club that way. :)

In total honesty? I really like what you did to Preston, that's really funny. I just lol'ing / groaning over here at the fact that Fallout 4's systems are so weak that it'll let you put a die hard resistance fighter like him in that position.

Hope you enjoy the game recommendations, and welcome to the forums.
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At this point, only a modder adding in some new starting points and a blank slat could help, but I don't think anyone's going to have the patience or time for that.

I really want to make a few characters, with fleshed-out backstories of my own creation, and yet I cannot. At this point, I just wait for the next DLC to release, try and remember the controls, play it for a little bit, and then set it down until the next dlc release. Compare that to my two playthroughs of Fallout 3, or my thirty or more playthroughs of New Vegas. Fallout 4? Once.
I couldn't finish fo4. I gave up at lvl 13. Never picked it up again. There wasn't enough dialogue. Wasn't enough new creatures. There wasn't enough new music. There wasn't enough fallout. There wasn't enough good lore. Add all those factors to a shitty game and it was a no go for me.
I couldn't finish fo4. I gave up at lvl 13. Never picked it up again. There wasn't enough dialogue. Wasn't enough new creatures. There wasn't enough new music. There wasn't enough fallout. There wasn't enough good lore. Add all those factors to a shitty game and it was a no go for me.
I endured it for almost 200 hours because I refused to let it be bad. I was determined to make it be good somehow. You know how the fanboys are: "If you don't play the game long enough, you don't know it's bad but if you do play the game, then you must like it."

Why 200 hours? I actually started a second playthrough because the male protagonist was so bad I couldn't stop cringing and quitting the game. So I did the female protagonist and while her voice acting was not nearly as cringe-inducing the lines were still awful because the writers are so bad. Voiced protagonists in Fallout and dialogue wheel were the first signs this game was going to be a dumbed down mess.

But no, even after looking that deep into the game, it was a total lazy cash grab dumbed down for the most casual of gamers that definitely did not take 7 years to develop and was definitely not made for Fallout fans.

Then I tried playing New Vegas again, and now I can't even be bothered to return to Fallout 4 because it's so shallow and awful by comparison.
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I endured it for almost 200 hours because I refused to let it be bad. I was determined to make it be good somehow. You know how the fanboys are: "If you don't play the game long enough, you don't know it's bad but if you do play the game, then you must like it."

Props to you for giving a game you were pretty sure you wouldn't like a chance like that!

I know how it is, my bro begged me to play Destiny and I got to the first light level but it felt tedious the whole way thru.

And I tried to play Dark Souls 3 under his and many others recommendations, but I really didn't enjoy anything about it at all (wasn't even the difficulty so much, just no connection to the world for me)

The female protagonist is much better, I'd have to say, 3/4 characters have been as her. Maybe it's easier to disassociate and see her, a woman, in that story and world, because I'm a guy. I play the guy and I can't identify at all because he is nothing like me.
At this point, only a modder adding in some new starting points and a blank slate could help, but I don't think anyone's going to have the patience or time for that.

I was busy all last week engineering a way to utilize GitHub and an open contribution policy so something like that might be possible.

One person making a whole new main quest? No. A small team? Unlikely that it'll take less than ten years. But if every contributor on the nexus were able to pitch in a nickel of their time into the pot? Maybe ...

It all just hinges on Skyrim's Merge Plugins utility getting updated to Fallout 4 this century, if ever.

My tools! I need to have my tools!
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And I tried to play Dark Souls 3 under his and many others recommendations, but I really didn't enjoy anything about it at all (wasn't even the difficulty so much, just no connection to the world for me)
Sorry for derailing a bit, but have you tried Dark Souls 1? There's another reason why Dark Souls 3 kind of disappointing even to the most hardcore fans. Basically, it wasn't about the difficulty, but the formula's just worn down, heck even From Software's probably tired using the formula again and again. Dark Souls 1 had stronger worldbuilding, you should try that if you haven't.
"killall" in the console does wonders for roleplaying, especially in diamond city.

i cant believe that it's supposed to be the most populated town when your settlements can become more populated and cramped. it isn't plausible that everyone is simply "away" since the whole premise of the city is staying safely within its walls. they could have easily put utility elevators with guards that the player cant actually access that take residents down into cramped underground bunker like residences, dorms, etc made out of discovered abandoned infrastructure from excavations in the city's history. makeshift vents popping out of the outfield, etc. this all could have suggested an area where far more lower stands residents could have lived in very concentrated accommodations and make it much more plausible as a functioning central town that the institute would even take interest in. as it is it's completely implausible--was the town hit by an illness wiping out 95% of its population or something? nope, nothing.
My opinion of failout4 is if you ignore those pesky moments, the game is a great 'what I wish I could do and get away with' simulator. I wont lie, I enjoyed the fuck out of it, logged in over 500 hours and so such. But that was playing it how I wanted to, a good 490 hours were me walking around, building my cities, and exploring, which honestly, is the only good thing about this game.

I started a survival play, and for RP it works wonders, till you hit those pesky "mah baby" snags in the speech, but hey, maybe I'm just a retodd. With the camping mod, I felt a little more like a person in the wasteland, I hunted for food, cooked my water, and normally tried to avoid fights as bullets be expensive yo! And because of this, a lot of my battles became more memorable. But again that was a week ago before I moved, and since then my desire to play 4 has plummeted, THANK THE GODS FOR STEAM SHARING, so I didnt have to shell out 100 doll hairs for this turd, albiet a fun turd.